Why 4 Bloomberg engineers wrote another C++ book -- Tech At Bloomberg

This article features an interview to the four authors of the newly released "Embracing Modern C++ Safely" book, motivating the surprising decision to analyze C++11 and C++14 in-depth in 2021, and discussing the contents and style of the publication.

Why 4 Bloomberg engineers wrote another C++ book

Tech At Bloomberg

From the article:

But why do we need yet another C++ book? After all, one of the book’s principal authors, John Lakos, has already written two. And why now? Why Bloomberg? Who is this for? But first, why modern C++? [...] The authors limited the book to features with which they have accumulated more than five years of experience. The current edition is an authoritative summary of C++11 and C++14 features, and future editions are planned to cover C++17 and C++20.

(Note that "Embracing Modern C++ Safely" is on sale (up to 55% off) until February 26.)

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