
Implementing Trivial Relocation in Library -- Barry Revzin

TPWGDVRj_400x400.jpgOne of the reasons that I’m excited for Reflection in C++ is that it can permit you to implement, as a library, many things that previously required language features. In this post, I’m going to walk through implementing P2786R8 (“Trivial Relocatability For C++26”).

Implementing Trivial Relocation in Library

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

The goal here is not to say that the design is right or wrong (although the syntax certainly is suspect), but rather to show the kinds of things that reflection can solve.

We’ll just go straight to the wording and translate it into code as we go:

Trivially Relocatable Types

Scalar types, trivially relocatable class types (11.2 [class.prop]), arrays of such types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called trivially relocatable types.

This sure sounds like a type trait! Except in the world of reflection, those are just functions. How would we implement such a thing? We could start by doing this:

consteval auto is_trivially_relocatable(std::meta::info type)
    -> bool
    type = type_remove_cv(type);

    return type_is_scalar(type)
        or (type_is_array(type)
            and is_trivially_relocatable(
        or is_trivially_relocatable_class_type(type);

This is a fairly literal translation, where is_trivially_relocatable_class_type is something to be written shortly. But one interesting thing about the type_remove_all_extents type trait (i.e. std::remove_all_extents) is that it also works for non-array types, just returning back the same type. 

The Publish Pattern -- Lucian Radu Teodorescu

logo.pngHow do you minimise locking between producers and consumers? Lucian Radu Teodorescu describes a common, but currently undocumented, design pattern. Design patterns can help us reason about code. They are like algorithms that are vaguely defined in the code. Once we recognise a pattern, we can easily draw conclusions about the behaviour of the code without looking at all the parts. Patterns also help us when designing software; they are known solutions to common problems.

In this article, we describe a concurrency pattern that can’t be found directly in any listing of concurrency patterns, and yet, it appears (in one way or another) in many codebases. It is useful when we have producers and consumers that run continuously, and we want to minimise the locking between them.

The Publish Pattern

by Lucian Radu Teodorescu

From the article:

Let’s say we have an open-world game. As the player walks through the world, we load the data corresponding to the regions around the player. We have two types of workloads in our scenario: one for loading the data and another for displaying the loaded data. For the sake of our discussion, let’s say that each of these two activities is bound to a thread.

The problem we are trying to solve is how to structure the passing of data (let’s call this document) from the loading thread (producer) to the rendering thread (consumer). This is analogous to the classical producer-consumer problem [Wikipedia-1], but it has some interesting twists. Let’s try to outline the requirements of the problem:

  • (R1) The producer is constantly producing new versions of the document.
  • (R2) The consumer is constantly consuming document data.
  • (R3) The consumer will use the latest version of the document.

Please note that we are discussing multiple versions of the document. In our example, the loading thread will produce different documents depending on the position of the player, and the rendering thread will display the latest document, corresponding to the player’s most recent position.


Standard C++ Foundation Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2024

FY2024 Annual Report – Standard C++ Foundation

(fiscal year ending 2024-06-30)



This fiscal year FY2024 from 2023-07-01 to 2024-06-30. Although most of the Foundation’s work is done virtually, the pandemic did affect some of our prominent operations in 2020 through 2022. CppCon 2023 and 2024 have now been successfully held normally again fully on-site, and the pandemic's effects are now fully behind us.

As in every recent year, the majority of funds received and spent in FY2024 were from running CppCon.

As we came out of the pandemic, per our financial assistance policy the Foundation resumed spending on supporting in-person ISO C++ standardization. When the ISO C++ committee (WG21) resumed holding in-person meetings, with online Zoom participation, the pandemic had "spilled the pipeline" of planned hosts; the Standard C++ Foundation was instrumental in keeping WG21 meetings going, by paying in whole or in part for hosting three of the first four post-pandemic WG21 meetings, two of which fell into FY2023 and one of which will fell into FY2024. The Foundation will again host a WG21 meeting in November 2025 (FY 2026).

During FY2024, the Foundation again provided financial travel assistance to expert participants whose ISO C++ proposals had been encouraged by WG21 but who would not otherwise have been able to attend to progress their proposals; however, because WG21 meetings are now hybrid, participants who are able to present their papers remotely do not need travel assistance to attend the meeting.

Thank you very much once again to the Foundation's members and all the CppCon attendees and sponsors! Your support directly enables the Foundation to be able to pay for these ISO meetings and support ISO participants from around the world.


Every year, the Foundation runs the CppCon conference, which is currently the largest C++ conference in the world. Since its inception in 2014, a goal for CppCon has been to help raise the bar for all C++ sister conferences. In our inaugural conference in 2014, we were the first C++ conference we know of to professionally record all talks and panels using a paid film crew, and make the videos available for free to everyone in the world; since then, several other conferences have followed suit, including that some have used the same video production company CppCon uses (Bash Films, which we can highly recommend). In each year since, we have continued to strive to add features, most recently professional in-room live captioning in 2019.

CppCon 2023 was held in October 2023, and CppCon 2024 in September 2024 (which is in FY 2025 but the information is now already available to report). Both enjoyed the highest number of talk submissions ever (second only to pre-pandemic 2019), and both years had year-over-year increases in attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors. We thank all our sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, and attendees.

The professionally recorded C++ videos are made available worldwide at no charge on the CppCon YouTube channel. Here are some basic channel statistics updated for this fiscal year:

  • combined viewership: 20.5 million views (+4.1M views in the past year)
  • total watch time: 5.5 million hours (+600K hours in the past year)
  • channel subscribers: over 154,000 (+20K subscribers in the past year)

Next report

Our next annual report will cover the fiscal year from 2024-07-01 to 2025-06-30. Besides being published here, the annual report will also be given as usual as a live presentation at our annual Foundation members meeting which is held during the week of the autumn WG21 meeting.

About the Standard C++ Foundation

The Standard C++ Foundation (Standard CPP Foundation in some databases that don’t support + in names) is a Washington 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to support the C++ software developer community and promote the understanding and use of modern Standard C++ on all compilers and platforms. We do this by operating and funding, the and repositories, the CppCon conference including and the CppCon YouTube channel, and providing financial assistance support for WG21 (ISO C++ committee) standards meetings for meeting hosting costs, travel assistance for attendees in financial need, and grants to progress WG21 proposals that have been encouraged but whose the authors cannot progress further without some financial assistance and that the WG21 major subgroup chairs have approved funding.


The “Standard C++ Foundation” name and stylized “C++” logo are trademarks of the Standard C++ Foundation. See

Smart Pointers and the Pointer to Implementation Idiom -- Andreas Fertig

me.pngA post I wrote back in 2023 When an empty destructor is required resulted in feedback that I'd like to address in today's post.

Smart Pointers and the Pointer to Implementation Idiom

by Andreas Fertig

From the article:

In the 2023 post, I briefly mentioned PImpl idiom. I did not intend to make it the theme of the post. However, I got various questions about PImpl and smart pointers.

The goal of PImpl is to hide implementation details from clients. Since you can declare a pointer of an unknown class, you can shift the entire implementation of such an anonymous class into a .cpp file. That way, no client can see any details. Another benefit is that changes to that .cpp file result in only minor recompiles. Maintaining the same in a header file would cause all .cpp files, including this header, to recompile. At least the speed-up part is since C++20's modules are no longer necessary. And as long as you don't want to hide classified implementation in the .cpp file modules, it also gives you the ability to mark constructs as private.


Meeting C++ 2024: the last hybrid C++ conference?

Like last year sharing my thoughts on that Meeting C++ 2024 is the only hybrid C++ conference.

Meeting C++ 2024: the last hybrid C++ conference?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

While I'm happy that Meeting C++ 2024 is not the last online conference, I do have once again to wonder if its the last hybrid one.

Once again I'd like to document my thoughts on running a hybrid conference, and also ask the C++ community for the support if you value such an offer being available world wide. In the end the numbers of this years conference will once again decide if I think that continueing is worth it.

Its easier to run a conference without a live stream...

The Definitive Guide to std::expected in C++ -- John Farrier

std::expected is a powerful feature introduced in C++23 that offers a modern, type-safe alternative to traditional error-handling methods.  std::expected allows developers to represent a value or an error in a single object, simplifying the handling of success and failure scenarios in a clean and readable way.

The Definitive Guide to std::expected in C++

John Farrier

From the article:

std::expected is an addition to the C++ standard library that provides a way to return and propagate errors without using exceptions. It represents a value or an error and is similar to the Result type in Rust. This guide covers its use, benefits, and comparison with other error handling techniques, helping developers to write more robust and readable code.

CGAL Released, Computational Geometry Algorithms Library -- Laurent Rineau

The CGAL Open Source Project is pleased to announce the recent releases of CGAL versions 5.5.5, 5.6.2, 6.0, and 6.0.1.

New CGAL versions: 5.5.5, 5.6.2, 6.0, and 6.0.1

by Laurent Rineau

From the article

CGAL version 6.0

CGAL version 6.0 was released on September 27, 2024. Following the discovery of early issues, version 6.0.1 was subsequently released on October 22, 2024.

This version is a major release, with many new features and improvements.

General changes

  • C++17 Requirement: CGAL 6.0 requires a C++17 compatible compiler.
  • GMP/MPFR Optional: GMP/MPFR are no longer mandatory; Boost.Multiprecision can be used.
  • Qt6 Demos: All demos are now based on Qt6.
  • Polyhedral Surface: The demo has been renamed to “CGAL Lab” and moved to its own directory in demo/Lab/.

New Packages

Breaking Changes

  • CMake Changes: UseCGAL.cmake removed; use CGAL::CGAL target instead.
  • Kernel: Replaced boost::variant with std::variant and boost::optional with std::optional in the intersection functions.


  • AABB Tree: Now supports 2D and 3D primitives.

Passing C++ STL Strings vs. String Views at the Windows C API Boundary -- Giovanni Dicanio

A common question that is often asked is whether C++ STL string objects (like std::string/wstring) or string views (e.g. std::wstring_view) should be passed as string parameters at Windows C-interface API boundaries. The following articles tries to shed some light on this subject, answering that question:

Passing C++ STL Strings vs. String Views as Input Parameters at the Windows C API Boundary

by Giovanni Dicanio

From the article:

Passing STL std::[w]string objects at Win32 API boundaries is common for C++ code that calls into Win32 C-interface APIs. When is it safe to pass *string views* instead?

(...) the code will work fine. In fact, the wstring::c_str() method is guaranteed to return a null-terminated C-style string pointer.

On the other hand, if you pass a string view like std::wstring_view in that context, you’ll likely get some subtle bugs! Try experimenting with the above API and something like “Connie is learning C++” and string views!


Code Generation in Rust vs C++26 -- Barry Revzin

TPWGDVRj_400x400.jpgExploring how different languages solve the same problem often reveals interesting contrasts, especially when it comes to implementing powerful features like reflection. While C++26 aims to introduce introspection and code generation via P2996 and P3294, Rust’s approach using its derive macros offers a mature solution for code generation, even without introspection, highlighting different philosophies in language design and their practical applications.

Code Generation in Rust vs C++26

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

One of the things I like to do is compare how different languages solve the same problem — especially when they end up having very different approaches. It’s always educational. In this case, a bunch of us have been working hard on trying to get reflection — a really transformative language feature — into C++26. Fundamentally, reflection itself can be divided into two pieces:

  1. Introspection — the ability to ask questions about your program during compilation
  2. Code Generation — the ability to have your code write new code

P2996 (Reflection for C++26) is the (huge) core proposal that fundamentally deals with the first problem, along with setting the foundation for being able to extend this feature in lots of different directions in the future, including generation (for which our design is P3294). But introspection, while valuable, is only half of the piece. Andrei Alexandrescu went so far as to claim in his CppCon talk that introspection without generation is useless.