High-confidence Lifetime Checks in Visual Studio version 17.5 Preview 2 -- Gabor Horvath

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High-confidence Lifetime Checks in Visual Studio version 17.5 Preview 2

by Gabor Horvath

From the article:

The C++ Core Guidelines’ Lifetime Profile, aims to detect lifetime problems, like dangling pointers and references, in C++ code. ... Lately, there has been an increased push in the C++ community to introduce lifetime-related safety features, which has led us to revisit the lifetime analysis in MSVC.

We spent the last couple of months looking into the results of using the lifetime analysis on real world code. This blog post summarizes our experience and the improvements we made along the way. The biggest change is the introduction of a new set of warnings. These warnings are the high-confidence versions of the existing warnings. Users who want less noise can enable only the high-confidence warnings, while users who want more rigorous checks at the cost of noise can enable both the old and the new warnings. As of 17.5, the high-confidence warnings are still experimental, but depending on the feedback we might include them in some of the recommended profiles in future versions...

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