New paper: N3587, For Loop Exit Strategies -- Alan Talbot

A new WG21 paper is available. A copy is linked below, and the paper will also appear in the next normal WG21 mailing. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N3587

Date: 2013-03-17

For Loop Exit Strategies

by Alan Talbot


This proposal suggests an enhancement to for iteration statements to allow the programmer to specify separate blocks of code that execute on completion of a for loop; one for normal termi-nation (when the loop condition is no longer met) and the other for early termination (when the loop is exited with a break). This feature would be especially useful in range-based for statements.

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mmocny said on Mar 19, 2013 12:05 PM:

I would love to see a comparison to library based solutions to this problem:

forEach(range, body, onsuccess, onerror) // onerror called on early exit

where body has a signature like "bool(T element, size_t index)" // return means "should_break"

This type of library solution could also be written to support a "between" callable (called between loop bodies, but not before first/after last element) etc. I'm not sure I see sufficient evidence of langage solution, especially given the amazing stuff happening with lambdas becoming easier to use.
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bkuhns said on Mar 19, 2013 12:45 PM:

And this (considering mmocny's comments) is exactly why the range-base for syntax should have never been accepted in favor of making for_each(v, [](auto el) do_something(el)); possible.
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Greg Marr said on Mar 20, 2013 11:17 AM:

bkuhns, that wouldn't help here. There's still a need for a way to exit early. What you ask is actually possible though, as long as you don't need the std:: on the front of it:

[div class="codeblock"] template<typename Ctypename FF for_each(&collF pFunc)
    using std
using std::end;
std::for_each(begin(coll), end(coll), pFunc));

"I would love to see a comparison to library based solutions to this problem:"

This is just off the top of my head, I haven't actually used this, and I'm on the fence whether this should be considered an abuse of find_if:

[div class="codeblock"] template<typename Ctypename F>
auto find_if(&collF pFunc) -> decltype(std::begin(coll))
return(std::find_if(std::begin(coll), std::end(coll), pFunc));

    auto last 
find_if(c[&](Foo const &v) -> bool

last == std::end(c))

or if you want it all in a single function:

[div class="codeblock"] template<typename Ctypename Ptypename Ntypename E>
void for_each_extended(&collP predN normalE early)
    auto i 
== std::end(coll))

(c[&](Foo const &v) -> bool
[&]() { something(); },
[&](Foo const &v{ something_else(v); }); 

"especially given the amazing stuff happening with lambdas becoming easier to use."

If I understand the proposed lambda changes correctly, that would give us this:

[div class="codeblock"] for_each_extended(c[](auto v)
[] something(),
[](auto vsomething_else(v)); 
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mmocny said on Mar 20, 2013 12:08 PM:

@Greg Marr I love what you've provided, and is entirely along the lines of what I was thinking. This would be a great addition to the standard library, especially if ranges are accepted.
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bkuhns said on Mar 20, 2013 07:02 PM:

@Greg Marr, nice implementation. Notice your final example using the proposed lambda syntax could be a parameter overload to the small example I gave. Had we focused on making lambdas and the std algorithms more terse for C++11 rather than going with range-based for, the OP proposal would be very different. It would be asking for a library extension rather than a language one.

I believe Herb Sutter mentions in his talk, "Lambdas, Lambdas Everywhere", that he would have preferred a concise std::for_each() syntax over range-based for. No idea if he still feels that way, but this proposal seems to be a good example of the consequences.