Italian C++ Conference 2018

A full day of C++ in Italy, June 23, 2018 / University "Bicocca", in Milan.

Italian C++ Conference 2018

Keynote Speaker:

Peter Sommerlad, Director of IFS Institute for Software


An event organized by the Italian C++ Community.

Sponsors: Bloomberg, JFrog/CONANJetBrains, Aresys, KDAB, Recognition Robotics, Sigeo


International attendees are welcome: most of the talks are in English.


In a nutshell

The Italian C++ Conference 2018 aims to be a forum for exchanging experiences using the C++ language. The event consists of 11 tech sessions and more than 3 hours of networking.


Who should attend the Italian C++ Conference 2018?

This event is made by passionate C++ professionals for C++ professionals, students and enthusiasts.


What can I find at the Italian C++ Conference 2018?

The agenda consists of 1x90-min keynote8x50-min tech talks and 2x20-min short tech talks.

More than 3 hours allocated for networking. Sponsors area.

You can refer to the detailed program for more information.


When does the Italian C++ Conference 2018 take place?

The event will be held on June 23, 2017 at the University "Bicocca", in Milan.

Check-in at 8.30 AM. The event starts at 9.30 AM and will last for a full day.


Who supports this event?

Sponsors: Bloomberg, JFrog/CONANJetBrains, Aresys, KDAB, Recognition Robotics, Sigeo

Get in touch if you want to sponsor the event


Do I need to register?

The Italian C++ Conference 2018 is free, but you must register to facilitate the organization of the event. You can register here.

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