Give Your Old C/C++ Code Some New Love -- Richard Thomson

This article explores how to modernize your legacy C/C++ code base, using an open source fractal renderer originally written in C and x86 assembly language as the case study.

Give Your Old Code Some New Love

by Richard Thomson

From the article:

If you’re not careful, entropy creeps its way into your code base. You take a shortcut or code something in a way that you know is sloppy and you say to yourself “I’ll come back to that later”, but later you’re faced with new feature requests or some other Imminent Disaster(tm) and you don’t go back and clean up the mess you made earlier. This is only natural in a code base and when the messes are few and far between, it is tolerable.


In this post, we’ll take a look at an open source project with a code base that is over 30 years old and has accumulated some “cruft” along the way. We’ll discuss various strategies for coping with the cruft and how to get rid of it in as safe a manner as possible. After all, we don’t want to introduce bugs while we clean up cruft.

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