Guy Davidson's Jacksonville Trip Report

Having landed safely in Britain and recovered somewhat from his mystery illness, Guy has prepared a trip report, paying particular attention to the drama of the 2D Graphics paper and the unexpected interruption to the closing plenary.

Oh, lock-free circular buffers, yay! Hey, no 2D graphics? Jacksonville trip report

by Guy Davidson

From the article:

Right now, both library groups are processing fewer papers than they receive. There are 19 sessions of about two hours during each meeting, and LWG spent the first five sessions on P0214, Data-Parallel Vector Types & Operations (for the Parallelism TS), which defines some SIMD types. I was delighted to be in on this, and even offered to scribe but found it impossibly hard, unlike my stint in LEWG at Toronto. However, it was during the fourth of these sessions that I started to feel distinctly unwell.

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