
What's So Hard About Class Types as Non-type Template Parameters? -- Barry Revzin

revzin200930.pngPreviously, I tried to answer the question: what’s so hard about constexpr allocation?. Today, we continue what will become a series of posts about attempting to explain the issues behind a bunch of hard problems we’re trying to solve. The next problem: class types as non-type template parameters.

What's So Hard About Class Types as Non-type Template Parameters?

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

Before C++20, the only types you could use as non-type template parameters were scalar types (like int and enums, but not floating point), pointers (including pointers-to-members), and references. Notably, not class types.

Floating point types were also added in C++20.

The hard question about handling class types is: how do you determine template argument equivalence? Class types can define their own equality. But you don’t really want to rely on that, since now matching specializations becomes a quadratic problem — you can’t really do much when determining the instantiation for some template f<x> other than looping through every other value vi to see if x == vi.

The other problem is we need == to really be strong enough. One very easy problem to run into in this space is violating the One Definition Rule (ODR). One essential, core requirement for templates is that instantiating the same template with the same arguments has to yield the same code.


Highlighting the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024

Meeting C++ offers free online and onsite tickets through their student and support programs. This is supported through the ticket sales for Meeting C++ 2024.

Highlighting the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Like every year, I'd like to point towards the programs for those that can't afford to pay for a ticket for Meeting C++ 2024.

And let me start with thanking those that enable these programs through their ticket buying: the attendees and sponsors of Meeting C++ 2024! With the schedule published, I'd like to highlight the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024. For a few years now Meeting C++ has hosted programs to give students, underrepresented folks and those who can't afford a ticket access to the conference.

This year for the first time you can choose to register either for onsite or online for these programs. A limited amount of tickets for Berlin will be available, depending on the ticket sale in October. So incase you registered for onsite but are not chosen for a ticket, then you'll have a chance to an online ticket...

Trip report: C++ On Sea 2024 -- Sandor Dargo

logo.pngC++ On Sea took place in Folkestone again in February this year. Sandor Dargo shares an overview of his favourite talks and some emergent ideas.

Trip report: C++ On Sea 2024

by Sandor Dargo

From the article:

Last week, between the 3rd and 5th of July, I had the privilege of attending and presenting at C++ on Sea 2024 [CPPoS-1] for the 5th time in a row! I’m grateful that the organizers accepted me not simply as a speaker, but that they granted me a double slot to deliver a half-day workshop about how to reduce the size of a binary. I’m also thankful for my management that they gave me the time to go to Folkestone and share our knowledge on binary size. Last but not least, great thanks goes to my wife, who took care of the kids alone that week.

Let me share with you a few thoughts about the conference.

First, I’m going to write about the 3 talks that I liked the most during the 3 days, then I’m going to share 3 interesting ideas I heard about and then I’m going to share some personal impressions about the conference.

IoT Development with POCO C++ libraries and macchinaio

Recently Günter Obiltschnig from the POCO Project gave a talk about IoT Development with POCO C++ libraries and macchinaio at a by sponsored Meetup of Meeting C++ online.

IoT Development with POCO C++ libraries and macchinaio

by Günter Obiltschnig

Chapter Videos:

POCO C++ Libraries overview overview

Projects using POCO C++ Libaries and in the real world

Q&A with Günter Obiltschnig after the talk

In an Atomic World -- Lucian Radu Teodorescu

logo.pngAtomics form a relatively low level, but fundamental part of sharing data across threads. Lucian Radu Teodorescu reminds us what atomics are and how and when to use them.

In an Atomic World

by Lucian Radu Teodorescu

From the article:

We often discuss mutexes as the basic building blocks of concurrency. However, there are more fundamental concepts upon which concurrent programs and synchronization primitives are constructed. The C++ language defines a memory model, which describes how programs behave when multiple threads are involved. Additionally, C++ introduces atomic operations that serve as foundation for working with data across threads, ensuring both safety and performance. The goal of C++ atomics is to closely align with the hardware and eliminate the need for lower-level operations that must work across threads.

The topic of atomics is often overlooked, and the prevailing advice is to avoid them. While this advice is generally sound, there are occasions when we need to use atomics to fully leverage the language’s capabilities. This article aims to give atomics the attention they deserve, as they have yet to be featured in an Overload article.

The subject of atomics is extensive. For a comprehensive exploration, readers are encouraged to consult books by Anthony Williams [Williams19] and Mara Bos [Bos23]. While the Bos book primarily focuses on Rust, there is still much to be learned about atomics for C++ programmers. The reader can also consider for a quick reference to the atomics library [cppreference-1] In this article, we will examine various memory ordering models and illustrate their usage through simplified practical examples.

2024-09 Mailing Available

The 2024-09 mailing of new standards papers is now available.


WG21 Number Title Author Document Date Mailing Date Previous Version Subgroup
N4990 Business Plan and Convener's Report Herb Sutter 2024-08-26 2024-09   All of WG21
P0472R2 Put std::monostate in <utility> David Sankel 2024-09-09 2024-09 P0472R1 LEWG Library Evolution
P1030R7 std::filesystem::path_view Niall Douglas 2024-09-06 2024-09 P1030R6 LEWG Library Evolution
P1061R9 Structured Bindings can introduce a Pack Barry Revzin 2024-08-24 2024-09 P1061R8 CWG Core
P2019R7 Thread attributes Corentin Jabot 2024-09-16 2024-09 P2019R6 LWG Library
P2287R3 Designated-initializers for base classes Barry Revzin 2024-09-09 2024-09 P2287R2 EWG Evolution
P2319R1 Prevent path presentation problems Victor Zverovich 2024-09-14 2024-09 P2319R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P2688R2 Pattern Matching: `match` Expression Michael Park 2024-09-17 2024-09 P2688R1 EWG Evolution
P2786R7 Trivial Relocatability For C++26 Mungo Gill 2024-09-17 2024-09 P2786R6 EWG Evolution,LEWG Library Evolution
P2835R5 Expose std::atomic_ref's object address Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi 2024-09-02 2024-09 P2835R4 LEWG Library Evolution
P2835R6 Expose std::atomic_ref's object address Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi 2024-09-03 2024-09 P2835R5 LEWG Library Evolution,LWG Library
P2841R4 Concept and variable-template template-parameters Corentin Jabot 2024-09-14 2024-09 P2841R3 CWG Core
P2846R3 reserve_hint: Eagerly reserving memory for not-quite-sized lazy ranges Corentin Jabot 2024-09-14 2024-09 P2846R2 LEWG Library Evolution
P2879R0 Proposal of std::dump Andrew Tomazos 2024-09-17 2024-09   LEWGI SG18: LEWG Incubator,SG20 Education
P2945R1 Additional format specifiers for time_point Barry Revzin 2024-09-09 2024-09 P2945R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P2988R7 std::optional<T&> Steve Downey 2024-09-10 2024-09 P2988R6 LEWG Library Evolution,LWG Library
P3016R4 Resolve inconsistencies in begin/end for valarray and braced initializer lists Arthur O'Dwyer 2024-09-14 2024-09 P3016R3 LWG Library
P3019R9 Vocabulary Types for Composite Class Design Jonathan Coe 2024-09-15 2024-09 P3019R8 LEWG Library Evolution,LWG Library
P3037R3 constexpr std::shared_ptr Paul Keir 2024-09-03 2024-09 P3037R2 LEWG Library Evolution
P3074R4 trivial unions (was std::uninitialized<T>) Barry Revzin 2024-09-09 2024-09 P3074R3 EWG Evolution
P3096R3 Function Parameter Reflection in Reflection for C++26 Adam Lach 2024-09-15 2024-09 P3096R2 EWG Evolution,LEWG Library Evolution
P3128R1 Graph Library: Algorithms   2024-09-12 2024-09 P3128R0 SG14 Low Latency,SG19 Machine Learning
P3128R2 Graph Library: Algorithms   2024-09-12 2024-09 P3128R1 SG14 Low Latency,SG19 Machine Learning
P3210R2 A Postcondition *is* a Pattern Match Andrew Tomazos 2024-09-09 2024-09 P3210R1 SG21 Contracts,EWG Evolution
P3245R2 Allow `[[nodiscard]]` in type alias declarations Xavier Bonaventura 2024-09-15 2024-09 P3245R1 EWGI SG17: EWG Incubator
P3248R2 Require [u]intptr_t Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi 2024-09-06 2024-09 P3248R1 EWG Evolution,LEWG Library Evolution
P3290R2 Integrating Existing Assertions With Contracts Joshua Berne 2024-09-06 2024-09 P3290R1 SG21 Contracts,EWG Evolution
P3295R1 Freestanding constexpr containers and constexpr exception types Ben Craig 2024-09-15 2024-09 P3295R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P3299R1 Range constructors for std::simd Daniel Towner 2024-09-16 2024-09 P3299R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P3309R2 constexpr atomic and atomic_ref Hana Dusíková 2024-08-29 2024-09 P3309R1 LEWG Library Evolution
P3335R1 Structured Core Options René Ferdinand Rivera Morell 2024-09-17 2024-09 P3335R0 SG15 Tooling
P3371R1 Fix C++26 by making the rank-1, rank-2, rank-k, and rank-2k updates consistent with the BLAS Mark Hoemmen 2024-09-14 2024-09 P3371R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P3372R1 constexpr containers and adapters Hana Dusíková 2024-09-17 2024-09 P3372R0 LEWG Library Evolution
P3375R0 Reproducible floating-point results Guy Davidson 2024-09-10 2024-09   SG6 Numerics,SG14 Low Latency,LEWG Library Evolution
P3379R0 Constrain std::expected equality operators Jonathan Wakely 2024-08-27 2024-09   LEWG Library Evolution
P3380R0 Extending support for class types as non-type template parameters Barry Revzin 2024-09-09 2024-09   EWG Evolution
P3381R0 Syntax for Reflection Barry Revzin 2024-09-16 2024-09   EWG Evolution
P3382R0 Coarse clocks and resolutions Antony Polukhin 2024-08-28 2024-09   LEWGI SG18: LEWG Incubator,LEWG Library Evolution,LWG Library
P3383R0 Stephan Lachnit 2024-09-04 2024-09   LEWGI SG18: LEWG Incubator
P3384R0 __COUNTER__ Jeremy Rifkin 2024-09-05 2024-09   EWG Evolution
P3385R0 Attributes reflection Aurelien Cassagnes 2024-09-16 2024-09   SG7 Reflection
P3388R0 When Do You Know connect Doesn't Throw? Robert Leahy 2024-09-10 2024-09   LEWG Library Evolution
P3389R0 Of Operation States and Their Lifetimes (LEWG Presentation 2024-09-10) Robert Leahy 2024-09-10 2024-09   LEWG Library Evolution
P3390R0 Safe C++ Sean Baxter 2024-09-11 2024-09   SG23 Safety and Security
P3391R0 constexpr std::format Barry Revzin 2024-09-12 2024-09   LEWG Library Evolution
P3392R0 Do not promise support for function syntax of operators Corentin Jabot 2024-09-14 2024-09   LEWG Library Evolution
P3396R0 std::execution wording fixes Lewis Baker 2024-09-16 2024-09   LWG Library
P3397R0 Clarify requirements on extended floating point types Hans Boehm 2024-09-16 2024-09   SG6 Numerics
P3398R0 User specified type decay Bengt Gustafsson 2024-09-17 2024-09   EWGI SG17: EWG Incubator
P3401R0 Enrich Creation Functions for the Pointer-Semantics-Based Polymorphism Library - Proxy Tian Liao 2024-09-17 2024-09   LEWGI SG18: LEWG Incubator,LEWG Library Evolution
P3402R0 A Safety Profile Verifying Class Initialization Marc-André Laverdière 2024-09-17 2024-09   SG23 Safety and Security

Meeting C++ 2024: the online track is complete

The last part of the program for Meeting C++ 2024 is now ready: the online track.

The online track for Meeting C++ 2024 is complete!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

With this the program for Meeting C++ 2024 is now complete! The online track features 11 talks and will be prerecorded publically in October.

The talks of the online track are:

Temporarily Dropping a Lock: The Anti-lock Pattern -- Raymond Chen

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgIn C++, it's common to use RAII types like std::lock_guard to manage synchronization primitives, ensuring a lock is acquired at object creation and released at destruction. However, a less common but useful pattern is the "anti-lock," which temporarily releases a lock and reacquires it later, useful in scenarios where you need to drop a lock while performing certain operations, like calling out to other components to avoid deadlocks.

Temporarily Dropping a Lock: The Anti-lock Pattern

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

There is a common pattern in C++ of using an RAII type to manage a synchronization primitive. There are different versions of this, but they all have the same basic pattern:

  • Creating the object from a synchronization object: Locks the synchronization object.
  • Destructing the object: Unlocks the synchronization object.

These types go by various names, like std::lock_guardstd::unique_lock, or std::coped_lock, and specific libraries may have versions for their own types, such as C++/WinRT’s winrt::slim_lock_guard and WIL’s wil::rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit (which you thankfully never actually write out; just use auto).

One thing that is missing from most standard libraries, however, is the anti-lock.

The idea of the anti-lock is that it counteracts an active lock.

CopperSpice: Template Design With Policy Classes

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

Template Design With Policy Classes

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

We have a new C++ video which discusses Policy Based Design and compares it to other styles of programming. Do you know which design pattern policy based programming solves? Have you considered the benefits of a design which provides a solution at compile time versus run time? Are you using policies and maybe you had no idea they had a name?

Please take a look and remember to subscribe.

Reflection-based JSON in C++ at Gigabytes per Second -- Daniel Lemire

portrait2018.jpgJSON is a widely-used format for data exchange, but in C++, handling JSON efficiently can be challenging. While current solutions like simdjson offer high-speed processing, upcoming features in C++26, such as powerful reflection, promise to simplify and accelerate the serialization and deserialization of JSON, making it both faster and more convenient for developers.

Reflection-based JSON in C++ at Gigabytes per Second

by Daniel Lemire

From the article:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular format for storing and transmitting data. It uses human-readable text to represent structured data in the form of attribute–value pairs and arrays. E.g., {"age":5, "name":"Daniel", toys:["wooden dog", "little car"]}. Ingesting and producing JSON documents can be a performance bottleneck. Thankfully, a few JSON parsers such as simdjson have shown that we can process JSON at high speeds, reaching gigabytes per second.

However, producing and ingesting JSON data can remain a chore in C++. The programmer often needs to address potential errors such as unexpected content.

Yet, often, the programmer only needs to map the content to and from a native C/C++ data structure.