C++ Static Analysis using Clang -- Ehsan Akhgari

How to write/use C++ static analyzer using Clang.

C++ Static Analysis using Clang

by Ehsan Akhgari

From the article:

Large code bases typically develop rules around how various code constructs should be used.  These rules help eliminate bugs resulting from common mistakes.  C++ gives programmers a good amount of power over enforcing such rules using the facilities that the language provides.  As a simple example, if you have a class that should not be inherited from, you can mark the class as final.

Typically one finds themselves in a situation where the language doesn’t provide an easy way to enforcey something.  In that case, the solution is typically enforcing the rules through documentation, code review, etc.  Besides the obvious downside of people making mistakes when checking for these rules, detecting violations of the some rules may be completely impractical.

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