Writing modern C++ servers using Wangle--James Perry

Nice use of modern C++:

Writing modern C++ servers using Wangle

by James Perry

From the article:

I mentioned in my previous post that I was able to build a prototype database engine within one day using Facebook’s Wangle so this post explains how I managed that. By the end of this post, you will be able to write a high-performance C++ server using Wangle. This post also serves as a tutorial which will be merged into Wangle’s README.md.

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Igor Hersht said on Feb 13, 2016 02:31 PM:

I am very impressed by Facebook libraries (Folly, FBThrift Wangle and Proxygen). System level of optimization with easy to use high level interfaces is way to go for any company where performance is really important.
I am moving my company to use Proxygen as our Webserver and planning to use Folly and Wangle in other parts of our C++ infrastructure.
I found that it is not that easy:
1. No standard installation on CentOS. Given number of prerequisites and correlation between versions of Folly, Wangle and Proxygen, initial installation and updates are very difficult.
2. Interfaces are simple, but practically there is no documentation. The only way of doing serious development is to analyze included tests and step into the libraries code in debugger.
I was surprised to see that Wangle and Proxygen have virtual functions based polymorphism. I assume that template base design would provide with better performance.
Outside of those points, I think that the Facebook libraries are great tool for serious performance oriented development.