An interesting parallel: Pixar and C++ philosophy

As a considerable portion of the C++ world’s writership and readership is taking holiday, a less technical thought:

Isn’t there an interesting parallel between these two quotes taken from interviews with industry luminaries?

From an interview with Ed Catmull (President of Pixar):

The notion that you’re trying to control the process and prevent error screws things up. We all know the saying it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And everyone knows that, but I think there is a corollary: if everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up. It’s better to fix problems than to prevent them. And the natural tendency for managers is to try and prevent error and over-plan things.

From an interview with Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++):

I do not consider it the job of a programming language to be “secure.” Security is a systems property and a language that is – among other things – a systems programming language cannot provide that by itself. C++ offers protection against errors, rather than protection against deliberate violation of rules. C++11 is better at that than C++98, but the repeated failures of languages that did promise security (e.g. Java), demonstrates that C++’s more modest promises are reasonable. Unfortunately, “we” have built an infrastructure with weak interfaces, poor hardware protection, and a maze of complex communication protocols that seriously complicates security, but that’s not for any individual language or even for all programming languages to solve. Trying to address security problems by having every programmer in every language insert the right run-time checks in the code is expensive and doomed to failure.

Hat tip to Daring Fireball.

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