C++ Primer 5th Edition, Part 1: How To Revise a Textbook

The C++11 update to the classic C++ Primer is almost here! Andy Koenig reports:

Barbara Moo shipped the completed text of the C++ Primer, Fifth Edition to the publisher on July 13. As far as I know, copies are already being printed; they should be on bookstore shelves by mid-August.

This book has been a major project for her for the past two years or so, and an all-consuming one since about the beginning of this year. I've spent a fair amount of time on it as well: reading drafts, making comments and suggestions, running test programs, and so on. As a result, I've had a pretty good idea of what she's been thinking about as she wrote the book, and I'm in a position not only to tell you what I've learned about her strategy, but also why I think her strategy is a sensible one





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Administrator said on Jun 11, 2013 06:53 PM:

Testing pre tags
This is a code block