just::thread C++11 and C++14 Thread Library V2.0 released

just::thread 2.0 is now available.

Anthony Williams' implementation of the C++11 and C++14 threading library adds support for gcc 4.8 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and with a number of new features.

just::thread now includes:

  • The new std::shared_timed_mutex and std::shared_lock from C++14 allow for multiple readers to hold a shared lock on a mutex or one writer to hold an exclusive lock.

  • The extensions to the futures from the upcoming C++ Concurrency Technical Specification in the form of continuations. std::future<> and std::shared_future<> now have an additional member function "then()" which allows a further task to be scheduled when the future becomes "ready". This allows for improved support for asynchronous tasks.

  • jss::when_any and jss::when_all encapsulate a set of futures into a single future which becomes ready when either one or all of the provided futures becomes ready. This can be used with continuations to schedule asynchronous tasks to run when the prerequisites are ready.

  • A new lock wrapper jss::generic_lock_guard is provided. This is a concrete type rather than a template, and will lock any type of mutex which provides lock and unlock member functions.

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