C++17, All Final Features from Oulu in a Few Slides

The good news from Oulu is that we approved the publishing of a draft of C++17.

As I changed job between the last Jacksonville and this Oulu meeting, I have been unable to keep up and write my usual update either post-meeting or pre-Oulu, so I thought I would keep it simple and make up for it in this post (although there have been plenty of other blogs) and show you all the details in a slide deck that I have been using as a keynote at recent ADC++, IWOCL 2016, the Amsterdam SG14/C++ users group meeting, and the Chicago STAC 2016 meetings.


If you just want to see all the features going into C++17 other than the Special Math, Parallelism, Library Fundamentals, and Filesystems TS, just go to slides 44-47 which will contain both the Language and Library features with clickable links for you to follow. The features voted in Oulu are on slide 45 for language and 47 for library.

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