Library WG split: Library and Library Evolution

The Committee page has been updated to reflect an organizational change: WG21 has decided to split the Library working group into a core “Library” group (LWG) and a forward-looking “Library Evolution” group (LEWG), following the model of how the language side is split between “core” and “evolution.”


  • Library (LWG) is responsible for standard library quality and will handle non-evolutionary DR/issue processing and the wording/fine-tuning of new library facilities. Alisdair Meredith will continue to chair this group.
  • Library Evolution (LEWG) is responsible for processing and refining new proposals. Like EWG on the language side, Library Evolution may choose to handle the proposals directly or else recommend spinning up a Study Group. When a library-only SG is ready to progress, LEWG will determine whether to proceed, and if so the target ship vehicle (IS or TS). We are very grateful that Beman Dawes has agreed to serve as an interim “bridge” chair for a year or two, to apply his long experience with LWG to get Library Evolution set up and moving in the right direction, and to find and train a longer-term chair – so part of Beman’s job immediately will be to start to replace himself.

Thank you to Beman for his volunteering to lead Library Evolution, and to Alisdair for his continued excellent efforts leading Library! It’s hard work, and much appreciated.

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