Quick Q: What do braces mean as a function argument? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: Something cool and convenient -- you can construct a temporary variable of the parameter type without having to repeat the type.

From SO:

C++ 11 Curly Braces

I haven't used C++ for a good few years, and have just come across this:

program.build({ default_device })

The definition is:

cl_int build(
    const VECTOR_CLASS<Device>& devices,
    const char* options = NULL,
    void (CL_CALLBACK * notifyFptr)(cl_program, void *) = NULL,
    void* data = NULL) const

What are the curly braces there for? I have never seen them used in a function call like this before. I assume it has something to do with the function pointer, but that seems optional?

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