visual studio

MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.5 and 15.3--Gratian Lup

An update on the significant progress the Visual C++ code optimizer made in the past year, focused mostly on the features released in the 15.3 and 15.5 versions:

MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.5 and 15.3

by Gratian Lup

From the article:

Compared to VS2015 Update 3, VS2017 15.5 provides on average an 8.9% increase in runtime speed in the SPEC 2017 benchmark..

C++ Core Check improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.5--Sergiy Oryekhov

In Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 4 the team has refreshed the C++ Core Guidelines Check extension for native code static analysis tools:

C++ Core Check improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.5

by Sergiy Oryekhov

From the article:

Most of the work since 15.3 has been focused on new rules that will help developers starting new projects write safer C++ and those with legacy projects move toward safer, modern C++...

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.4 Released--John Montgomery

Good news from the Visual Studio blog:

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.4 Released

by John Montgomery

Notable C++ development highlights:

You can now use CMake for Linux C++ development in Visual Studio, which allows you to use CMake based projects that target Windows, Linux, or both. Simply open a folder with your CMake project, select Linux as your target and upon connecting to your Linux machine your sources are synchronized for you. Once the CMake cache generation is complete you’ll have full IntelliSense for your project and targets for building, running and debugging within Visual Studio. In addition to CMake support for Linux C++ development, with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4 Preview you can now benefit from CMake version 3.9 and improved support for projects with multiple CMakeLists.

Windows Application Packaging Project: In Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4, you will get the first peek at a new project template that enables Windows desktop apps created with .NET or C++ to be packaged inside an .appx package for easier distribution via side-loading or submission to the Microsoft Store. These templates work for both new Windows desktop projects, as well as for existing projects.

Two-phase name lookup support comes to MSVC--Andrew Pardoe

What two-phase name lookup entails, what’s currently implemented in MSVC, and how to make effective use of MSVC’s partial but substantial support for two-phase name lookup:

Two-phase name lookup support comes to MSVC

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

“Two-phase name lookup” is an informal term that refers to a set of rules governing the resolution of names used in a template declaration...

Visual Studio extensions for C++ developers in Visual Studio 2017--Adam Welch

Several Visual Studio extensions that can make your life better as a C++ developer:

Visual Studio extensions for C++ developers in Visual Studio 2017

by Adam Welch

From the article:

In this blogpost we want to highlight several Visual Studio extensions that can make your life better as a C++ developer if you’re using Visual Studio 2017 or considering upgrading...