Masking a Class in Boost.Graph -- Vadim Androsov

Here's an experience report about using Boost's graph support in an existing game app, with some notes about Boost Concepts:

Masking a Class in Boost Graph. Part 1: Let the Interface Be

Masking a Class in Boost Graph. Part 2: Completing the Implementation of Concept Support

by Vadim Androsov

From the articles:

I had to rebuild a pathfinding algorithm for our game recently. The previous one (Boost Concepts) was bad as any sidestep was dangerous. So I wanted to take a ready algorithm from a good source. That’s exactly when I remembered about boost as there’s functionality for working with graphs. Unfortunately “find a function, call it and everything will work” approach wasn’t meant to be realized. The library is focused on the maximum use flexibility which has badly affected its simplicity. But it’s better than creating it from scratch (then fixing it). I didn’t want to bother with other libraries, while boost has already been used in the project. ...

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