A software design principle: Don’t make me use your design -- Diego Rodríguez-Losada

Developing code in C++ for robotics, I often faced the problem of communicating via serial port with a robot, a sensor or any other device. C and C++ are languages supposedly very close to hardware. Furthermore, they are the most common and oldest mainstream programming languages out there. So communicating over a serial port in a portable way should be straightforward.

A software design principle: Don’t make me use your design

by Diego Rodríguez-Losada

From the article:

I have seen the pattern described in the article a few times in C and C++ projects, but very rarely in other languages (at least those that I have used more as java and python) and I believe there is a reason, not directly related to software design for it: the lack of a widely used dependency manager. And no, OS package managers, installers and so, are not enough to solve this problem. Even if the authors of these libraries decide to decouple the functionality of the SerialPort basic wrapper in their design, there is little gain in it, users should still manually extract those files and integrate them in their projects, which doesn’t sound as reasonable engineering and will produce, for sure, maintenance problems and lack of updates. It is really unlikely that the authors will decide to create a separate project/library for the SerialPort, it is more effort not only to do it in the short term, but also to maintain and work with it in the mid and long terms. So developers just roll out their designs, and fill the functionality in it as required. I’ve done it so many times too...

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