C++ User Group Meetings in March

The montly overview about C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in March 2014

by Jens Weller

From the Article:

The full list of all meetings in march:

10.3 C++ UG Malmö, Sweden - C++folk/ C++11 Lightning talks
10.3 C++ UG Philadelphia - boost spirit
12.3 C++ UG San Francisco/Bayarea - Fun with Lamdas: C++14 Style
13.3 C++ UG Lyon, France
13.3 C++ UG Dresden - building Compilers in C++
17.3 C++ UG Belgium - Whats new in C++14
17.3 C++ UG London
17.3 C++ UG NRW/Dortmund
17.3 C++ UG Denver - C++11 Standard
18.3 C++ UG Berlin - Peter Gottschling - Matrix Template Library
18.3 C++ UG Hamburg
19.3 C++ UG NRW/Düsseldorf - Exception Safety guarantees in C++
19.3 C++ UG North West/Seattle - C++17: I see a monad in your future
20.3 C++ UG Munich - C++ IO Streams
25.3 C++ UG Chicago seems like they need a location!
27.3 C++ UG New York - C++14

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