Part 2: Ray Tracing in one weekend with SYCL

SYCL is an open standard developed by the Khronos™ Group that enables developers to write code for heterogeneous systems using standard C++.

Ray-tracing in One Weekend with SYCL Part 2

    by Codeplay

About the article

C++ Ray-Tracing in a Weekend by Peter Shirley is a great resource to start learning about ray-tracers and how to implement one, and at the same time providing all the source code in a GitHub repository . You can find more information about his books on ray-tracing techniques with accompanying implementations on his blog, and you can also download the books as .pdf, or load them on your Kindle device for free from the GitHub project.

This post follows on from the first part of my blog, where I showed how the I adapted the code from "Ray Tracing in one weekend" to increase performance using SYCL™. The first area I tackled was the rendering.

In this second post I'll show how to use SYCL to improve the performance of this code further using some interesting techniques.

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