Passing Booleans to an Interface in an Expressive Way--Jonathan Boccara

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Passing Booleans to an Interface in an Expressive Way

by Jonathan Boccara

From the article:

In order to allow a function to behave in several different way, and to allow its caller to choose amongst these behaviours, we have several tools at our disposal. Plenty, actually.

There are various sorts of polymorphisms embedded in the language such as virtual functions and templates. And we’ve also seen that a caller can specify the desired behaviour explicitly at call site. We’ve seen how to accomplish this by using tag dispatching, and also how to choose between enums and tag dispatching depending on your need.

I now want to top it off with a really simple technique, that will cost you almost nothing, but one that will make your code much more expressive. And even if it’s not rocket science I’m sharing this with you today because I’ve seen many a piece of code that could have benefited from it...

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