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break label; and continue label;

Published Proposal,

This version:
Sarah Quiñones
SG22, SG17
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


Introduce break label and continue label to break and continue out of nested loops and switches as accepted into C2y, and relax label restrictions.

1. Revision history

This is the first revision.

2. Introduction

While C++ already has a broad selection of control flow constructs, one construct commonly found in other languages is notably absent: the ability to apply break or continue to a loop or switch when this isn’t the innermost enclosing statement. This feature is popular, simple, and quite useful:

Specifically, we propose the following functionality:

outer: for (auto x : xs) {
    for (auto y : ys) {
        if (/* ... */) {
            continue outer; // OK, continue applies to outer for loop
            break outer;    // OK, break applies to outer for loop  

switch_label: switch (/* ... */) {
    default: while (true) {
        if (/* ...*/) {
            break switch_label; // OK, break applies to switch, not to while loop

break outer;       // error: cannot break loop from the outside
goto outer;        // OK, used to be OK, and is unaffected by this proposal

switch_label:;     // OK, labels can be reused
goto switch_label; // error: jump target is ambiguous

The break label and continue label syntax is identical to that in [N3355] and has been accepted into C2y (see working draft at [N3435]). We bring that syntax into C++ and relax restrictions on labels to make it more powerful, and to address concerns in a rival proposal [N3377].

Note that break and continue with labels have been proposed in [N3879] and rejected at Rapperswil 2014 ([N4327]):

Straw poll, proposal as a whole:

1 1 1 13 10

"break label;" + "continue label;"

3 8 4 9 3

Ten years later, circumstances have changed and we should re-examine this feature.

2.1. What has changed since 2014

The acceptance of the feature into C2y justifies re-examination in itself.

Furthermore, use of constexpr has become tremendously more common, and goto may not be used in constant expressions. Where goto is used to break out of nested loops, break label makes it easy to migrate code:

Uses of goto to break out of nested loops can be replaced with break label as follows:
constexpr void f() {
    outer: while (/* ... */) {
        while (/* ... */) {
            if (/* ... */) {
                goto after_loop;
                break outer;

Last but not least, break label and continue label have seen an increase in popularity over the last ten years. The feature has seen increased adoption in older languages such as JavaScript, and newer languages have been popularized which support this construct, such as Rust and Kotlin.

Nowadays, it seems almost unthinkable not to have such control statements in a new language. A recent example of this is [Cpp2] (cppfront), which has break label; and continue label;.

3. Motivation

break label and continue label are largely motivated by the ability to control nested loops. This is a highly popular feature in other languages, and C++ could use it too, since it has no good alternative.

To be fair, a conditional return in the loop sometimes bypasses the need to terminate it. However, this is not always allowed; such practice is outlawed by MISRA-C++:2008 Rule 6-6-5 "A function shall have a single point of exit at the end of the function" ([MISRA-C++]). Even if it is permitted, there are many cases where an early return does not obsolete break, and it generally does not obsolete continue.

3.1. No good alternative

Let’s examine a motivating example which uses our new construct:

void f() {
    process_files: for (const File& text_file : files) {
        for (std::string_view line : text_file.lines()) {
            if (makes_me_angry(line)) {
                continue process_files;
        std::println("Processed {}", text_file.path());
    std::println("Processed all files");

continue label is very useful in this scenario, and expresses our intent with unparalleled clarity. We want to continue processing other files, so we continue process_files.

A plain break cannot be used here because it would result in executing the following std::println statement, but this should only be done upon success.

There are alternative ways to write this, but all of them have various issues.

3.1.1. goto

for (const File& text_file : files) {
    for (std::string_view line : text_file.lines()) {
        if (makes_me_angry(line)) {
            goto done_with_file;
    std::println("Processed {}", text_file.path());
std::println("Processed all files");

goto is similar in complexity and even readability here, however there are some issues:

Note: Previous discussion on the [isocpp-core] reflector has addressed the idea of just adding constexpr goto, but doing so is alleged to be more complicated than more limited constexpr control flow structures which can only "jump forwards", such as break and continue.

In conclusion, there are too many issues with goto, some of which may never be resolved. [std-proposals] discussion prior to the publication of this proposal has shown once again that goto is a controversial and divisive.

3.1.2. Immediately invoked lambda expression (IILE)

for (const File& text_file : files) {
    [&] {
        for (std::string_view line : text_file.lines()) {
            if (makes_me_angry(line)) {
        std::println("Processed {}", text_file.path());
std::println("Processed all files");

While this solution works in constant expressions, we may be painting ourselves into a corner with this design. We cannot also break the surrounding loop from within the IILE, and we cannot return from the surrounding function. If this is needed at some point, we will have to put substantial effort into refactoring.

Furthermore, this solution isn’t exactly elegant:

It is also possible to use an additional function instead of an IILE in this place. However, this is arguably increasing the degree of complexity even more, and it scatters the code across multiple functions without any substantial benefit.

3.1.3. Mutable bool state

for (const File& text_file : files) {
    bool success = true;
    for (std::string_view line : text_file.lines()) {
        if (makes_me_angry(line)) {
            success = false;
    if (success) {
        std::println("Processed {}", text_file.path());
std::println("Processed all files");

This solution substantially increase complexity. Instead of introducing extra scope and call stack depth, we add more mutable state to our function. The original intent of "go process the next file" is also lost.

Such a solution also needs additional state for each nested loop, i.e. two bools are needed to continue from a loop "two levels up".

3.2. Argumentum ad populum

Another reason to have break label and continue label is simply that it’s a popular construct, available in other languages. When Java, JavaScript, Rust, or Kotlin developers pick up C++, they may expect that C++ can break out of nested loops as well, but will find themselves disappointed.

[StackOverflow] "Can I use break to exit multiple nested for loops?" shows that there is interest in this feature (393K views at the time of writing).

A draft of the proposal was posted on [Reddit] and received overwhelmingly positive feedback (70K views, 143 upvotes with, 94% upvote rate at the time of writing).

3.2.1. Poll

Another way to measure interest is to simply ask C++ users. The following is a committee-style poll (source: [TCCPP]) from the Discord server Together C & C++, which is the largest server in terms of C++-focused message activity:

Should C++ have "break label" and "continue label" statements to apply break/continue to nested loops or switches?
21 21 12 6 4

Note: 64 users in total voted, and the poll was active for one week.

3.2.2. How common is break/continue with labels?

To further quantify the popularity, we can use GitHub code search for various languages which already support this feature. The following table counts only control statements with a label, not plain break;, continue;, etc.

Language Syntax Labeled
Σ break continue gotos
Java label: for (...)
break label;
continue label;
424K files 152K files 576K files N/A
JavaScript label: for (...)
break label;
continue label;
53.8K files 68.7K files 122.5K files N/A
Perl label: for (...)
last label;
next label;
34.9K files 31.7K files 66.6K files 16.9K files
Rust label: for (...)
break 'label;
continue 'label;
30.6K files 29.1K files 59.7K files N/A
TypeScript label: for (...)
break label;
continue label;
11.6K files 9K files 20.6K files N/A
Swift label: for ...
break label
continue label
12.6K files 5.6K files 18.2K files N/A
Kotlin label@ for (...)
8.7K files 7.6K files 16.3K files N/A
D label: for (...)
break label;
continue label;
3.5K files 2.6K files 6.1K files 12.3K files
Go label: for ...
break label;
continue label;
270 files 252 files 522 1.5K files
Cpp2 (cppfront) label: for ...
break label;
continue label;
C label: for (...)
break label;
continue label;
N/A N/A N/A 7.8M files

Based on this, we can reasonably estimate that there are at least one million files in the world which use labeled break/continue (or an equivalent construct).

Note: The break and continue columns also count equivalent constructs, such as Perl’s last.

Note: This language list is not exhaustive and the search only includes open-source code bases on GitHub.

Note: The D goto count is inflated by goto case; and goto default; which perform switch fallthrough.

Note: Fun fact: continue occurs in 5.8M C files, meaning that goto is more common.

3.3. C2y compatibility

Last but not least, C++ should have break label and continue label to increase the amount of code that has a direct equivalent in C. Such compatibility is desirable for two reasons:

Furthermore, the adoption of [N3355] saves EWG a substantial amount of time when it comes to debating the syntax; the C++ syntax should certainly be C-compatible.

Note: The [N3355] syntax is still subject to discussion; see § 4.4 What about syntax?.

4. Design Considerations

4.1. Alternative break and continue forms

There are some alternative forms of break and continue from various proposals/discussions, not just break label;. None of these are proposed by [N3355] or [N3377], which is reason enough to reject them. We discuss these regardless for the sake of completion.

4.1.1. break N

A possible alternative to break label; would be a break N; syntax (analogous for continue), where N is an integer-literal or constant-expression which specifies how many levels should be broken. For example:

while (/* ... */)
    while (/* ...*/)
        break 2; // breaks both loops

We don’t propose this syntax for multiple reasons. Firstly, [N3355] points out readability concerns, concerns when using break N; in a macro, and these are valid concerns in C++ as well.

Secondly, break N is more challenging to read because the developer has to investigate what scopes surround the statement (where e.g. if doesn’t count, but switch and for count), and conclude from this where break applies. The greater N is, the ore challenging this task becomes. By comparison, break label; obviously breaks out of the loop labeled label:.

Thirdly, this construct is an obscure idea (not entirely novel, seen before in PHP). In our experience, obscure control flow ideas are unpopular and not worth pursuing. An extreme negative reaction to obscure control flow ideas was seen for the goto default; and goto case X; statements proposed in [N3879]. By comparison, break label; is completely mainstream; such code has likely been written a million times or more already (based on numbers in § 3.2.2 How common is break/continue with labels?).

4.1.2. break while et al.

Yet another novel idea has been suggested at [std-proposals-2]:

while (/* ... */) {
 for (/* ... */) {
   if (/* ... */) {
     break while; // break the while loop, not the for loop
     // break for while; // identical in functioning to the above version

This idea has been received negatively, and we strongly oppose it. It is not as obvious what the targeted statement is, as with break N;, and code can easily be broken by relocating the break for while for; or whatever statement somewhere else.

4.1.3. break statement

Perhaps the most exotic proposal is found in break statement; proposed in [P2635R0]. Such a statement would execute statement in the scope that has been entered by break or continue:

for (auto i : range_i) {
    for (auto j : range_j) {
        break continue; // breaks the inner loop, and continues the outer loop

The author has seemingly abandoned that proposal, but even if they didn’t, this idea is quite flawed.

break return i; could be used to return a shadowed entity i because name lookup of the statement takes place in the jumped-to scope:
float i;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    break return i; // returns float i

The overarching issue is that statements don’t always "belong" to the scope in which they appear syntactically; this is difficult to reason about, even if we don’t add name lookup confusion like in the example.

4.2. What about break label; for block statements etc.?

The following is not proposed:

label: {
    break label;

Being able to apply break or continue to additional constructs in C++ would be a controversial and novel idea. We simply want to apply break and continue to the same things you can already apply it to, but also state which construct they apply to, if need be.

However, the syntax we propose allows for such a construct to be added in the (distant) future; see § Extendability.

4.3. Should there be break label; and continue label; in constant expressions?

Yes, absolutely! This is a major benefit over goto, and it’s part of the motivation for this proposal.

An implementation is also quite feasible, and basically already exists in every compiler. For constant evaluation, break already needs to be able to exit out of arbitrarily deeply nested scopes:

while (/* ... */) {
    if (/* ... */) {
        { { { { { break; } } } } }

The only novelty offered by break label; is that additional surrounding scopes can be "skipped", which is simple to implement, both for constant expressions and regular code.

4.4. What about syntax?

We strongly support the currently accepted syntax of [N3355]. This syntax is

It should be noted that there is a new competing proposal [N3377] for C2y, which instead proposes:

for outer (/* ...*/) {
    while (/* ... */) break outer;
    while outer (/* ... */) {
        // OK, applies to the enclosing while loop

In summary, the competing syntax has the technical benefit that it doesn’t require each label: to be unique within a function. This allows the developer to expand function-style macros containing labeled loops multiple times, and lets them repurpose simple names like outer and inner within the same function. We address these technical issues in § 4.5 Changes to labels, however, not with the [N3377] syntax.

[N3377] also makes largely more subjective claims as to why the for label syntax is a better fit for C, which we discuss below.

4.4.1. Labels don’t properly imply the target

One claim made by [N3377] is that labels don’t properly imply a target and are their own declaration. This is actually true and based on the fact that a compound-statement consists of block-items, and one of these can simply be a label with no statement.

However, these grammatical implementation details are easily changed and don’t matter all that much to the mental model of a programmer. The quintessential example of this is the preference of many C++ programmers for int* x, closely associating * with the int specifier, despite *x forming a declarator and thus being "more correct".

Similarly, l: is intuitively meant to attach to something else (based on the name "label" and on its syntax), even though the language grammar no longer mandates that. Whether l: for is a good syntax should depend on whether it expresses the idea of attaching a label to a for loop well, not on whether it is a perfect fit for the current grammar implementation details, which are subject to change anyway.

4.4.2. Two sets of labels for disambiguation

Another benefit is that goto jump targets and loop names don’t share syntax, and this disambiguates code (with [N3377] syntax):

For C, this is not a negligible concern. goto is slightly more common than continue; in C code on GitHub (source: § 3.2.2 How common is break/continue with labels?), but approx. half as common as break;. This means that for any label: with the [N3355] syntax in C, there is a decent chance that there are gotos nearby.

However, this problem is easy to overstate. Firstly, this ambiguity only exists for labeled loops, since arbitrary statements cannot be targeted by break or continue. For example, label: free(pointer) is obviously a goto target.

Secondly, we can make an educated guess about the purpose of a label in many situations: Naming conventions as a workaround

Furthermore, disambiguation of goto targets and break/continue targets is possible through naming conventions for labels. For example, break and continue targets can be named xzy_loop, and such names can be avoided for goto jump targets.

Virtually every programming community already uses naming conventions for disambiguation. For example, method names conventionally use camelCase in Kotlin, and class names conventionally use PascalCase. This effectively disambiguates constructor calls from regular function calls for F().

Naming conventions seem like a reasonable solution for disambiguating goto targets from break targets. We don’t need to create two distinct label syntaxes to accomplish this. We can let people choose for themselves whether they want such disambiguation or not, which is much more in line with C and C++ design philosophy.

4.4.3. Strong opposition to N3377

We strongly oppose the N3377 syntax for multiple reasons, listed below. Breaking precedent of most prior art

Most languages that supports both labeled loop control and goto statements have a single label syntax. [N3377] breaks this pattern.

Perl supports goto LABEL, last LABEL, and next LABEL, with shared label syntax:
goto LINE;
LINE: while (true) {
    last LINE;  # like our proposed break LINE
Go supports goto Label, break Label, and continue Label, with shared label syntax:
goto OuterLoop
OuterLoop: for {
    break OuterLoop
D supports goto label, break label, and continue label, with shared label syntax:
goto outer;
outer: while (true) {
    break outer;

The fact that none of these languages require separate syntax for goto targets and break targets proves that the syntax proposed by [N3377] is unnecessary, from a technical viewpoint. C is not so different from D or Go that this argument doesn’t apply.

Such separate syntax would also be very surprising to Go, Perl, and D developers coming to C++ because they could reasonably expect label: to work for any kind of jump.

To be fair, opposite precedent also exists:

Ada supports goto Label with <<Label>>, and exit label with Label::
goto Target;
Outer: loop
    exit Outer; -- like our proposed break Outer
end loop Outer; Teachability, Simplicity, Elegance

C and C++ have had the label: syntax for labeling statements for multiple decades now. It is extremely well understood, and has been replicated by other C-esque languages, such as Java, Rust, JavaScript, Kotlin, and more. Based on the numbers in § 3.2.2 How common is break/continue with labels?, we can assume that label:-like syntax has been used in over a million files already.

Now, decades after the fact, and a million files later, we need to invent our own, novel syntax just for labeling loops and switches? No, we don’t! Go, Perl, and D didn’t need to either.

The [N3355] syntax can be intuitively understood at first glance, either through intuition from goto labels, or from prior experience with other languages. On the contrary, given the precedent set by if constexpr, the for outer syntax could mislead a user into believing that outer is some kind of contextual keyword. These first experiences matter. Reusable syntax in multi-language systems

C and C++ do not exist in a vacuum. They are often being used to implement lower-level details of a larger system, written in another language (e.g. NumPy, which combines Python, C, and C++).

In such a multi-language system, it is highly beneficial to have common syntax because developers don’t have to learn two entirely different languages, but rather, one and a half. With [N3355], C and C++ could have identical label syntax to JavaScript, Java, and other languages with which they are paired. [N3377] wastes this opportunity. Instant tooling integration

Since the [N3355] syntax reuses existing label: syntax, it is immediately compatible with existing tooling, such as syntax highlighters, auto-formatters, and more. do ... while
[N3377] proposes the following syntax for do ... while loops:
do {
    // ...
    break name;
    // ...
} while name(/* ... */);

This is consistent with while loops because the block-name is always placed after the while keyword. However, it also means that break and continue can apply to a block-name which has not yet appeared in the code. This is a readability issue; with the exception of goto and labels, function bodies can be understood by reading them from top to bottom.

Note: Of course, there are also entities that can be outside the function body, like other called (member) functions, types, etc. However, control flow and use of local entities generally follow a top-to-bottom structure.

In larger functions, this can also be incredibly disorienting:
while /* outer? */(true) {
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
    do {
        while (true) {
            // ...
            if (condition)
                break outer; // <<< you are here
            // ...
        // ...
        // ...
        // ...
    } while /* outer? */(true);

When starting to read this code from the middle (perhaps after jumping to a specific line in there), the reader doesn’t even know whether they should look further up, or further down when searching for the loop labeled outer.

To be fair, do ... while loops are relatively rare, so assuming that the block-name can be found above is usually correct. However, it is not always correct, and that makes this syntax less ergonomic.

On the contrary, the [N3355] (and our) syntax never have break apply to a name which appears later:
name: do {
    // ...
    break name;
    // ...    
} while (/* ... */)

The [N3377] syntax could be adjusted to place the block-name after do, but every way to proceed has downsides:

On the contrary, [N3355] has no such issues. Code pronunciation
The [N3377] syntax interferes with how code is pronounced, from left to right:
// "(loop named outer) While x is greater or equal to zero:" 
outer: while (x >= 0) { /* ... */ }

// "While (loop named outer) x is greater or equal to zero:"
while outer(x >= 0) { /* ... */ }

Putting the loop name between the conjunction while and the dependent clause x >= 0 is not easily compatible with the English language. A preceding label is less intrusive and doesn’t need to be (mentally) pronounced, like a leading attribute, line number, paragraph number, etc.

This is not just a stylistic argument; it’s an accessibility argument. C++ developers who rely on screen readers cannot "skip over" or "blend out" the outer like a sighted developer, and benefit from code that is more naturally pronounceable. Repetition

In the event that a user wants to be break out of a loop and goto it, in the same function, repetition is needed:

goto outer;
// ...
outer: while outer(true) {
    while(true) {
        break outer;

Since traditional labels are entirely separate from the loop names, we need to specify the outer name twice here. Some people may consider it a benefit to keep loop names strictly separate from jump targets, however, we see it as detrimental: Extendability

Consider the following (not proposed) construct:

label: {
    break label;

Note: C++ allows you to emulate such breaks with goto past_the_block;, but see § 3.1.1 goto.

Other mainstream languages already have such a feature:

Breaking a block-statement is currently not proposed, however:

On the contrary, the [N3355] syntax makes no such problematic commitments, and is easily compatible with

It should be noted that [N3377] also floats the idea of an alternative Rust-like syntax, such as 'label: for. This would no longer interfere with future standardization, but we don’t believe that this is worth pursuing because it creates two extremely similar label syntaxes. It is almost impossible to justify why the language needs two almost identical label syntaxes when other languages (e.g. D, Go, Perl) have shown that this is technically unnecessary.

Such a strategy would also turn the prior example in § Repetition into outer: 'outer: for (/* ... */), which looks even worse. Blocking contextual keywords

Considering that the user is able to add arbitrary identifiers after while and for, this makes it impossible to add future contextual keywords in that place without potentially breaking code:

while parallel(/* ... */)

If parallel was used as a label here, that may be broken by "parallel while loops" in the future. There is precedent for such changes in C++, in the form if if constexpr. To be fair, constexpr is a true keyword, so the addition of constexpr after if wouldn’t have been blocked by [N3377] syntax either (if [N3377] was part of C++ at the time).

Nonetheless, it is substantial commitment to block contextual keywords with the [N3377] syntax, and we don’t see that commitment as justified.

To be fair, [N3377] also floats the idea of a syntax such as:

while :outer:(/* ... */)

The addition of special characters into the block-name no longer blocks future contextual keywords. However, if we are requiring this, it seems strictly better to have a syntax such as

:outer: while

The only other language (to my knowledge) with two syntaxes is Ada (<<Label>> and Label:), but even that language puts the labels before the statement to which they apply, not somewhere in the middle, let alone at the end (in the case of do while).

A preceding syntax simply works better when considering block-statements (§ Extendability) and do while loops (§ Instant tooling integration). However, once again, this unnecessarily gives us two almost identical label syntaxes. Labeling loops expanded from macros

Because [N3355] loop labels are prepended to the loop, they can also be applied to loops expanded from macros. Such macro-expanded loops are relatively common in C.

The HASH_ITER macro from uthash expands to a for loop; see [UthashDocs].
#define HASH_ITER(hh,head,el,tmp)                                                              \
for(((el)=(head)), ((*(char**)(&(tmp)))=(char*)((head!=NULL)?(head)->hh.next:NULL));           \
  (el) != NULL; ((el)=(tmp)), ((*(char**)(&(tmp)))=(char*)((tmp!=NULL)?(tmp)->hh.next:NULL)))

The [N3355] syntax lets the user break out of a HASH_ITER loop as follows:

struct my_struct *current_user, *tmp;

outer: HASH_ITER(hh, users, current_user, tmp) {
    for (/* ... */) {
        if (/* ... */) break outer;

The [N3377] syntax makes it impossible to apply labels to existing such loop macros. To add a block-name, cooperation from the library author is needed.

Note: This argument is not so important to C++ because such loops would idiomatically be written as a function template containing a loop; instead, this argument is targeted towards C developers, who cannot use templates.

4.5. Changes to labels

[N3377] points out legitimate issues with reusing the label: syntax (see § 4.4 What about syntax?). However, as stated, we strongly oppose the proposed [N3377] syntax, and we propose to make changes to label semantics instead. These changes keep the syntax the same as [N3355].

First and foremost, we permit the same label: multiple times within the same function, see § 4.5 Changes to labels.

outer: while (true) {
    inner: while (true) {
        break outer; // breaks enclosing outer while loop

outer: while (true) { // OK, reusing label is permitted
    inner: while (true) {
        break outer; // breaks enclosing outer while loop

goto outer; // error: ambiguous jump target

Note: This code is well-formed Java and JavaScript. When using the labels 'outer and 'inner instead, this code is also well-formed Rust.

In other words, we are doubling down on the [N3355] syntax and changing labels to behave more like other mainstream languages.

4.5.1. New labels - goto issues

The label changes have some implications for goto:

x: f();
x: g();
goto x; // error: jump is ambiguous

Labeling multiple statements with x: would now be permitted. Even though this is essentially useless considering that f() and g() are not loops, it makes the rules easier to teach, and easier to understand; there are no special rules for loops.

goto x; is ill-formed because it is ambiguous which x: label it is meant to jump to. This change doesn’t break any existing code because existing code cannot have such ambiguities.

4.5.2. New labels - what about nesting?

Another case to consider is the following:

l: while (true) {
    l: while (true) {
        break l;

Note: This code is not valid Java or JavaScript, but is valid Rust when using the label 'l.

We believe that this code should be well-formed. Developers may run into this case when nesting pairs of outer:/inner: loops in each other "manually", or when a l: labeled loop in a macro is expanded into a surrounding loop that also uses l:.

Such cases are the motivation for [N3377], and should be addressed. [N3355] does not currently permit such nesting, and that fact will have to be resolved somehow, either by significant syntax changes through [N3377], or through relaxation of label rules.

4.5.3. New labels - what about direct duplicates?

A more extreme form of the scenario above is:

l: l: l: l: f();

We also believe that this code should be well-formed because it’s not harmful, and may be useful in certain, rare situations.

A somewhat common C idiom is to expand loops from macros; see also § Labeling loops expanded from macros.
outer: MY_LOOP_MACRO(/* ... */) {
    break outer;

If MY_LOOP_MACRO already uses an outer: label internally, perhaps because it expands to two nested loops and uses continue outer; itself, then the macro effectively expands to outer: outer:.

This forces the user to come up with a new label now, for a seemingly arbitrary reason.

Permitting this case has the benefit that no code at all can become ill-formed through applying labels. This rule is simple, teachable, and easy to implement.

4.5.4. New labels - what about break label for loops with more than one label?

Another case to consider is this:

x: y: while (true) {
    break x;

Grammatically, x: y: ... is a labeled-statement, where the statement is another labeled-statement y: ..., with a label y and a statement while .... In other words, x: doesn’t even apply directly to the loop.

[N3355] makes wording changes specifically to address this, and to make this well-formed. So are we; this code should well-formed if only for the sake of C2y compatibility.

5. Impact on existing code

No existing code becomes ill-formed or has its meaning altered. This proposal merely permits code which was previously ill-formed, and relaxes restrictions on the placement of labels.

6. Implementation experience

An LLVM implementation is W.I.P.

A GCC implementation of [N3355] has also been committed at [GCC].

7. Proposed wording

The wording is relative to [N5001].

Update [stmt.label] paragraph 1 as follows:

A label can be added to a statement or used anywhere in a compound-statement.
attribute-specifier-seqopt identifier :
attribute-specifier-seqopt case constant-expression :
attribute-specifier-seqopt default :
label statement
The optional attribute-specifier-seq appertains to the label. The only use of a label with an identifier is as the target of a goto. No two labels in a function shall have the same identifier. A label can be used in a goto statement ([stmt.goto]) before its introduction.

[ Note: Multiple identical labels within the same function are permitted, but such duplicate labels cannot be used in a goto statement. — end note ]

In [stmt.label] insert a new paragraph after paragraph 1:

A label L of the form attribute-specifier-seqopt identifier : labels a statement S if
  • L is the label and S is the statement of a labeled-statement X, or
  • L labels X (recursively).
[ Example:
a: b: while (0) { }            // both a: and b: label the loop
c: { d: switch (0) {           // unlike c:, d: labels the switch statement
    default: while (0) { }     // default: labels nothing
} }
end example ]

Note: This defines the term (to) label, which is used extensively below. We also don’t want case or default labels to label statements, since this would inadvertently permit break i given case i:, considering how we word [stmt.break].

Update [stmt.label] paragraph 3 as follows:

A control-flow-limited statement is a statement S for which:

Note: While the restriction still primarily applies to goto (preventing the user from e.g. jumping into an if constexpr statement), if other statements can also refer to labels, it is misleading to say "statement ([stmt.goto])" as if goto was the only relevant statement.

Update [stmt.jump.general] paragraph 1 as follows:

Jump statements unconditionally transfer control.
goto identifier ;
break identifieropt ;
continue identifieropt ;
return expr-or-braced-init-listopt ;
goto identifier ;

Note: goto is being relocated to the top so that all the jump statements with an identifier are grouped together. Of these three, goto is being listed first because it models the concept of "jumping somewhere" most literally; every following statement is more sophisticated or even defined as equivalent to goto (in the case of continue).

Update [stmt.break] paragraph 1 as follows:

A breakable statement is an iteration-statement ([stmt.iter]) or a switch statement ([stmt.switch]). A break statement shall be enclosed by ([stmt.pre]) a breakable statement an iteration-statement ([stmt.iter]) or a switch statement ([stmt.switch]) . If present, the identifier shall be part of a label L which labels ([stmt.label]) an enclosing breakable statement. The break statement causes termination of : the smallest such enclosing statement; control Control passes to the statement following the terminated statement, if any.

[ Example:
a: b: while (/* ... */) {
    a: a: c: for (/* ... */) {
        break;              // OK, terminates enclosing for loop
        break a;            // OK, same
        break b;            // OK, terminates enclosing while loop
        y: { break y; }     // error: break does not refer to a breakable statement
    break c;                // error: break does not refer to an enclosing statement
break;                      // error: break must be enclosed by a breakable statement
end example ]

Update [stmt.cont] paragraph 1 as follows:

A continue statement shall be enclosed by ([stmt.pre]) an iteration-statement ([stmt.iter]). If present, the identifier shall be part of a label L which labels ([stmt.label]) an enclosing iteration-statement. The continue statement causes control to pass to the loop-continuation portion of : the smallest such enclosing statement, that is, to the end of the loop. More precisely, in each of the statements
label: while (foo) {
    // ...
contin: ;

label: do {
    // ...
contin: ;
} while (foo);

label: for (;;) {
    // ...
contin: ;
a continue not contained in an an enclosed iteration statement is equivalent to goto contin. the following are equivalent to goto contin:
  • A continue not contained in an an enclosed iteration statement.
  • A continue label not contained in an enclosed iteration statement labeled label:.

Note: The clarification "that is, to the end of the loop" was dropped entirely based on community feedback. "the end of the loop" is not all that much clearer either, and the whole goto equivalence portion should make it clear enough what the behavior is.

Update [stmt.goto] paragraph 1 as follows:

The goto statement unconditionally transfers control to the a statement labeled ([stmt.label]) by the identifier a label in the current function containing identifier, but not to a case label . The identifier shall be a label located in the current function. There shall be exactly one such label.
Note: This wording has always been defective and our proposal fixes this. The term "to label" was never defined, and the requirement that an identifier shall be a label is impossible to satisfy because a label ends with a :, and an identifier in itself would never match the label rule.

The previous wording may have also allowed for goto x; to jump between two different functions both containing x: because while there has to be some label x: in the current function, we don’t say that we jump to the x: in the current function specifically.

8. Acknowledgements

I thank Sebastian Wittmeier for providing a list of languages that support both goto and break/last with the same label syntax. This has been helpful for writing § Breaking precedent of most prior art.

I think Arthur O’Dwyer and Jens Maurer for providing wording feedback and improvement suggestions.

I thank the Together C & C++ community for responding to my poll; see [TCCPP].


Normative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 17 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/n5001

Informative References

Herb Sutter. Cpp2 documentation - Loop names, break, and continue. URL: https://hsutter.github.io/cppfront/cpp2/functions/#loop-names-break-and-continue
CppCoreGuidelines contributors. CppCoreGuidelines/ES.76: Avoid goto. URL: https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Res-goto
Jakub Jelinek. c: Implement C2Y N3355 - Named Loops [PR117022]. URL: https://gcc.gnu.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=gcc.git;h=50f27896adb272b40ab03a56fd192e74789bef97
Edgar Dijkstra. Go To Statement Considered Harmful. 1968. URL: https://homepages.cwi.nl/~storm/teaching/reader/Dijkstra68.pdf
CWG. Discussion regarding continue vs. goto in constant expressions. URL: https://lists.isocpp.org/core/2023/05/14228.php
MISRA Consortium Limited. MISRA C++:2023. URL: https://misra.org.uk/product/misra-cpp2023/
Alex Celeste. N3355: Named loops, v3. 2024-09-18. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3355.htm
Erich Keane. N3377: Named Loops Should Name Their Loops: An Improved Syntax For N3355. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3377.pdf
JeanHeyd Meneide; Freek Wiedijk. ISO/IEC 9899:202y (en) — n3435 working draft. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3435.pdf
Andrew Tomazos. Explicit Flow Control: break label, goto case and explicit switch. 16 January 2014. URL: https://wg21.link/n3879
Ville Voutilanen. C++ Standard Evolution Closed Issues List (Revision R10). 21 November 2014. URL: https://wg21.link/n4327
Justin Cooke. Enhancing the break statement. 21 August 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2635r0
Jan Schultke. "break label;" and "continue label;" in C++. URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/1hwdskt/break_label_and_continue_label_in_c/
Faken. Can I use break to exit multiple nested 'for' loops?. 10 Aug 2009. URL: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1257744/5740428
Jan Schultke. Bringing break/continue with label to C++. URL: https://lists.isocpp.org/std-proposals/2024/12/11838.php
Filip. Improving break & continue. URL: https://lists.isocpp.org/std-proposals/2024/11/11585.php
Poll at Together C & C++ (discord.gg/tccpp). URL: https://discord.com/channels/331718482485837825/851121440425639956/1318965556128383029
Troy D. Hanson; Arthur O'Dwyer. uthash User Guide: Deletion-safe iteration. URL: https://troydhanson.github.io/uthash/userguide.html#deletesafe