Best of 2012: Clang @ GoingNative -- Chandler Carruth

As we're all unwinding at the end of the year, your blog staff would like to recommend watching again one of the year's most hilariously entertaining and deeply informative talks about the world's hottest new C++ compiler -- a holiday video that's genuinely fun:

Clang: Defending C++ from Murphy's Million Monkeys

by Chandler Carruth
at GoingNative 2012

[... Clang] provides fantastic diagnostics, static and dynamic program analysis, advanced rewriting and refactoring functionality, and language extensibility. Together with improvements to the language in C++11 these help programmers cope with today's code and write better code tomorrow. Clang also makes it easier than ever before to evolve and evaluate new language features and extensions to make C++ itself better.

Through this talk I'll give some background on the Clang compiler, what it does today to make writing C++ better, and how we're using it to help shape the C++ language going forward.

Even your non-technical family and friends will probably enjoy the first five minutes.

Thanks again to Chandler, GoingNative, and Channel 9 for an engaging and illuminating presentation.


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const said on Dec 26, 2012 01:16 PM:

Rather than surrounding questionable code in parenthesis to silence warning wouldn't a new style cast be better (perhaps specific to Clang initially) such as warning_cast<>(expr)?