Inside STL: The shared_ptr constructor vs make_shared -- Raymond Chen

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgThis article discusses the memory layouts when creating an object controlled by a shared_ptr in C++ through two methods: using a raw pointer and via the make_shared function. 

Inside STL: The shared_ptr constructor vs make_shared

By Raymond Chen

From the article:

There are two ways to create a new object that is controlled by a shared_ptr.

// From a raw pointer
auto p = std::shared_ptr<S>(new S());

// Via make_shared
auto p = std::make_shared<S>();

They result in two different memory layouts.

In the first case, you manually created a new S object, and then passed a pointer to it to the shared_ptr constructor. The shared_ptr adopts the raw pointer and creates a control block to monitor its lifetime. When the last shared pointer destructs, the Dispose() method deletes the pointer you passed in.¹ When the last shared or weak pointer destructs, the Delete() method deletes the control block.

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