How Much Should You Pay Your Enginners? (Infographic) -- Cheyenne Richards


We take all published measurements with a grain of salt, but we weight in favor of those based on interview data -- it's more difficult to gather, but far more accurate, than those based on heuristics applied to automated web search queries.

How Much Should You Pay Your Enginners? (Infographic)

by Cheyenne Richards

Hat tip to Kira M. Newman reporting at tech.coFrom Newman's intro:

Today, Startup Compass released the results of a global survey of engineers that provides a wealth of information about startup salaries -- including the highest-paying programming languages.

Published as “How Much Should You Pay Your Engineers?,” the results are based on a study of Startup Compass members plus data pulled from oDesk, Elance, Toptal, Glassdoor, AngelList, and Payscale...

One conclusion from the data, that resonates with C++ hiring managers: There is no oversupply of capable C++ developers.

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