Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Kona) -- Botond Ballo

waldo.PNGA new trip report from the just-concluded ISO C++ meeting:

Trip report: C++ standards meeting in Kona, February 2017

by Botond Ballo

From the article:


C++17 is effectively out the door, with its Draft International Standard sent out for ballot, and the official release expected later this year.

Development on C++20 is well under way, with numerous core language and library features already earmarked for it, and several Technical Specifications expected to be merged into it. A proposal for an overall vision for the release aims to focus the committee’s efforts on four headliner features – Concepts, Modules, Ranges, and Networking. That is, of course, not a guarantee these features will be in C++20 (nor is it intended to exclude other features!), but I believe with some luck and continued hard work we can make part of all of that plan a reality.

Modules, in particular, are expected to be a game-changer for C++...

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