
Core C++, 4 of N: Virtual Functions -- Stephan T. Lavavej

Core C++, 4 of N: Virtual Functions -- Stephan T. Lavavej

Stephan T. Lavavej, aka STL, will take us on a journey of discovery within the exciting world of Core C++. We know lots of folks are either coming back to C++, coming to C++, or have never left C++. This lecture series, in n parts, is for all of you! Only STL can make that work (novice, intermediate, and advanced all bundled together and presented in a way only STL can do).

In part 4, Stephan teaches us about Virtual Functions. In parts 1-3, we learned about compile-time constructs. Now, we enter the realm of runtime. STL spends some time discussing inheritance and a bit about access control.

Tune in. Learn.