Visual Assist | Visual Studio Plug-in -- WholeTomato

Visual Assist fills gaps in Visual Studio for C/C++ and C# Developers

Visual Assist Software

by WholeTomato

About the software:

The best coding software plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio is Visual Assist from Whole Tomato Software. The plug-key-in's features are syntax highlighting and intelligence. Additionally, it allows spell-checking in comments, enhances code suggestions, and adds refactoring commands.

It is a top-notch code inspection tool Now with a slew of other features that make Visual Studio a breeze to use.

These features are given below

1. Code Inspection Modernization
2. Fast Navigation
3. Refactoring
4. Code Correction
5. Unreal_Engine 4 Support
6. Code Assistance

Download Visual Assist Now!

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