ReSharper C++ 2020.1 is now released! -- Elvira Mustafina

A new version of the Visual Studio integration ReSharper C++ by Jetbrains has be released.

ReSharper C++ 2020.1: New C++20 Features

by Elvira Mustafina

From the article:

Here is a quick overview of the main highlights. If you are interested in the specific details, please read on:

  • Better C++20 support, including constrained type placeholders, abbreviated function templates, using enum declarations, and template syntax for lambdas.
  • New inspections with quick-fixes.
  • Rearrange Code and Complete Statement.
  • For game developers, ReSharper C++ introduces initial support for the High Level Shading Language and adheres more closely to the Unreal Engine guidelines.

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