Document number P3230R0
Date 2024-04-05
Audience LEWG, SG9 (Ranges)
Reply-to Hewill Kang <[email protected]>



This paper proposes Tier 1 adaptors in P2760: views::drop_exactly and views::take_exactly, which are cousins of drop and take, to improve the C++26 ranges facilities.

Revision history


Initial revision.


drop_exactly and take_exactly are very similar to drop and take, the only difference is that the former requires that N must not be greater than the number of elements in the original range; otherwise, it will be NB, which is exactly the "exactly" part.

Since there is no bounds check, views::meow_exactly is more efficient than views::meow for situations where the user already knows that there are enough elements in the range.


Should we introduce drop_exactly_view/take_exactly_view classes?

Although both can achieve similar effects with existing utilities, e.g. take_exactly(r, N) is somewhat equivalent to views::counted(ranges::begin(r), N), and drop_exactly is somewhat equivalent to subrange(ranges::next(std::ranges::begin(r), N), ranges::end(r)), these are not fully replaceable due to certain limitations. The main issue is that both need to apply ranges::begin to extract the iterator of the origin range, which may be ill-formed when taking rvalue ranges, not to mention that drop_exactly_view also needs to cache the result to meet the time complexity requiring by the range concept.

Since we've already assumed that the range is large enough, out-of-bounds cases are ignored in the implementation, which means that meow_exactly_view is just a reduced version of meow_view. So introducing these classes doesn't bring much complexity to the standard.

Should we specialized for return types?

Currently, both take and drop have optimized the return type, that is, when it takes an object of range type empty_view, span, string_view, subrange, iota_view and repeat_view, it will return an object of the same type to reduce template instantiation. There is no reason not to apply similar optimizations to take_exactly and drop_exactly.

However, it should be noted that compared to the former, since we no longer care whether the specialized type models sized_range, views::meow_exactly applied to the infinite range may downgrade it to a finite range. For example, views::iota(0) | views::take_exactly(5) will produce views::iota(0, 5), and views::iota(0) | views::drop_exactly(5) will produce views::iota(5), this applies to subrange<int*, unreachable_sentinel_t> as well.

Other exactly family?

Although P2760 only mentions take_exactly and drop_exactly, it is natural to think whether we need slice_exactly, take_last_exactly and drop_last_exactly, etc. Considering the bandwidth of LEWG, this paper does not intend to introduce these potentially useful utilities.

Implementation experience

The author implemented views::(take|drop)_exactly based on libstdc++, see here.

Proposed change

This wording is relative to N4971.

    1. Add a new feature-test macro to 17.3.2 [version.syn]:

      #define __cpp_lib_ranges_take_exactly 2024XXL // freestanding, also in <ranges>
      #define __cpp_lib_ranges_drop_exactly 2024XXL // freestanding, also in <ranges>
    2. Modify 26.2 [ranges.syn], Header <ranges> synopsis, as indicated:

      #include <compare>              // see [compare.syn]
      #include <initializer_list>     // see [initializer.list.syn]
      #include <iterator>             // see [iterator.synopsis]
      namespace std::ranges {
        namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified take = unspecified; }              // freestanding
        // [range.take.exactly], take exactly view
        template<view> class take_exactly_view;                                           // freestanding
        template<class T>
          constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<take_exactly_view<T>> =                    // freestanding
        namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified take_exactly = unspecified; }      // freestanding
        namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified drop = unspecified; }              // freestanding
        // [range.drop.exactly], drop exactly view
        template<view V> class drop_exactly_view;                                         // freestanding
        template<class T>
          constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<drop_exactly_view<T>> =                    // freestanding
        namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified drop_exactly = unspecified; }      // freestanding
    3. Add 26.7.? Take exactly view [range.take.exactly] after 26.7.10 [range.take] as indicated:

      [26.7.?.1] Overview [range.take.exactly.overview]

      -1- take_exactly_view produces a view of the first N elements from another view. The behavior is undefined if the adapted view contains fewer than N elements.

      -2- The name views::take_exactly denotes a range adaptor object (26.7.2 [range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_cvref_t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_difference_t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_to<D>, views::take_exactly(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views::take_exactly(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

      1. (2.1) — if T is a specialization of empty_view ( [range.empty.view]), then ((void)F, decay-copy(E)), except that the evaluations of E and F are indeterminately sequenced.

      2. (2.2) — Otherwise, if T models random_access_range and is a specialization of span ( [views.span]), basic_string_view (23.3 [string.view]), or ranges::subrange (26.5.4 [range.subrange]), then U(ranges::begin(E), ranges::begin(E) + static_cast<D>(F)), except that E is evaluated only once, where U is a type determined as follows:

        1. (2.2.1) — if T is a specialization of span, then U is span<typename T::element_type>;

        2. (2.2.2) — otherwise, if T is a specialization of basic_string_view, then U is T;

        3. (2.2.3) — otherwise, T is a specialization of subrange, and U is subrange<iterator_t<T>>;

      3. (2.3) — otherwise, if T is a specialization of iota_view ( [range.iota.view]) that models random_access_range, then iota_view(*ranges::begin(E), *(ranges::begin(E) + static_cast<D>(F))), except that E is evaluated only once.

      4. (2.4) — Otherwise, if T is a specialization of repeat_view ( [range.repeat.view]), then views::repeat(*E.value_, static_cast<D>(F)).

      5. (2.5) — Otherwise, take_exactly_view(E, F).

      -3- [Example 1:

        auto ints = views::iota(0) | views::take_exactly(10);
        for (auto i : ints | views::reverse) {
          cout << i << ' ';  // prints 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
      end example]

      [26.7.?.2] Class template take_exactly_view [range.take.exactly.view]

        namespace std::ranges {
          template<view V>
          class take_exactly_view : public view_interface<take_exactly_view<V>> {
            V base_ = V();                                      // exposition only
            range_difference_t<V> count_ = 0;                   // exposition only
            take_exactly_view() requires default_initializable<V> = default;
            constexpr explicit take_exactly_view(V base, range_difference_t<V> count);
            constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
            constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }
            constexpr auto begin() requires (!simple-view<V>) {
              if constexpr (random_access_range<V>)
                return ranges::begin(base_);
                return counted_iterator(ranges::begin(base_), count_);
            constexpr auto begin() const requires range<const V> {
              if constexpr (random_access_range<const V>)
                return ranges::begin(base_);
                return counted_iterator(ranges::begin(base_), count_);
            constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<V>) {
              if constexpr (random_access_range<V>)
                return ranges::begin(base_) + count_;
                return default_sentinel;
            constexpr auto end() const requires range<const V> {
              if constexpr (random_access_range<const V>)
                return ranges::begin(base_) + range_difference_t<const V>(count_);
                return default_sentinel;
            constexpr auto size() const noexcept { return to-unsigned-like(count_); }
          template<class R>
            take_exactly_view(R&&, range_difference_t<R>)
              -> take_exactly_view<views::all_t<R>>;
      constexpr explicit take_exactly_view(V base, range_difference_t<V> count);

      -1- Preconditions: count <= ranges::distance(base) is true.

      -2- Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base) and count_ with count.

    4. Add 26.7.? Drop exactly view [range.drop.exactly] after 26.7.12 [range.drop] as indicated:

      [26.7.?.1] Overview [range.drop.exactly.overview]

      -1- drop_exactly_view produces a view excluding the first N elements from another view. The behavior is undefined if the adapted view contains fewer than N elements.

      -2- The name views::drop_exactly denotes a range adaptor object (26.7.2 [range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_cvref_t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_difference_t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_to<D>, views::drop_exactly(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views::drop_exactly(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

      1. (2.1) — if T is a specialization of empty_view ( [range.empty.view]), then ((void)F, decay-copy(E)), except that the evaluations of E and F are indeterminately sequenced.

      2. (2.2) — Otherwise, if T models random_access_range and is

        1. (2.2.1) — a specialization of span ( [views.span]),

        2. (2.2.2) — a specialization of basic_string_view (23.3 [string.view]),

        3. (2.2.3) — a specialization of iota_view ( [range.iota.view]), or

        4. (2.2.4) — a specialization of subrange (26.5.4 [range.subrange]) where T::StoreSize is false,

        then U(ranges::begin(E) + static_cast<D>(F), ranges::end(E)), except that E is evaluated only once, where U is span<typename T::element_type> if T is a specialization of span and T otherwise.

      3. (2.3) — Otherwise, if T is a specialization of subrange (26.5.4 [range.subrange]) that models random_access_range and sized_range, then T(ranges::begin(E) + static_cast<D>(F), ranges::end(E), to-unsigned-like(ranges::distance(E) - static_cast<D>(F))), except that E and F are each evaluated only once.

      4. (2.4) — Otherwise, if T is a specialization of repeat_view ( [range.repeat.view]):

        1. (2.4.1) — if T models sized_range, then

            views::repeat(*E.value_, ranges::distance(E) - static_cast<D>(F))
          except that E is evaluated only once;

        2. (2.4.2) — otherwise, ((void)F, decay-copy(E)), except that the evaluations of E and F are indeterminately sequenced.

      5. (2.5) — Otherwise, drop_exactly_view(E, F).

      6. -3- [Example 1:

          vector<int> v{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
          for (int i : is | views::drop_exactly(6) | views::take_exactly(3)) {
            cout << i << ' '; // prints 6 7 8
        end example]

        [26.7.?.2] Class template drop_exactly_view [range.drop.exactly.view]

            namespace std::ranges {
              template<view V>
              class drop_exactly_view : public view_interface<drop_exactly_view<V>> {
                drop_exactly_view() requires default_initializable<V> = default;
                constexpr explicit drop_exactly_view(V base, range_difference_t<V> count);
                constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
                constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }
                constexpr auto begin()
                  requires (!(simple-view<V> && random_access_range<const V>));
                constexpr auto begin() const requires random_access_range<const V>;
                constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<V>)
                { return ranges::end(base_); }
                constexpr auto end() const requires range<const V>
                { return ranges::end(base_); }
                constexpr auto size() requires sized_range<V> {
                  return ranges::size(base_) - static_cast<range_size_t<V>>(count_);
                constexpr auto size() const requires sized_range<const V> {
                  return ranges::size(base_) - static_cast<range_size_t<const V>>(count_);
                V base_ = V();                                      // exposition only
                range_difference_t<V> count_ = 0;                   // exposition only
              template<class R>
                drop_exactly_view(R&&, range_difference_t<R>)
                  -> drop_exactly_view<views::all_t<R>>;
        constexpr explicit drop_exactly_view(V base, range_difference_t<V> count);

        -1- Preconditions: count <= ranges::distance(base) is true.

        -2- Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base) and count_ with count.

        constexpr auto begin() requires (!(simple-view<V> && random_access_range<const V>));
        constexpr auto begin() const requires random_access_range<const V>

        -3- Returns: ranges::next(ranges::begin(base_), count_).

        -4- Remarks: In order to provide the amortized constant-time complexity required by the range concept when drop_exactly_view models forward_range, the first overload caches the result within the drop_exactly_view for use on subsequent calls.

        [Note 1: Without this, applying a reverse_view over a drop_exactly_view would have quadratic iteration complexity. — end note]


Barry Revzin. A Plan for C++26 Ranges. URL: