New paper: N3631, C11: The New C Standard -- Tom Plum

Note: Both this paper by Tom Plum and the other just posted by Bjarne Stroustrup refer to prior published articles about C and C++ compatibility. The reason for drawing attention to that information is that C and C++ compatibility is now expected to be discussed at next week's ISO C++ meeting in Bristol. For an example why this discussion is taking place now, see paper N3557 section 7, which raises the question of compatibility between C and C++ for parallelism, including that pressure from C choices affects our design choices for C++ as well.

However, the C++ committee's focus at Bristol is still on working toward a Committee Draft ballot for C++14. This C/C++ compatibility discussion is expected to take place late in the meeting when the technical work for C++ in general and C++14 in particular is complete.


A new WG21 paper is available. A copy is linked below, and the paper will also appear in the next normal WG21 mailing. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N3631

Date: 2013-04-09

C11: The New C Standard

by Tom Plum

Excerpt, including explaining why the above title is not a link:

This material was originally published in a series of articles in Dr. Dobb’s ( and is reprinted here, with permission, for use by C++ committee members. Outside the committee, please refer to readers to the following links, rather than distributing this document. (Copyright 2012 Dr. Dobb’s) (C11 overview, concurrency, etc.) (C11 security, Annex K, Annex L) (Alignment, Unicode, ease‐of‐use features, C++ compatibility)

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