Ranges, Coroutines, and React: Early Musings on the Future of Async in C++ -- Eric Niebler

Eric Niebler shares his thoughts about the interaction of ranges and co-routines in his recent blog post.

Ranges, Coroutines, and React: Early Musings on the Future of Async in C++

by Eric Niebler

From the article:

Another way to look at this is that synchronous ranges are an example of a pull-based interface: the user extracts elements from the range and processes them one at a time. Asynchronous ranges, on the other hand, represent more of a push-based model: things happen when data shows up, whenever that may be. This is akin to the reactive style of programming.

By using ranges and coroutines together, we unify push and pull based idioms into a consistent, functional style of programming. And that’s going to be important, I think.

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