C++ Tips of the Week

Google's internal C++ tips are going public:

Abseil Publishing Google's C++ "Tips of the Week"

By Tom Manshreck, Abseil and C++ Tech Writer

From the article:

Background: About five years ago, within Google we started publishing a series of C++ tips, about once a week, that became known as the “C++ Tips of the Week” (TotW). They became wildly successful, and we are still publishing them to this day (indicating that a language as rich as C++ will not deplete us of topics anytime soon).

Not only do we discuss the finer points of the language, but in true “tip” fashion, offer our advice or design preferences. The collective set of C++ TotW has become a canon within Google itself, cited thousands of times per week in code reviews and internal mailing list discussions. Often they are cited by number, and some have become known simply as “totw/110” or “totw/77”.

We’ve decided to expose most of these tips to the Abseil development community, and the C++ community at large.

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