Exception-Safe Coding in C++ -- Jon Kalb

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Exception-Safe Coding in C++

by Jon Kalb

Safe usage of exceptions is a non-trivial problem that the industry has struggled with for the better part of two decades. If you have fear, uncertainty, or doubt about exception safety or just want to see the best practices for using exceptions in C++, this session is for you. We’ll start with “What is the problem we are trying to solve?” and discuss alternatives, acknowledge the challenges associated with exception usage, and cover some well-meaning but misguided attempts at safety. I will then present a set of guidelines that are the basis for safe exception usage and solid implementation techniques, including how to transition from an exception-unsafe legacy code base.

When we are finished you will know how to produce code that is easier to write, easier to understand, faster, and 100% robust in the face of exceptions.

... "To say that I learned a lot from that video would be an understatement! I LOVED the talk and I really think you need to either write a book about this or at least have an article/blog." -- Abi Ullattil

You and your colleagues can also enjoy a live and interactive updated version of this talk at CppCon this September. CppCon 2014 will feature an updated and interactive version of this talk, along with some 100 other high-quality sessions about C++ across many domains, from mobile devices and web development, to games and embedded systems (including the Mars Rover), to Parallel STL and TMP.

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