Trivial Relocatability For C++26

Proposal to safely relocate objects in memory

Document #: P2786R13
Date: 2025-02-14 15:01 CET
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: CWG, LWG
Reply-to: Alisdair Meredith
Mungo Gill
Joshua Berne
Corentin Jabot
Pablo Halpern
Lori Hughes


1 Abstract

Many types in C++ cannot be trivially moved or destroyed but do support trivially moving an object from one location to another by copying its bits — an operation known as trivial relocation. Some types even support bitwise swapping, which requires replacing the objects passed to the swap function, without violating any object invariants. Optimizing containers to take advantage of this property of a type is already in widespread use throughout the industry but is undefined behavior as far as the language is concerned. This paper provides a mechanism to annotate types as having the appropriate properties to be eligible for these optimizations, along with library interfaces to make use of them in a well-defined manner.

2 Revision History

R13: February 2025 (Hagenberg, version sent to plenary)

R12: February 2025 (mid-Hagenberg)

R11: December 2024 (post-Wrocław mailing)

R11 is the third of three revisions in the post-Wrocław mailing.

Although there was some support for each of changes made between R9 and R10 and although those changes were intended to increase consensus, some of those changes appeared to decrease consensus in the forwarding poll.

In brief, the changes from R10 to R11 are as described below.

R10: November 2024 (Wrocław meeting, LEWG)

R10 is the second of three revisions in the post-Wrocław mailing.

The R10 revision, containing changes made after EWG review in Wrocław, was presented to LEWG on Wednesday afternoon during the Wrocław meeting. With the exception of the keyword changes, the R10 revision contains no language changes and would not, therefore, affect CWG review.

There was some concern that the keywords approved by EWG and the consumer interface described in R9 would create some opposition in LEWG. Since the paper is mostly intended to address a language feature, the library interface was trimmed back to a minimal set of language-support features, and the keywords were shortened, though the new keywords were expected to be discussed and voted on before being finalized.

[P2786R10] failed to reach consensus to forward in LEWG in Wrocław.

R9: November 2024 (Wrocław meeting, EWG)

R9 is the first of three revisions in the post-Wrocław mailing.

The R9 revision was discussed in EWG on the Monday of the Wrocław meeting. It differs from the pre-meeting mailing in having more examples and correcting a few, noncontroversial technical issues. [P2786R9] was forwarded by EWG to Core and LWG.

R8: October 2024 (pre-Wrocław mailing)

R7: September 2024 (midterm mailing)

R1–6: January 2023 – April 2024

Early versions of this paper were careful to include comparison and contrast with other papers in this space. That progress is archived by [P2786R6].

The evolution groups requested a clean draft that presents just our proposal and integrates our follow-up papers such that a single coherent design is presented, and revision R7 is the original response to that request.

3 Proposal Status

P2786R12 was forwarded by both EWG and LEWG to their respective wording groups.

The language portion of this proposal was reviewed by EWG and forwarded to CWG and LEWG during the November 2024 Wrocław meeting. Since then, we have asked EWG to reconsider the keyword names (see Keyword selection). EWG did reconsider the keyword names and forwarded the paper with revised names at the 2025-02-10 session of the Hagenberg meeting.

The library portion of this proposal did not reach consensus in Wrocław but was later forwarded by LEWG (with changes) to LWG during the 2025-01-14 telecom.

The short summary of the proposal, presented in the following subsections, has only enough detail to focus discussion on the open issues as of [P2786R11]. This brief recap is intended for those already familiar with the concepts, terminology, and semantics described in the rest of the paper; readers new to this proposal should continue from the Document Conventions section. Since R11, all open issues have been addressed by the appropriate evolution groups. Each issue lists its resolution at the end.

3.1 Class-property specifier keywords

Two new class-property-specifiers (formerly class-virt-specifier) are added to the Core language as contextual keywords that appear in a class definition after the class name, i.e., in the same syntactic position as final:




R11 Open Issue: These keyword names are fairly long yet not particularly descriptive of their semantics; see the Keyword selection section.

EWG Resolution: Renamed memberwise_trivially_relocatable to trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and renamed memberwise_replaceable to replaceable_if_eligible.

3.2 Low-level memory-management Library functions

Two functions are added to the memory management library:

template <class T>
    T* trivially_relocate_at(T* location, T* from);

to relocate a single item, and

template <class T>
    T* trivially_relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);

to relocate a contiguous sequence of items.

R11 Open Issue: Because these are low-level interfaces, only one is technically needed since one can be written in terms of the other, but they have different safety, usability, and efficiency trade-offs. See the Low-level interface section.

LEWG Resolution: The single-object trivially_relocate_at function was removed. No change was made to the bulk trivially_relocate function.

3.3 Consumer Library interface

Many types that are not trivially relocatable can still be relocated via move and destroy. By providing a higher-level function that performs relocation by whichever mechanism is available and efficient for a given type, relocation is made more convenient and more forethoughtful of future forms of relocation. The proposed relocate algorithm is available in a constexpr context, unlike the low-level functions described above:

template <class T>
    constexpr T* relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);

R11 Open Issue: [P3516R0], which was not complete as of this writing, presents a different consumer interface. See the Consumer interface section.

LEWG Resolution: No changes were made to the proposed feature. [P3516R0] is still forthcoming and will be discussed separately.

3.4 Library Traits for relocatability and replaceability

Three new traits are added to the Standard Library:


The last trait does not appear in previous revisions of this paper. It was added because some people, including the authors of this paper, believed it necessary to be able to concisely ask the question of whether relocate can be invoked safely. The value of this trait is equal to is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T> || is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> today, but its definition can be expanded in the future to include other relocation methods. Code that uses this trait rather than directly querying the other two traits would thus automatically benefit from evolving support for relocation.

R11 Open Issue: If relocation is inherently a nothrow operation, then nothrow in the trait name is redundant. See the is_nothrow_relocatable trait section.

LEWG Resolution: No changes were made to the proposed feature; this new trait was retained, and its name was unchanged.

4 Open Issues as of R11

2025-02-10 UPDATE: EWG and LEWG have resolved all open issues and forwarded this paper (P2786R12) to CWG and LWG. The now-closed open issues are listed here for historical review and to provide background on their resolution.

4.1 Keyword selection

The keywords memberwise_trivially_relocatable and memberwise_replaceable are workable but not very descriptive of their actual function, especially in the case of replaceability. In both cases, the keyword doesn’t actually establish the property in question but indicates that the property will be deduced for the class if and only if it holds for all subobjects.

In trying to select better keywords, we applied the following four principles.

  1. Do not choose a keyword that strongly implies a property unless it actually establishes that property.
  2. Verbosity is acceptable within limits.
  3. The keywords shouldn’t imply something radically different than intended.
  4. Relocatability and replaceability are orthogonal concepts; we need not follow the same naming convention for both.

Some people will object to principle 2 because they don’t want class declarations to extend past the rightmost column of their display. However, a class-property-specifier like final is an elegant way to add properties to a class, and we can envision having a rich set of such properties, as other languages do, in the future. Thus, the list of properties will soon not fit on the same line as the class name (as templated base classes often don’t already), and we should get used to listing the properties, however long their names, on separate lines:

class X
  // ...

The following keywords conform to the principles above.

The following keywords were ruled out based on the principles listed above.

In addition, the prefixes tentatively_, provisionally_, and conditionally_ were ruled out because, though adhering to the principles, they are less descriptive than the _if_eligible suffix, despite being the same length or longer.

  1. Change memberwise_trivially_relocatable to memberwise_relocatable. The authors of this paper are in favor of this name change.

  2. Change memberwise_replaceable to replaceable_if_eligible. If poll 1 fails to reach consensus, also change memberwise_trivially_relocatable to trivially_relocatable_if_eligible. Some authors of this paper are in favor of this name change; the rest are neutral.

EWG Poll Results: Consensus to change memberwise_replaceable to replaceable_if_eligible and to change memberwise_trivially_relocatable to trivially_relocatable_if_eligible.

The first poll was not taken since discussion indicated little support for choosing a keyword based on unspecified future features. The two polls below were conducted to choose between trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and permit_trivially_relocatability. The consensus was clearly in favor of the former.

Poll: p2786r11 change memberwise_trivially_relocatable to trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and memberwise_replaceable to replaceable_if_eligible, and proceed as previously approved to CWG for C++26.

19 26 7 4 1

Poll: p2786r11 change memberwise_trivially_relocatable to permit_trivial_relocatability and memberwise_replaceable to permit_replaceability, and proceed as previously approved to CWG for C++26.

5 15 20 13 3

4.2 Low-level interface

The original low-level library interface was the three-parameter, contiguous-sequence-based trivially_relocate algorithm. This algorithm was a drop-in replacement for memmove, which is how many existing libraries achieve trivial relocation, albeit by relying on undefined behavior.

At the November 2024 meeting in Wrocław, LEWG voted to change to a low-level interface that relocates just one object at a time. The rationale was that such an interface was more natural for the lowest-level interface. The authors opposed this change, arguing that the real use case for trivial relocation was bulk relocation and that the single-object interface would be more dangerous, allowing programmers to easily create undefined behavior by relocating a single object with dynamic type different from its static type or relocating out of a variable with automatic storage duration, with no obvious marker (such as pointer arithmetic or a cast) indicating that the programmer is performing a dangerous operation.

The R11 wording included both interfaces, with the new, single-object, interface renamed to trivially_relocate_at, as preferred by its advocates. The original interface is still included because trivially_relocate was the primitive interface approved by EWG, and the authors were, therefore, unaware that they would need to defend it in LEWG and thus had not prepared a clear and compelling argument. In addition, new technical information has cast doubt on the wisdom of removing this memmove-like interface.

The arguments in favor of the contiguous-sequence-based trivially_relocate and against the single-object trivially_relocate_at are as follows.

    Thing x;  // automatic variable; should not be relocated!
    trivially_relocate(&x, &x + 1, dest_p);  // dangerous and suspicious
    trivially_relocate_at(dest_p, &x);       // less suspicious but equally dangerous

Ultimately, both interfaces are low-level footguns intended for expert use, and the status quo in this paper is to include both. The authors’ position, however, is that trivially_relocate_at, compared to the bulk trivially_relocate algorithm, is more dangerous, is more difficult to use correctly, and provides very little in terms of optimization.

Recommended Poll (for LEWG): Remove single-object trivially_relocate_at. The authors of this paper are in favor of removal.

LEWG Poll Results: Census for removing trivially_relocate_at and preserving trivially_relocate.

POLL: Remove the single object version as suggested in P2786R11:

template <class T>
    T* trivially_relocate_at(T* location, T* source);
2 9 9 1 0

POLL: Remove the bulk version as suggested in P2786R11:

template <class T>
    T* trivially_relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);
1 1 2 8 9

4.3 Consumer interface

The consumer-level relocate function was included in R9 but removed in R10 with the thought that a different consumer-level interface, more similar to the existing uninitialized_* algorithms, would be better and that we could increase consensus by reducing the interface to its low-level bare minimum. Unfortunately, several members of LEWG considered this paper incomplete and were uncomfortable approving the low-level interface without knowing what the consumer-level interface would look like, especially since the low-level interface cannot be used in a constexpr context.

In the Wrocław meeting, members of LEWG expressed interest in modeling a consumer interface on the uninitailized_* functions already in the Standard. As of this writing, no complete proposal has been put forth for the shape of this interface, although Louis Dionne appears to be working on a paper, [P3516R0], that provides the requested uninitialized_relocate interface, compatible with but independent of trivial relocation. The authors of this paper are uncomfortable with the interface proposed in P3516R0 for the reasons listed below. The original relocate interface has been restored in R11 of this paper, not to prejudice the discussion of future alternatives but to provide a simple and proven interface that allows P2786 to move forward.

Our concerns with modeling the interface after uninitialized_copy and its ilk are as follows.

Suggested process: Louis’s paper is not published. The Standard would not be broken if both interfaces (relocate and uninitialized_relocate) were adopted (though the redundancy would be strange). Rather than hold up P2786 or vote something incomplete into the working paper, we suggest that we uncouple the progress of P2786 from P3516 by forwarding P2786 with the relocate function template in place. If LEWG ultimately decides that P3516 is a better direction, a future revision of P3516 — one that replaces relocate with an uninitialized_relocate that takes advantage of trivial relocation — can be adopted, and we will work collegially with Louis to make that happen.

No poll was needed, and none was taken by LEWG.

4.4 is_nothrow_relocatable trait

The is_nothrow_relocatable_v<T> is true if T can be relocated either via trivial relocation or via a nothrow move constructor and destructor. We assert that relocation is inherently a no-fail (and, therefore, nothrow) operation, so the “nothrow” in the trait name is arguably redundant.

The arguments for keeping “nothrow” are as follows.

The argument for removing “nothrow” is as follows.

Possible Poll (for LEWG): Rename is_nothrow_relocatable to is_relocatable. The authors of this paper are neutral on this name change.

LEWG Poll Results: Retain this trait with the current name.

POLL: Remove is_nothrow_relocatable trait from P2786R11.

1 1 0 10 3

POLL: Rename is_nothrow_relocatable into is_relocatable in P2786R11.

Outcome: No objection to unanimous dissent. The name stays as is in the paper: is_nothrow_relocatable.

5 Document Conventions

5.1 Typography

Throughout this paper, a bold typeface will be used for terms defined herein and bold italicized typeface for terms of art defined herein; the proposed wording, however, will use the conventions of the Standard.

5.2 Definitions

We define a relocation operation of a source object as one that ends the lifetime of that object and starts the lifetime of a new object at a new location. Importantly, the destructor is not necessarily run by a relocation operation. For types in which move construction and destruction are supported, a relocation can be accomplished by constructing an object in the new location from an xvalue referring to the source object, followed by invoking the destructor of the source object.

We define a trivial relocation operation as a relocation operation accomplished by performing a bitwise copy of its object representation to a new memory location that ends the lifetime of that source object — just as if that (source) object’s storage were used by another object (6.7.4 []1p5) — and starts the life of a new object at the new location. Importantly, nothing else is done to the source object; in particular, its destructor is not run. This operation will typically be semantically equivalent to a nontrivial relocation operation performed via move construction and destruction (though exceptions, while not encouraged, are not expressly forbidden).

We define replacement of a target object by a source object as destroying the target object immediately followed by move construction into the location of the target object from the source object. For many types, this operation is semantically equivalent to a move-assignment operation from the source object to the target object.

5.3 Core-language additions

We propose a new Core-language definition for a trivially relocatable type. This new definition is inspired by the recursive nature and handling of special member functions used in the definition of a trivially copyable type. A trivially relocatable type is a scalar type, a trivially relocatable class, an array of such types, or a cv-qualified version of such a type. A class will be implicitly trivially relocatable if all its bases and members are trivially relocatable and none of its eligible special member functions are user provided; a contextual keyword will signify that a class might still be trivially relocatable even if it has user-provided special member functions.

We similarly propose a new Core-language definition for a replaceable type in which a class will be a replaceable class if all its bases and members are replaceable and none of its relevant special member functions are user provided; a contextual keyword will signify that a class might still be a replaceable class, even if it has those user-provided special member functions.

Because replaceability is explicitly about the equivalence of assignment with destruction followed by construction, we do not decide that a type is implicitly replaceable when the special member functions selected for those operations are user provided.

5.4 Library additions

The Standard Library APIs to support trivial relocation and replaceability comprise

To support common use cases, both trivially_relocate and relocate are specified to support overlapping ranges.

Finally, we propose modifications to Standard Library wording to describe when Standard Library types are allowed and expected to have various properties, including trivial relocatability and replaceability.

6 Introduction

Containers in C++, in particular those like std::vector and std::deque that manage objects within a range of continuous storage, live and die by the efficiency with which they can move objects around. One of the most common fundamental steps in many of the operations these types perform is that of relocation — taking an element at one location in memory and creating a new element at a different location in memory with the same value and then destroying that original value.

Many frequently used libraries have long recognized that, for many types, the two nontrivial steps of move construction and destruction often combine into a single operation that can be accomplished by a simple bitwise copy followed by discarding the source object instead of evaluating its destructor. Much of the work a move constructor might do to the source object, such as setting pointers to owned data to nullptr, is done only to make sure the destructor that will eventually run knows that no data is present that it is still responsible for freeing. By taking advantage of the knowledge that certain types can be relocated by simply copying bits, complex operations that can involve the invocation of many user-provided special members functions can be replaced by single calls to memcpy, realizing huge benefits in performance.

The problem, of course, is that moving objects in this fashion that are not trivially copyable violates the C++ object model and is undefined behavior. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to fix that problem.

A more subtle problem occurs where developers want to apply optimizations based on trivial relocation, but their code was previously taking advantage of library APIs to assume that assignment and destroy-then-construct were interchangeable operations. For types that do not support that property, switching to trivially_relocate, which emulates move construction, will behave differently than code optimized to use assignment instead. This property — that we name replaceability — of a type is not programmatically detectable today. For a frequently mentioned example, the C++ Standard Library specification for std::vector insert and erase operations allows implementers to relocate elements using assignment, assuming but not requiring that all stored types are replaceable; for an implementation using assignment to relocate elements in these operations to start using trivial relocation instead — an otherwise valid transformation — would be an observable change of behavior unless the implementation could make a compile-time test to verify that the element type is not only trivially relocatable, but also replaceable.

To incorporate this concept of replaceability into the language, we propose further additional changes.

Put together, we hope this proposal provides a complete picture of how to incorporate into the C++ Standard, in a comprehensible and effective manner, bitwise operations that are already performed by many libraries in the industry.

7 Basic Ideas

This paper introduces two new complementary but independent notions into C++.

7.1 Trivial relocatability

Relocation is the act of moving an object and all its nested subobjects from one memory location to another. This result is typically achieved by calling the move constructor to make a new object at the new location followed by calling the destructor of the original object to end its lifetime.

A type is trivially relocatable if it can be relocated by copying the bytes of its object representation from the old location to the new and the lifetime of the original object can be ended without running its destructor. However, C++ object lifetimes do not currently permit types (with the exception of those few types that meet the strict requirements of trivial copyability) to be relocated by means of byte copying (trivial relocation).

If the object model were to allow it, most C++ types could safely be trivially relocated. The two known exceptions are types that maintain an internal pointer to a data member and types that register their presence in an external registry that must point back to the object.

This paper proposes adding

The equivalent of trivial relocation has been used for decades with code that has relied on compilers not reacting to the use of undefined behavior when bitwise copying nontrivial types, even though such copies violate C++ object lifetime rules.

7.2 Replaceability

Replaceability is a semantic property of a type, where move assignment is isomorphic to destroy then move-construct. Just like in trivial relocatability, a compiler cannot deduce whether a type is replaceable if the user provides a move-assignment operator, move constructor, or destructor without extra guidance from the user.

In many cases, a library would like to require or assume replaceability, such as for moving elements around a std::vector when inserting or erasing elements.

This paper proposes adding

Note that no part of the language requires types to be replaceable; this feature is purely to allow users to mark their types with a property that many libraries seek to exploit.

7.3 Examples of types having neither, one, or both properties

In the following table, let list1 be an implementation of std::list whose sentinel node is part of the container’s footprint and list2 be an implementation of std::list whose a sentinel node is allocated on the heap. Also, let string1 be an implementation of std::string that may contain a pointer to its own small-string buffer and string2 be an implementation of std::string that will never point to itself. These examples are described in more detail in the subsequent subsections.

Not replaceable
Not trivially relocatable pmr::list1<T>
pair<int, const string1>
Trivially relocatable tuple<T&>

7.3.1 Examples of trivially relocatable and replaceable types

If we assume the default template arguments, we would expect the following Standard Library types to be both trivially relocatable and replaceable:

We would expect the following types to be both trivially relocatable and replaceable if all their template arguments are both trivially relocatable and replaceable:

7.3.2 Examples of trivially relocatable types that are not replaceable

A variety of types, while trivially relocatable, do not maintain the invariants of replaceability:

In many contexts, relocation of such types is desirable, especially in user-defined data structures beyond the reach of the Standard Library.

7.3.3 Examples of replaceable types that are not trivially relocatable

Any object directly or indirectly containing pointers to itself would not be trivially relocatable but can certainly be replaceable. Examples include

This category of types would meet preconditions for algorithms in which the semantics of replaceability are important, and they might be enforced by the equivalent of Mandates, Constraints, or Preconditions in users’ libraries.

7.3.4 Examples of Standard Library types that must defer to the implementation

We would expect the quality of implementation would decide whether the following types are trivially relocatable and replaceable or are just replaceable:

7.4 Independent features

From the variety of types and usage examples above, we see that while trivial relocation and replacement are often used together, each has important use cases and neither can be built on top of the other.

8 Technical Background

Some very specific uses of terminology from the C++ Standard are important to understand when reading this proposal and are quickly summarized here.

For decades, C++ developers have been optimizing low-level data structures, such as their own vector-like types, by byte-wise copying objects from one location to another, even though doing so is often UB; see earlier papers2 for rationale.

Earlier revisions of this paper initially proposed language and library extensions, termed trivial relocation, to make writing such code well defined and was forwarded to Core where it received a strong review that challenged our assumptions about copying bytes. From the perspective of the C++ abstract machine, we should not be making assumptions about in-memory representations — that is the compiler’s job — and should limit ourselves to copying the object representation, leaving the compiler itself to optimize copying and moving the object representations using efficient memory-copying operations.

The Core review in Tokyo 2024 proceeded in parallel to the LEWG review at the same meeting, which subsequently sent the proposal back to EWG, asking for a more complete handling of bitwise operations, notably optimizations for byte-wise swaps. Subsequent feedback, given that swap cannot rely on trivial relocation lest it corrupt a potentially overlapped member subobject, was that the full details of swap are best left to the Library and compiler to work out for themselves and that supplying the two traits for trivial relocatability and for replaceability is sufficient for them to make progress.

Polls in LEWG in Wrocław 2024 indicated that the fundamental primitive should be an API to relocate a single object at a time, leaving relocating ranges to a higher-level consumer API to be separately proposed in follow-up papers. Further consideration as well as compiler benchmarks indicate that single-object trivial relocation has few uses cases, cannot be optimized efficiently by current compilers, and fails to achieve the important goal of being a drop-in substitute for memmove. In deference to the LEWG poll, the single-object primitive was retained, but the contiguous-sequence primitive was also restored.

9 Basic Design Principles

9.1 Create a feature for users, not just the Standard Library

Efficient implementation of many data structures often needs a means to efficiently move and exchange objects that those data structures are managing, especially for data structures that manage their elements in contiguous storage or in some other location that is not a node at the end of a pointer.

We note that such object manipulation is also a sharp tool that is not initially expected to see much use other than optimizing the internal management of data structures. While this paper focuses on supplying the essential building blocks of trivial relocation, we defer the design of a more usable consumer API to follow-up papers that can debate their varied merits and trade-offs.

9.2 A formal specification is built around object lifetimes

C++ has a well-specified object model that is important to optimizers, sanitizers, and analysis tools alike. Such tools must reason about object lifetimes and, importantly, minimize the doubt created for developers regarding that reasoning leading to false positives or false negatives when seeking to optimize or alert users.

9.3 Behavior must be reliable

No freedom for quality of implementation (QoI) in semantics is an important quality that builds on the well-specified object model.

9.4 Guard against accidental undefined behavior

The new Library APIs support only types that would produce well-defined behavior. The specification prefers Mandates clauses to Constraints: clauses since SFINAE behavior carries no expected benefit and is likely to produce error messages with less useful information.

10 Core Proposal

Our core proposal comprises two parts: trivial relocation and replaceability, including Standard Library primitives that are necessary for well-defined use of each feature. Trivial relocation is a technique already widely used in the industry, and replaceability is a more novel property that is exploited directly by optimizing library code based on its availability.

10.1 Trivial relocatability

To ensure that libraries taking advantage of the trivially relocatable semantic do not introduce undefined behavior, the model of lifetimes for objects must be extended to allow for relocation of trivially relocatable types. Since the compiler cannot know if a specific memcpy or memmove call is intended to duplicate (or to move) an object, we propose introducing a new function template, std::trivially_relocate, that is restricted to trivially relocatable types. The purpose of the new function template is to efficiently move the object representation, typically with a call to memmove or memcpy while signifying to the compiler (and other analysis tools) that the lifetime of the new objects has begun — similar to calling start_lifetime_as on the destination locations — and that the lifetime of the original objects has ended (without running destructors).

This design deliberately puts all compiler-magic and Core-language interaction dealing with the object lifetimes into a single place, rather than into a number of different relocate-related overloads. Note that users are not permitted to copy the bytes to perform a relocation themselves, unlike with trivial copyability, although byte copies would continue to work for trivially copyable types.

10.1.1 New type category: Trivially relocatable

To better integrate language support, we further propose that the language can detect types as trivially relocatable where all their bases and nonstatic data members are, in turn, trivially relocatable: The constructor selected for construction from a single rvalue of the same type is neither user provided nor deleted, the same applies for the assignment operator for rvalues, and their destructor is neither user provided nor deleted. Conceptually, this definition combines the rules we would follow if there was a new user-definable special member function for relocation and when that operation would be trivial.

Note that our notion of relocation relies on being semantically equivalent to move construction of the target followed by destruction of the source. Even though it is not involved in this definition, we still consider assignment operations when deciding if a type is implicitly trivially relocatable for the same reasons that we consider assignment when deciding if a type should have an implicitly declared move constructor; any existing type with a particular set of user-provided special member functions should not begin to have new operations considered valid for it if those operations might subvert expectations due to compiling with a new language Standard.

10.1.2 New keyword and explicit rule

Without an opt-in mechanism, the only types that would be implicitly trivially relocatable would be those that are already trivially copyable, an important yet relatively small subset of the full universe of types in C++. To enable trivial relocatability on the many more interesting types that have nontrivial special member functions, explicitly marking such types must be possible. This marking is needed for only user-defined class types (including unions); hence, we propose adding a new contextual keyword, trivially_relocatable_if_eligible, as part of the class definition, similar to how final applies to classes:

struct X;                                      // Forward declaration does not admit `final`.
struct X final {};                             // Class definition admits `final`.
struct Y trivially_relocatable_if_eligible {}; // New contextual keyword, placed like `final`.

We propose one new contextual keyword, trivially_relocatable_if_eligible, that can be placed in a class-head (on a class definition) to indicate that a type’s special operations do nothing that would violate the implicit rule that would make a type trivially relocatable.

By means of the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible specification, a class will be determined to be trivially relocatable if, according to the implicit rules for a trivially relocatable class, the class would be trivially relocatable if the presence of user-declared special member functions were ignored.

Users considering whether to apply this keyword to a given type that has user-provided special member functions must simply inspect their move constructor and destructor and decide if, when applied together as part of a relocate operation, they have no net effect. Common examples include many types.

10.1.3 New type trait: is_trivially_relocatable

To expose the relocatability property of a type to library functions seeking to provide appropriate optimizations, we propose a new trait, std::is_trivially_relocatable<T>, which enables the detection of trivial :

template< class T >
struct is_trivially_relocatable;

template< class T >
constexpr bool is_trivially_relocatable_v = is_trivially_relocatable<T>::value;

The std::is_trivially_relocatable<T> trait has a base characteristic of std::true_type if T is trivially relocatable and has std::false_type otherwise.

Note that the std::is_trivially_relocatable trait reflects the underlying property that a type has, and like all similar traits in the Standard Library, it must not be user specializable. Compilers themselves are expected to determine this property internally and should not introduce a library dependency such as by instantiating this type trait.

We expect that the std::is_trivially_relocatable trait shall be implemented through a compiler intrinsic, much like std::is_trivially_copyable, so the compiler can use that intrinsic when the language semantics require trivial relocatability, rather than requiring actual instantiation (and knowledge) of the Standard Library trait. The trait must always agree with the intrinsic since users do not have permission to specialize standard type traits (unless explicitly granted permission for a specific trait).

We see no particular need to separately detect whether a type has attempted to make itself trivially relocatable with the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible token or by leaning on the implicit definition.

10.1.4 New primitive function: trivially_relocate

As stated in “Library additions,” we are proposing a new function template, trivially_relocate, that is the primitive entry point into the core magic that tracks and manages object lifetimes in the abstract machine:

template <class T>
T* trivially_relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result)
  static_assert( is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> && !is_const_v<T> );
  // ... (platform-provided implementation)

This function template mandates that is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> && !is_const_v<T> is true and has a precondition that any objects nested within the source objects are also trivially relocatable.

Its postcondition is that the new objects — and all their nested subobjects — at the destination addresses have the same object representations as the objects — and their corresponding nested subobjects — originally at the source locations; the lifetimes of the source objects and their subobjects have ended without running any destructors or other clean-up code.

On most platforms, this template is functionally equivalent to

memmove(result, first, last - first);

However, unlike memmove on its own, this function template is restricted to trivially relocatable types rather than to implicit lifetime types.

Note that this function has the nofail guarantee and can never throw an exception, yet it is not marked as noexcept, following the principles of the Lakos Rule, which can be summarized as, “If a function has a narrow contract, then, unless that function is likely to be used in conjunction with the noexcept operator, the exception specification should be left to the library as QoI.”

In addition to performing memmove, the function also has the following two important effects that matter to the abstract machine but have no apparent physical effect (i.e., these effects do not change bits in memory), much like std::launder.

  1. The function ends the lifetime of the source objects. This ending of the objects’ lifetimes means that attempting to access those objects or attempting to run their destructor will be undefined behavior.

  2. The function begins the lifetime of the result objects. If those objects or any of their nested subobjects are unions, they have the same active elements as the corresponding unions in the original objects.

The current library-level mechanism to start the lifetime of an object without invoking a constructor is std::start_lifetime_as, a function that works for only implicit lifetime types that must have trivial default constructors. Trivially relocatable types, however, include a much wider range of types, including many that establish and maintain invariants in their special member functions and thus cannot be implicit lifetime types.

A tool for ending lifetimes is similarly unavailable in the Standard Library today. This task can be accomplished by reusing the storage of an object, but that requires modifications of some sort.

The trivially_relocate function, therefore, is interacting with the abstract machine in ways that are not currently available. Importantly, for many of the types we are concerned with (e.g., std::vector, std::unique_ptr, and so on), the component steps of the relocation operation are decidedly not trivial, so we are compelled to make this primitive function responsible for the needed compiler magic.

To remove the need for a larger family of functions and avoid overly limiting cases in which trivial relocation might be applied, the trivially_relocate function is intended to support overlapping source and destination ranges, just like memmove. If the ranges are overlapping, the implementation must take care around the management of the lifetime of objects relocated out of or into the overlap.

10.1.5 New library function: std::relocate

The function trivially_relocate is a sharp tool that requires compiler magic to implement, and the user must write an alternative code path for types that are not trivially relocatable. General relocation that supports both trivial and nontrivial relocation is, however, a subtle and tedious function to implement correctly, and we do not want to force all users to reimplement this function.

Therefore, we propose an additional user-friendly, general-purpose relocation function, std::relocate, that will use trivially_relocate for trivially relocatable types and otherwise relocate elements by calling the move constructor to move each object, followed by their destructor. This function must correctly order its moves to support overlapping ranges, just like trivially_relocate.

In addition, std::relocate is constexpr to support easy implementation of constexpr containers like std::vector. Adding such support means that in addition to checking whether a type is trivially relocatable before calling trivially_relocate, we must also have an if consteval path that does not call trivially_relocate during constant evaluation:

template <class T>
T* relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result)
               || is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>);

  // When relocating to the same location or an empty range, do nothing.
  if (first == result) return last;
  if (first == last) return result;

  // Then, if we are not evaluating at compile time and the type supports
  // trivial relocation, delegate to `trivially_relocate`.
  if ! consteval {
    if constexpr (is_trivially_relocatable_v<T>) {
      return trivially_relocate(first, last, result);

  if constexpr (is_move_constructible_v<T>) {
    // For nontrivial relocatable types or any time during constant
    // evaluation, we must detect overlapping ranges and act accordingly,
    // which can be done only if the type is movable.  Note that trivially
    // relocatable types are allowed to have throwing move constructors, and
    // any throwing move that occurs in this branch will cause constant
    // evaluation to fail.

    if ! consteval {
      // At run time, when there is no overlap, we can, using other Standard
      // Library algorithms, do all moves at once followed by all destructions.
      if (less{}(last,result) || less{}(result + (last-first), first)) {
        T* result = uninitialized_move(first, last, result);
        return result;

    if (less{}(result,first) || less{}(last,result)) {
      // Any move to a lower address in memory or any nonoverlapping move can be
      // done by iterating forward through the range.
      T* next = first;
      T* dest = result;
      while (next != last) {
        ::new(dest) T(move(*next));
        ++next; ++dest;
    else {
      // When moving to a higher address that overlaps, we must go backward through
      // the range.
      T* next = last;
      T* dest = result + (last-first);
      while (next != first) {
        --next;  --dest;
        ::new(dest) T(move(*next));

    return result + (last-first);

  // The only way to reach this point is during constant evaluation where type `T`
  // is trivially relocatable but not move constructible.  Such cases are not supported,
  // so we mark this branch as unreachable.

Note that [P3516R0] presents uninitialized_relocate and uninitialize_relocate_backward templates that provide a different —larger but more general— alternative interface, providing similar functionality to the relocate function template.

10.2 Replaceability

In addition to trivial relocation, we introduce the orthogonal notion of replaceability. An object of type T is replaceable by an object of type U if destroying the object of type T and reconstructing an object of type T in its place from an xvalue of type U is equivalent to assigning to the original object of type T with an xvalue of type U. Note that replacement updates an object’s value, so const-qualified objects are never replaceable.

Replaceability is an important property when we want to transform relocation into assignment or vice versa. Containers such as std::vector already make a general assumption that all types are replaceable, but other functions, such as std::swap, do not make such an assumption, so we provide a mechanism to identify those types that provide guarantees by using this new property.

10.2.1 New type category: Replaceable type

A type T is a replaceable type if every object of type T is replaceable by every other object of type T. Note that replaceable types must be object types; function types, reference types, and void are never replaceable.

A cv-unqualified type T will implicitly be a replaceable type if all its bases and nonstatic members are replaceable types and if it has no user-provided move constructor, move-assignment operator, nor destructor.

10.2.2 New keyword and explicit rule

To enable replaceability to be useful for classes with user-provided special member functions, explicitly marking class (including union) types as potentially replaceable must be possible (just like for trivially relocatable types). To that end, we propose adding a new contextual keyword, replaceable_if_eligible, as part of the class definition (mirroring the design of trivially_relocatable_if_eligible).

struct X;                           // Forward declaration does not admit `final`.
struct X final {};                  // Class definition admits `final`.
struct Y trivially_relocatable_if_eligible {};  // New contextual keyword is placed like `final`.
struct Z replaceable_if_eligible {};            // New contextual keyword is placed like `final`.

A class can be marked with both trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and replaceable_if_eligible; we expect many uses of replaceable_if_eligible to also require trivially_relocatable_if_eligible.

10.2.3 New type trait: is_replaceable

To expose the replaceability property of a type to library functions seeking to provide appropriate optimizations, we propose a new trait, std::is_replaceable<T>, that enables the detection of replaceable types:

template< class T >
struct is_replaceable;

template< class T >
constexpr bool is_replaceable_v = is_replaceable<T>::value;

The std::is_replaceable<T> trait has a base characteristic of std::true_type if T is replaceable and std::false_type otherwise.

Note that the std::is_replaceable trait reflects the underlying property that a type has, and like all similar traits in the Standard Library, it must not be user specializable. Compilers themselves are expected to determine this property internally and should not introduce a library dependency such as by instantiating this type trait.

10.3 (Not) Optimizing std::swap

std::swap usage differs significantly from trivial relocation in several ways. std::swap is an existing well-specified function with a wide contract, and it starts and ends with two valid objects and cannot end the lifetimes of either without vastly changing its current expected behavior; users will have no well-defined way to implement a safe, general purpose, byte-wise swap. However, Standard Library implementations are not constrained by simple things like undefined behavior, so vendors will remain free to provide such optimizations as a QoI feature that relies on is_trivially_relocatable and is_replaceable to spot candidate types; the implementation would still need to rely on compiler intrinsics to avoid the dangers inherent in nontransparent replacement, but techniques to evade this problem are known.

Note that revisions R7–9 of this paper included extensive work to guarantee a byte-wise swap, but ultimately those extensions were deemed complex, distracting, and nonessential. They might return in a follow-up paper if this paper (P2786) is adopted.

10.3.1 Untyped nested subobjects

A complete object can store a variety of nested subobjects, the obvious case being all its member subobjects, yet nested subobjects can be created in other ways too. For example, if a class has a nonstatic data member that is an array of std::byte, a nested subobject with dynamic storage duration can be created in that storage.

When an object is relocated, all its nested subobjects, including those of dynamic storage duration stashed in member arrays, must be relocated too.

11 Simple Worked Examples

To help dispel confusion and misunderstanding, we present a variety of simple classes that illustrate most of the concerns regarding whether a type will be trivially relocatable, replaceable, neither, or both. For reference, we will also note whether such types are trivially copyable as well.

11.1 Exposition-only classes

The following exposition-only classes have their semantics defined by their documentation comments. They are used throughout the rest of this section to illustrate the interaction of the proposed new facilities with both implicit and explicit deduction of the new properties with a relevant variety of data members.

struct Empty {};

static_assert(    is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);

struct Non-Trivial {
   // Implementation details are elided.
   // Non-Trivial is neither trivially copyable, trivially relocatable, nor replaceable.

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

struct Immobile {
   Immobile(Immobile&&) = delete;
   Immobile& operator=(Immobile&&) = delete;

   Immobile() = default;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

11.2 Rule of zero

struct X{};

static_assert(    is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X : Empty {};

static_assert(    is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X : virtual Empty {};

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);         // Replaceable types can have virtual bases.
struct X trivially_relocatable_if_eligible : virtual Empty {};

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);  // Trivially reloctable types never have
                                                   // virtual bases.
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X {
   Non-Trivial data;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

11.3 Impact of destructors

struct X {
   ~X() = default;

static_assert(    is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X {

X::~X() = default;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X {
   virtual ~X() = default;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X {
   ~X() = delete;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

11.4 Impact of move constructors

struct X {
   X(X&&) = default;

static_assert(    is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(    is_replaceable_v<X>);
struct X {

X::X(X&&) = default;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

Note: This class has an implicitly deleted copy constructor and an implicitly deleted copy-assignment operator.

struct X {
   X(X&&) = delete;

static_assert(not is_trivially_copyable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_trivially_relocatable_v<X>);
static_assert(not is_replaceable_v<X>);

12 Plans for Library Update

We plan to enable the adoption of these new features in follow-up papers targeting LEWG.

12.1 Immediate updates

In addition to specifying the type traits and Library functions that enable the facilities, we should update the Library frontmatter to indicate whether and how the Library is allowed to use these features to enhance their QoI.

Clearly, under the as-if rule, the Library immediately gets permission to optimize algorithms and functions for trivially relocatable and replaceable types where such optimizations are not observable. For example, std::vector could optimize many of its operations for such types, given a suitable allocator, such as the default std::allocator. No updates to the Library specification are needed for these optimizations, and follow-up papers that suggest changing specifications to allow such optimizations that would be observable should be properly directed to LEWG.

The other category of interest is whether Library types themselves can — or should — be trivially relocatable or replaceable. For example, any implementation of std::vector should be able to satisfy the requirements to be both trivially relocatable and replaceable for any element type as long as its allocator has those properties; we might want to mandate that std::vector is relocatable and/or replaceable in such cases. Conversely, in the two common implementation strategies for std::list, the sentinel node is either dynamically allocated or stored directly in the footprint of the list. The dynamic node case is always trivially relocatable and replaceable, but the in-place representation is neither; however, the in-place representation is nothrow-movable, whereas the dynamic case must allocate a new node, which can potentially throw. In both cases, relocation will never throw, but different trade-offs must be considered when choosing an implementation strategy, and such cases are almost always better left for implementation QoI (especially since ABI concerns might require consideration).

When granting permission for implementations to use keywords that are in addition to those specified by the C++ Standard, we have taken two approaches that we will term the noexcept approach and the constexpr approach. In the noexcept approach, an implementation is granted permission to add noexcept specifications to functions as long as those specifications do not invalidate other aspects of the function contract; i.e., an exception specification cannot be added to a virtual function or to a function that is specified to throw exceptions. Conversely, the constexpr approach disallows adding constexpr to a function that is not declared as constexpr in the C++ Standard.

For the purposes of this paper, we believe the minimal necessary specification should use the noexcept approach, and we propose the appropriate wording to say so. That choice will allow implementations to experiment with the feature and then provide clear recommendations for specific cases as follow-up LEWG papers.

12.2 ABI concerns

We believe no ABI concerns exist for libraries applying these new features throughout the Standard Library, even as unspecified QoI improvements.

The name-mangling of a type should not depend on whether it is either trivially relocatable or replaceable. While these properties can be determined through type traits, by definition of being a new feature, no existing code will be SFINAE-enabled on these traits. Updating the internal layout of any Standard Library type to accommodate optimizations using these traits should be unnecessary.

The main concern might be adding constraints to implementation-specific functions used to dispatch to optimized algorithms, such as when growing a vector. In these cases, to avoid introducing new mangled names that would affect link compatibility, if constexpr within the dispatching function could be used to enable a fully link-compatible library.

One situation that should be called out is when a library wants to adopt an optimization with an observable behavior change, such as relocating a nonreplaceable type where previously assignment was used. The same concerns would arise as with any other change of unspecified behavior or even a typical bug fix, and library vendors might choose to be conservative and postpone making those QoI changes.

12.3 Specific follow-ups

In a follow-up paper, we intended to propose adding a new specification element, Class properties, for any specification related to class properties 11.2 [class.prop]. The Standard Library already makes some effort to specify whether a class must be trivially copyable, standard layout, and so on, and we believe tracking such specification would be more maintainable with a consistent presentation and using a consistent form.

Once we have a Class properties element, we can then review all Library classes and decide whether to specify the trivial-relocatability behavior for that class, which might be conditional on its template arguments if it is a class template. We might also deliberately defer specifying behavior to allow for implementations making different choices, such as node-based containers allocating their end node vs. storing the pointers in the container’s object representation.

Finally, once we have an easy way to document class properties, we might consider making stronger guarantees on existing Library components where such specification would be useful, e.g., clarifying which types are implicit lifetime.

We would propose moving the specification for the following properties in this new element

along with the two new properties specified in this paper

The following clauses in the Standard Library specification would then include additional notes regarding this new element and updated specification:

13 Use Cases

13.1 Optimizing std::vector at run time

std::vector can optimize moving elements into a new buffer by relying strictly on trivial relocation when the allocator does not implement construct and destroy. A library paper targeting the broader issue of optimizing containers for allocators that use the construct and destroy customization points will follow since that is a concern for more than just trivial relocation.

We find that the current specification allows for trivial relocation on insert and erase, although that use might produce a change of semantics that implementations using assignment prefer to avoid. Hence, we will leave the choice to implementers and their interpretation of the specification.

We expect to provide a Library-specific paper to address the semantics of inserting into and erasing from a std::vector that is independent of trivial relocation concerns and that leans heavily into replaceability.

13.2 Optimizing std::optional to be trivially relocatable and replaceable

If std::optional is implemented with a variant member (anonymous union) and a boolean flag to indicate if the optional is engaged, then memberwise determination of both trivial relocatability and replaceability will produce the correct property. Typical usage might be something like the following example, which clearly shows that any optional implementation is going to provide implementations of all the special member functions and thus require use of both contextual keywords.

template <class T>
class optional {

   union {
      T d_object;
   bool d_engaged{false};

   using value_type = T;

template <class T>
class optional
      replaceable_if_eligible {
   union {
      T d_object;
   bool d_engaged{false};

   using value_type = T;


Note that to support the constexpr operations required by the Standard, a union-based implementation is the only known way to conform. However, if we were not concerned about constexpr evaluations, then we might choose to store our active element in an array of bytes. Unfortunately, adding the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible or replaceable_if_eligible properties to the class definition will give our class that same property — even when the array member is used as storage for a type without those properties — since an array of std::byte is both trivially relocatable and replaceable.

This problem can be resolved in several ways, but the key is to include a data member that is conditionally trivially relocatable or replaceable. This resolution is most easily achieved by adding, to the class, an empty data member that ideally can preserve the object layout and ABI.

template <bool = true>
struct OptionallyRelocatable {};

template <>
struct OptionallyRelocatable<false> {

static_assert( std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<OptionallyRelocatable<>>);

static_assert( std::is_replaceable_v<OptionallyRelocatable<>>);
template <class T>
class optional {

   alignas (T)
   std::byte d_object[sizeof (T)];

   bool      d_engaged{false};

   using value_type = T;

template <class T>
class optional
      replaceable_if_eligible {
   alignas (T)
   std::byte d_object[sizeof (T)];
   union {
      bool   d_engaged{false};
std::is_replaceable_v<T>> _;

   using value_type = T;


Note that in the above implementation, even though we have made a union to contain our empty conditionally relocatable object, the d_engaged member will always be active. A similar conditional replaceable object would have the same implementation and be simple to add as well.

14 Implementation Experience

An implementation of the R9 version of this proposal is available as a fork of Clang and can also be accessed on Compiler Explorer. We have not yet updated that implementation to relocate a single object at a time.

In addition to the handling of the new keywords and class properties, the implementation relies on built-in type traits for is_trivially_relocatable and is_replaceable, which are not different than other type traits of the same nature.

Our Clang implementation of trivial_relocate is implemented in terms of memcpy. We did not add the necessary machinery to end and start lifetimes since that task is unsupported by the Clang front end and the LLVM optimizer (a known deficiency of LLVM rather than with our implementation). In general, starting and ending lifetimes requires an implementation to add some optimization fences so that optimizers that perform type-based alias analysis are not overly eager and inappropriately prune all code that depends on the new object lifetimes. Either way, adding such fences to an implementation that supports start_lifetime_as would present no notable challenges. We have not explored whether sanitizers would need to be made aware of these function semantics.

Note that Clang already supports the notion of trivially relocatable types in production, although with no opt-in mechanism. This property is used in the implementation of std::vector in libc++ (once again demonstrating an industry need for this feature, as well as deployment experience with very similar ideas).

Clang also offers a [[clang::trivial_abi]] type attribute that allows a type to be passed in registers when its destructor/constructor pair can be replaced by a memcpy. Types with that attribute can be passed in a register, which affects calling convention, and therefore ABI.

15 FAQ

15.1 Do security technologies like Pointer Authentication mean that polymorphic types can’t be trivially relocatable?


Pointer Authentication is a series of hardware and software measures to prevent certain classes of attacks where an attacker wants to manipulate and corrupt the contents of some memory. The most common implementation of pointer authentication is available on modern ARM hardware, such as the ARMv8.3 / ARMv9.x architectures and the arm64e ABI.

One form of pointer authentication is called address diversity, where a pointer contains, in addition to its target address, a hashed encoding of the address of the pointer object itself. An interesting consequence of address diversity is that authenticated pointers are no longer copyable by simply copying their byte representations. Instead, such pointers must be loaded and stored using special instructions that calculate a new hash for the destination of the copy.

Pointers using address diversity or certain other security techniques are not Standard conforming because the Standard requires that pointer types be trivially copyable, and a trivial copy is defined to be exactly a bytewise copy. However, the virtual table pointer used by most implementations to implement polymorphic classes is not standardized; an implementation is free to use address diversity for the vtbl pointer, and at least one implementation does.

So, how do we trivially relocate a polymorphic object having an authenticated vtbl pointer? The definition of trivial relocation, unlike trivial copy, says nothing about bytewise copy. It says only that the object is relocated without invoking any constructors or destructors. An implementation can relocate each scalar separately, or it can bytewise copy the entire object, then fix up the vtbl pointer using the appropriate special instructions. Oliver Hunt, from Apple, works with the arm64e ABI and is confident that this relocation can be performed correctly by the compiler. Though slower than a memcpy, such a relocation is still trivial and fast because it copies using machine instructions and does not call the constructors and destructors.

One issue remains: When a union contains at least one polymorphic member, the compiler cannot reliably know whether it needs to patch the vtbl, or which vtbl to patch, in the case of multiple polymorphic members. For this reason, we made it implementation defined whether trivial unions containing polymorphic members can be trivially relocatable.

Note that authenticated pointers other than vtbl pointers are available to the user via special annotations for the Apple compiler. Such pointers are language extensions outside of the Standard and need not be trivially copyable or trivially relocatable.

15.2 Is void trivially relocatable?

No, nor is it trivially copyable.

15.3 Are reference types trivially relocatable?

No, nor are they trivially copyable.

Taking the address of a reference to pass it to trivially_relocate is not possible. How the compiler implements references is entirely unspecified and might not need physical storage if the reference never leaves a local scope. Asking about copying or relocating a naked reference, rather than the entity it refers to, is not meaningful, so these trivial properties are false.

15.4 Why can a class with a reference member be trivially relocatable?

A class with a reference member can be trivially relocatable for the same reason such a class can be trivially copyable. Strictly speaking, reference members are not nonstatic data members, and we cannot create a pointer-to-data-member to one; they deliberately escape the relevant wording by not appearing in the list of disallowed entities, despite not being trivially copyable or trivially relocatable as a distinct type in their own right. This wording is subtle and can entrap the unwary but has been standard practice for many years.

15.5 Are cv-qualified types, notably const types, trivially relocatable?

Yes, if the unqualified type is trivially relocatable.

15.6 Can const-qualified types be passed to trivially_relocate?

No. While const-qualified types are trivially relocatable and thus do not inhibit the trivial relocatability of a wrapping type, they are typically not safe to relocate due to leaving behind a dead object that cannot be replaced using well-defined behavior. Hence, the trivially_relocate function is constrained to exclude const-qualified types. This exclusion can be skirted using const_cast if doing so would not introduce undefined behavior.

15.7 Can types that are not implicit-lifetime types be trivially relocatable?

Yes, and our experience tells us to expect the majority of types, even those that own resources and have nontrivial move constructors and destructors, to still be trivially relocatable.

15.8 Why are virtual base classes not trivially relocatable?

Because they are not trivially copyable and because the implementation of virtual base classes on some platforms involves an internal pointer, virtual base classes are not trivially relocatable.

We believe that implementing virtual bases such that trivial copyability and relocatability would not be a concern is possible since all the needed data for indirection could be stored as offsets instead of direct pointers. However, whether all implementations could use such a layout or are able to switch to such a layout is unclear. Forcing this support might also require an ABI break.

In our opinion, this low-level behavior should be kept consistent across platforms, rather than left as an unspecified QoI concern, since our current experience has not yet turned up a usage of virtual base classes that would also benefit from this feature.

We would be happy to remove this restriction, but consistency must be maintained with the corresponding restriction on trivially copyable. If no current ABIs are affected, we might consider normatively allowing — or even encouraging — such an implementation (for both trivialities) as conditionally supported behavior on platforms that would not incur an ABI break.

Note that no issues occur with virtual functions since virtual function-table implementations do not take a pointer back into the class, so the vtable pointer can be safely relocated.

15.9 What happens if a relocate operation throws?

Relocation operations must be no-fail, so they do not permit exceptions; if a relocate operation were allowed to fail, whether the failed state had 0, 1, 2, or more valid objects would be unknowable, essentially leaving the program in an undefined state that cannot be cleaned up correctly, which is a significant problem with objects holding resources like a locked mutex.

Our proposal makes clear that std::trivial_relocate cannot fail, and the nontrivial implementation of relocate mandates that the object type is nothrow move constructible. Hence, neither of our operations can fail by throwing an exception.

15.10 Why do deleted special members inhibit implicit trivial relocatability?

Initially, we considered allowing trivial relocation of types with these special members functions deleted, based on a notion that we have been familiar with since C++17 when mandatory copy elision started propagating noncopyable and nonmovable return values. However, relocation is not the same as copy elision, so objections arose to the idea that, when a user deliberately removes an operation, we should not silently re-enable it via a backdoor method. Note that this inhibition changes only the default, preventing accidental relocation of noncopyable or nonmovable types for which relocatability was neither considered nor intended; if trivial relocatability is desired, such classes can be made explicitly trivially relocatable by means of the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible keyword.

This design also follows that of the Core language for trivial copyability, which was changed by [CWG1734] to exclude types that deleted all copying operations and which landed in C++17.

15.11 Can the compiler transform argument passing with trivial relocation?

As currently specified, we do not yet enable such support. We believe that this could be accomplished with the appropriate allowances (which already exist for trivially copyable types), but significant work in platform ABIs would be needed to make this happen, similar to what is needed to support Clang’s [[trivial_abi]] attribute.

To enable bitwise parameter passing, such as through registers, for trivially relocatable types, we would need to enable the compiler to freely create extra instances of our objects when passing arguments and return results from functions, which would then enable a compiler to pass the data itself via a register. Importantly and unlike for trivially copyable types (which have trivial destructors), major changes would be needed to ensure that the receiver of the final object is aware that it is now responsible for destruction of that object since currently the creator of parameters is responsible for their destruction on many ABIs.

A separate proposal for argument passing by relocation was offered in [P2839R0] but was not reviewed favorably on its initial presentation to EWG.

15.12 Can the Standard Library containers use this new feature internally?

Yes, where the current specification is permitted to use move construction to relocate an object (e.g., when growing or when moving objects within a vector), this feature can be used instead for trivially relocatable types.

A common misconception implies that vector is required to use assignment when inserting into or erasing from a vector (other than at the back). This requirement is not, however, explicitly specified in the Standard. The misunderstanding stems from a number of places, which are addressed individually in the subsections below.

However, even if an implementation is allowed to switch from assignment to relocation for arbitrary trivially relocatable types, it would likely choose to do so for only such types that are also replaceable to avoid silently changing behavior for customers relying on such types.

15.12.1 Complexity constraints

The first source of this misunderstanding is that people incorrectly consider the requirement to be implied from ( [vector.modifiers]p5), which states for vector::erase:

Complexity: The destructor of T is called the number of times equal to the number of the elements erased, but the assignment operator of T is called the number of times equal to the number of elements in the vector after the erased elements.

This complexity existed in C++98, and the only revision has been a change in C++11 where the text “assignment operator” was updated to “move assignment operator.” Note that vector::insert has no such complexity requirement; it is specified only for the vector::erase operation.

The misconception also comes from the following sentence in ( [structure.specifications]p7):

Complexity requirements specified in the library clauses are upper bounds, and implementations that provide better complexity guarantees meet the requirements.

This statement is not, therefore, a mandate from the Standard that calls to vector::erase shall use the assignment operator as long as the implementation performs as well as or better than the specified complexity. Given that the trivially_relocate function as specified in this paper is guaranteed to perform a copy of bytes of the object representation, it must outperform the complexity requirement, and the Standard, therefore, permits implementations to use the trivially_relocate function for vector::erase operations.

15.12.2 Precondition specifications

The second source of this misunderstanding stems from phrases such as the following in(23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts]p29):

a.insert(p, rv)

Preconditions: T is Cpp17MoveInsertable into X. For vector and deque, T is also Cpp17MoveAssignable.

Effects: Inserts a copy of rv before p.

Although this specification requires that statements of the form t = rv be well-formed, it does not impose any limitations on implementations to use assignment when moving objects around internally.

Although the requirement that a type be Cpp17CopyAssignable or Cpp17MoveAssignable does impose semantic requirements on the assignment operator(s), the requirements are vague and specified in terms of a notion of “value” that is not defined in the Standard; see ( [utility.arg.requirements]tab:cpp17.moveassignable). This requirement was added in C++11 and has not been revisited since then.

The above explanation refers to vector::insert(p, rv), but the same argument applies to similar preconditions on other member functions. Observe that the postconditions are identical for all sequence containers, including those, such as list, that do not require Cpp17MoveAssignable as a precondition.

15.12.3 Conclusion

In other words, although most implementations of vector::erase and vector::insert currently use assignment, which is generally assumed the most efficient approach currently available, implementations are under no obligation whatsoever to do so. The various member functions of vector guarantee only that values will be moved around but grant implementations complete freedom as to how that action should be performed, whether by means of (move) assignment, (move) construction, or any other mechanism. Implementations will, therefore, be permitted to perform this move by means of trivially_relocate for types that are trivially relocatable.

In fact, some implementations avoid using assignment for some operations (for reasons of efficiency); see the linked examples for GCC and LLVM.

Note that all the comments above apply equally to deque as well as to vector.

Note also that this lack of a clear requirement exposes an existing ambiguity for vector::insert and vector::erase operations where, for the contained type, move-assign plus destroy is not equivalent to destroy plus move-construct. That ambiguity is an issue that exists at the moment, and while we might address it with a future, orthogonal proposal, a solution is not required for trivial relocation as specified by this paper. Similarly, we might choose to clarify the complexity and requirements clauses above at some point in the future, but that clarification is not required by this proposal and has been left for another time.

15.13 Do implementations need to mark classes trivially_relocatable_if_eligible to benefit?

No, although some classes will need to be annotated to qualify as trivially relocatable. For example, the most common implementations of std::array, std::pair, and std::tuple will be implicitly trivially relocatable if all their members are trivially relocatable. std::vector can safely be marked as trivially relocatable if its allocator and pointer types are trivially relocatable. std::list might be marked as trivially relocatable if it allocates its tail node but not if the tail node is embedded in the object representation itself.

Once we establish a policy of how much we want to guarantee and how much we want to leave open to implementer choice, a follow-up paper will address desired guarantees for trivial relocatability in the Standard Library.

15.14 Can I mark as trivially relocatable a type that is not replaceable?

Yes! For example, this would be appropriate for types having data members that are references or using std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator or any other type that does not propagate on swap.

15.15 Can I mark a type as replaceable but not trivially relocatable?

Yes! This proposal does not offer any immediate advantages for doing so, but we expect to build on replacement to optimize other features, such as assignment, in the future.

15.16 What happened to the predicates for the contextual keywords?

An earlier version of this proposal included the option to add a predicate following each of the new contextual keywords to activate or inhibit their behavior. This feature was dropped for introducing too much complexity, including a new vexing parse to resolve, and having vague semantics when the predicate is false but the implicit specification would have been true. Given the rarity of such cases and the relative simplicity of the workaround above, we chose to keep the core proposal as simple as possible, following EWG guidance.

15.17 Why is copy-replacement unsupported?

In practice, only replaceability of objects of type T from xvalues of type T seems relevant to the operations we are likely to optimize. We have, therefore, simplified the design to focus solely on such replacement (which could be termed move-replacement were we being pedantic) and not overcomplicate the language or users’ lives by adding even more properties to consider.

15.18 Why is marking a class that can never be trivially relocatable not ill-formed?

A class with a virtual base class can never be trivially relocatable, so why is adding the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible identifier to that class not ill-formed?

This case is still well-formed, but the class will indeed never be trivially relocatable, and the type trait will deterministically always return false. However, this type might also be used as a base class or data member when instantiating a class template, and we do not want to add complexity by considering such special-case instantiations as well-formed when the original case need not be marked as ill-formed.

However, the deterministic case of a direct virtual base class would make for a useful compiler warning. The more general case of a data member or nonvirtual base class not being relocatable (or replaceable) is deliberately not an error since we want to support different implementations of the same type that have different properties; e.g., different implementations of std::list choose different trade-offs on how to store the sentinel node marking the end of the list, yet some of those choices are trivially relocatable and some are not. We want to avoid the inconsistency of deterministically flagging an error when compiling a class with a std::list data member in some Standard Library implementations and not in others.

15.19 Why is there no is_trivially_replaceable trait?

A common use case is to require types that satisfy both is_trivially_relocatable<T> and is_replaceable<T>. We could consider whether this use case occurs frequently enough that adding another trait that is the logical conjunction of the two would be valuable.

We opted to omit this trait from our proposal since such a trait is not primitive to the Core-language design of this paper and could easily be added as an amendment in an LEWG follow-up paper well within the timeframe of C++26 if desired.

The lack of a core type category named trivially replaceable is another reason to defer to a follow-up paper, and we would be consuming that potential for future vocabulary for a pure Library extension. Making that choice before advancing this paper is unnecessary.

Finally, we must recognize that a type that is both trivially relocatable and replaceable does not have a trivial replacement operation. The functionality that such a type enables is to turn a rotate or shift operation into a bitwise one without a change in semantics compared to using assignment for such an operation, but no single replacement operation is a bitwise one since that would fail to free resources owned by the original object in the target location.

15.20 Is it UB to mark a nonconforming type as trivially relocatable?

First, the compiler has no way to validate that our class’s constructors and destructor do not maintain an invariant that is not relocatable, so the compiler will trust us and enable the type trait. This in itself is not UB, but UB will likely follow when some library code makes a transformation that causes our invariant, such as an internal pointer, to no longer hold. Such UB will occur in the subsequent library call, not in the class definition.

15.21 Is it UB to mark a nonconforming type as replaceable?

Just as erroneously marking a type as trivially relocatable can lead to undefined behavior in library calls, so can marking a type as replaceable. However, where replaceability is used as a constraint without trivial relocation, there remain reasonable implementations that do not incur UB. For example, if operations are logged, then the act of writing to a log is typically an observable side effect. Library code that transforms between assignment and destroy-then-construct will have an observable change of behavior, such as the suggested logging, but such changes do not in themselves constitute undefined behavior. The creator of the affected class must decide whether a change of such logging behavior would be problematic and then choose whether to mark their type as replaceable.

15.22 Why does replaceability not require trivial relocatability?

While all specified uses of is_replaceable in this proposal require that the type be both replaceable and trivially relocatable, the principle underpinning replaceability — i.e., a consistent definition for constructors, destructor, and assignment operators — is highly relevant in a variety of places in the Standard Library. We anticipate this distinct trait being useful to Library implementations today, and we expect to see wider adoption in the Standard Library specification once the trait becomes available. For example, std::vector expects — but does not require — that its members be replaceable to efficiently switch to assignment rather than destroy/construct when replacing its elements during an insert or erase operation. Motivating examples for why we might want to address this design are found in [P2959R0], although the specification of replaceability in this paper is now the preferred direction rather than the suggestions proposed in that paper.

15.23 Why does trivial relocation support const data members, but replacement does not?

Relocation creates new objects and can safely copy const members. Replacement overwrites the data in the replaced object, which cannot — and should not — replace const data.

15.24 Why does [library.class.props] explicitly call out permission to use the contextual keywords?

For the same reason we explicitly grant permission to add noexcept to function declarations, even before the exception specification entered the type system, and for the same reasons that implementations cannot experiment with marking functions as constexpr due to the observable nature with a (deliberate) lack of explicit permission.

15.25 Why are classes with virtual base classes “replaceable”? What does that even mean?

Classes with virtual bases might be replaceable but will never be trivially relocatable; just as with trivial copyability, we cannot, at this point, restrict implementations from using implementation strategies for virtual bases that require having self-referential pointers (instead of offsets) that would be invalid if simply copied to a new object.

On the other hand, replaceability is a relationship between a type’s constructor, destructor, and assignment operator, all of which are applicable to reason about even for a type with a virtual base class.

In practice, we expect replaceability to come into play most often once types like std::vector start to prefer relocation (even if not trivial) and use replacement (and assignment operators) only for types that declare, by being replaceable, that such a strategy is viable. Not allowing such freedom for a vector of objects with virtual base classes would be counterproductive.

16 Illustrative Examples

16.1 Unconstrained vector

Let us consider the case of a user-written container, similar to std::vector. Since std::relocate is a nofail function that exploits trivial relocation where it is available, we have to consider only two kinds of elements:

An alternative summary of these two kinds are

The first case to optimize is relocating elements when the current capacity is exceeded by an insert operation. In this case, we clearly can simply relocate for those element types that are safely relocatable and must manually move-construct the second category, accounting for a possible thrown exception on move.

The next operation to consider is erasing an element. In this scenario, we will destroy the requested element(s) and then, for types that can be safely relocated, relocate the tail of the vector to the lower address since relocate is nofail and supports overlapping ranges. For the second category of types, we must perform the manual relocation and clear the remains of the tail if an exception is thrown.

The final operation to consider is an insertion in the middle of this vector. Here, the first thing we do, assuming capacity is not exceeded, is relocate all elements from the insertion point up by a distance to allow all the new elements to be inserted. Then we construct all the new elements, which is a potentially throwing operation. If an exception is thrown, we have several options for our custom vector. For the strong exception safety guarantee, we can destroy the newly inserted items and then safely relocate the original elements back in place since relocate is a nofail operation. Alternatively, we provide the basic guarantee by destroying the old tail — and potentially the newly inserted items — before adjusting the vector’s size, or maybe we could even clear the whole vector.

Note that all these operations use only trivial relocation and never call for replaceability.

16.2 Standard vector

When we add the constraints that the Standard imposes on std::vector, we find that replaceability becomes a useful property. For both insertion and erasure, the Standard likes to assume that elements are replaceable, i.e., assignment is interchangeable with destroy-then-move-construct. Within that guarantee, the Standard Library vector can use relocation per our custom vector example, but for types that are relocatable but not replaceable, matters become more complicated. That topic will be the subject of a separate paper specific to vector, which is necessary regardless of whether we support relocation in C++26. Having the ability to detect replaceable types would be extremely helpful for that follow-up paper.

16.3 Conforming implementation of a trivially relocatable std::optional

The following implementation of optional satisfies the C++ Standard specification for the members that it implements and provides a minimal test driver. This implementation uses the new feature macro to ensure that the code compiles with both C++23 and C++26 and is trivially relocatable if and only if its element type is trivially relocatable.

To implement the constexpr members, the implementation is required to use a union to represent its internal state when engaged3:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

template <class T>
class optional
   union {
      T d_object;
   bool      d_engaged{false};

   constexpr T const * address() const noexcept
   { return ::std::addressof(d_object); };

   constexpr T       * address()       noexcept
   { return ::std::addressof(d_object); };

   template<class... Args>
   constexpr void do_emplace(Args&&... args) {
      ::new(address()) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
      d_engaged = true;

   using value_type = T;

   constexpr optional() noexcept {}

   constexpr optional(optional const & other)
   : d_engaged{other.d_engaged} {
      if (d_engaged) {
        ::new(address()) T( other.value() );

   constexpr optional(optional&& other)
   : d_engaged{other.d_engaged}
      if (d_engaged) {
        ::new(address()) T( std::move(other).value() );

   template<class U = T>
      requires (std::is_constructible_v<T, U>
            && !std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<U>, optional>)
   explicit(!std::is_convertible_v<U, T>)
   optional(U&& arg) {
      do_emplace( std::forward<U>(arg) );

   constexpr ~optional() {
== std::is_replaceable_v<T>);
== std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T>);

      if (d_engaged) {

   constexpr optional& operator=(optional const & rhs);

   constexpr optional& operator=(optional && rhs)
                   && std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>) {
      std::cout << "Assignment\n";
      if (!d_engaged) {
        if (rhs.d_engaged) {
           do_emplace( std::move(rhs.value()) );
      else if (!rhs.d_engaged) {
         d_engaged = false;
      else {
        value() = rhs.value();
      return *this;

   template<class U = T>
   constexpr optional& operator=(U && arg) {
      std::cout << "Assignment\n";
      if (!d_engaged) {
        do_emplace( std::forward<U>(arg) );
      else {
         d_object = std::forward<U>(arg);
      return *this;

   constexpr T const * operator->() const  noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return address(); }

   constexpr T       * operator->()        noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return address(); }

   constexpr T const & operator*() const & noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return d_object; }
   constexpr T       & operator*()       & noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return d_object; }
   constexpr T      && operator*()      && noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(d_object); }
   constexpr T const&& operator*() const&& noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(d_object); }

   constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept
   { return d_engaged; }
   constexpr bool         has_value() const noexcept
   { return d_engaged; }

   constexpr T const & value() const &
   { assert(d_engaged); return d_object; }
   constexpr T       & value()       &
   { assert(d_engaged); return d_object; }
   constexpr T      && value()      &&
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(d_object); }
   constexpr T const&& value() const&&
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(d_object); }

consteval int number(int n) {
   optional<int> x{n};
   return x.value();

int a[number(5uz)];

int main() {
   optional<int> x;

   std::cout << "Assignments to x\n";
   x = 3;
   auto y = x;

   x = 4;
   std::cout << "swap x\n";
   std::swap(x, y);

   assert(3 == *x);
   assert(4 == *y);

   optional<std::shared_ptr<int>> p1;

   std::cout << "Assignments to p\n";
   p1 = std::make_shared<int>(3);
   auto p2 = p1;

   p2 = std::make_shared<int>(4);
   std::cout << "swap p\n";
   std::swap(p1, p2);

16.4 C++26 implementation using internal array

Using an internal array negates the ability to support constexpr, but this implementation strategy is used frequently for similar types in other libraries. Managing both trivially relocatable and replaceable properties with an empty member must be done with care since mistakenly disabling both properties is easy to do when intending to disable only one or the other.4

#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

template <bool triviallyRelocatable,
          bool replaceable>
struct ConditionalProperties {};

template <>
struct ConditionalProperties<false,true> replaceable_if_eligible {
template <>
struct ConditionalProperties<true,false> trivially_relocatable_if_eligible {
template <>
struct ConditionalProperties<false,false> {

static_assert( std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<ConditionalProperties<true,true>>);
static_assert( std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<ConditionalProperties<true,false>>);

static_assert( std::is_replaceable_v<ConditionalProperties<true,true>>);
static_assert( std::is_replaceable_v<ConditionalProperties<false,true>>);

template <class T>
class optional trivially_relocatable_if_eligible replaceable_if_eligible {
   alignas (T)
   std::byte d_object[sizeof (T)];
   union {
      bool      d_engaged{false};
                            std::is_replaceable_v<T>> enforce_properties;

   constexpr T const * address() const noexcept
   { return reinterpret_cast<T const *>(d_object); };
   constexpr T       * address()       noexcept
   { return reinterpret_cast<T       *>(d_object); };

   using value_type = T;

   //, constructors
   constexpr optional() noexcept = default;

   constexpr optional(optional const & other) : d_engaged{other.d_engaged} {
      if (d_engaged) {
        ::new(address()) T( other.value() );

   constexpr optional(optional&& other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)
   : d_engaged{other.d_engaged}
      if (d_engaged) {
        ::new(address()) T( std::move(other).value() );

   template<class U = T>
      requires (std::is_constructible_v<T, U>
            && !std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<U>, optional>)
   explicit(!std::is_convertible_v<U, T>)
   optional(U&& arg) {
      ::new(address()) T( std::forward<U>(arg) );
      d_engaged = true;

   //, destructor
   constexpr ~optional() {
      static_assert(std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<optional> ==
      static_assert(std::is_replaceable_v<optional> ==

      if (d_engaged) {

   //, assignment
   constexpr optional& operator=(optional const & rhs);

   constexpr optional& operator=(optional && rhs)
           && std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)
      std::cout << "Assignment\n";
      if (!d_engaged) {
        if (rhs.d_engaged) {
           ::new(address()) T( std::move(rhs.value()) );
           rhs.d_engaged = false;
           d_engaged = true;
      else if (!rhs.d_engaged) {
         d_engaged = false;
      else {
        value() = rhs.value();
      return *this;

   template<class U = T>
   constexpr optional& operator=(U && arg) {
      std::cout << "Assignment\n";
      if (!d_engaged) {
        ::new(address()) T( std::forward<U>(arg) );
        d_engaged = true;
      else {
         *address() = std::forward<U>(arg);
      return *this;

   //, observers
   constexpr T const * operator->() const  noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return  address(); }
   constexpr T       * operator->()        noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return  address(); }

   constexpr T const & operator*() const & noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return *address(); }
   constexpr T       & operator*()       & noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return *address(); }
   constexpr T      && operator*()      && noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(*address()); }
   constexpr T const&& operator*() const&& noexcept
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(*address()); }

   constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept
   { return d_engaged; }
   constexpr bool         has_value() const noexcept
   { return d_engaged; }

   constexpr T const & value() const &
   { assert(d_engaged); return *address(); }
   constexpr T       & value()       &
   { assert(d_engaged); return *address(); }
   constexpr T      && value()      &&
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(*address()); }
   constexpr T const&& value() const&&
   { assert(d_engaged); return std::move(*address()); }

int main() {
   optional<int> x;

   std::cout << "Assignments to x\n";
   x = 3;
   auto y = x;

   x = 4;
   std::cout << "swap x\n";
   std::swap(x, y);

   assert(3 == *x);
   assert(4 == *y);

   optional<std::shared_ptr<int>> p1;

   std::cout << "Assignments to p\n";
   p1 = std::make_shared<int>(3);
   auto p2 = p1;

   p2 = std::make_shared<int>(4);
   std::cout << "swap p\n";
   std::swap(p1, p2);

17 Proposed Language Wording

All wording is relative to [N5001], the latest working draft at the time of writing.

New context-sensitive keywords (5.11 [])

Add new identifiers with a special meaning to Table 4 in 5.11 []:

Table 4: Identifiers with special meaning []

final import module override replaceable_if_eligible trivially_relocatable_if_eligible

Trivially relocatable and replaceable types (6.8.1 [basic.types.general])

Add a specification of trivially relocatable types and replaceable types to 6.8.1 [basic.types.general]:

Editorial note: We have separated each sentence to make it easier to see our changes. Whether to keep it this way or recombine everything into a single paragraph, as it was originally formatted, is a decision for the editors.

9 Arithmetic types (6.8.2 [basic.fundamental]), enumeration types, pointer types, pointer-to-member types (6.8.4 [basic.compound]), std::nullptr_t, and cv-qualified (6.8.5 [basic.type.qualifier]) versions of these types are collectively called scalar types.

Scalar types, trivially copyable class types (11.2 [class.prop]), arrays of such types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called trivially copyable types.

Scalar types, trivial class types (11.2 [class.prop]), arrays of such types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called trivial types.

Scalar types, trivially relocatable class types (11.2 [class.prop]), arrays of such types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called trivially relocatable types.

Cv-unqualified scalar types, replaceable class types (11.2 [class.prop]), and arrays of such types are collectively called replaceable types.

Scalar types, standard-layout class types (11.2 [class.prop]), arrays of such types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called standard-layout types.

Scalar types, implicit-lifetime class types (11.2 [class.prop]), array types, and cv-qualified versions of these types are collectively called implicit-lifetime types.

Trivial relocation of lambdas ( [expr.prim.lambda.closure])

Add mention of trivially relocatable and replaceable types to the section on Closure types:

3 The closure type is not an aggregate type (9.4.2 [dcl.init.aggr]); it is a structural type (13.2 [temp.param]) if and only if the lambda has no lambda-capture. An implementation may define the closure type differently from what is described below provided this does not alter the observable behavior of the program other than by changing:

(3.1) — the size and/or alignment of the closure type,

(3.2) — whether the closure type is trivially copyable (11.2 [class.prop]), or

(3.x) — whether the closure type is trivially relocatable (11.2 [class.prop]),

(3.y) — whether the closure type is replaceable (11.2 [class.prop]), or

(3.3) — whether the closure type is a standard-layout class (11.2 [class.prop]).

An implementation shall not add members of rvalue reference type to the closure type.

Updated class grammar (11.1 [class.pre])

Add trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and replaceable_if_eligible keywords to the grammar in the class preamble:

11.1 Preamble [class.pre]

1 A class is a type. Its name becomes a class-name (11.3 []) within its scope.

      class-name :

A class-specifier or an elaborated-type-specifier ( [dcl.type.elab]) is used to make a class-name. An object of a class consists of a (possibly empty) sequence of members and base class objects.

      class-specifier :
              class-head { member-specificationopt }

              class-key attribute-specifier-seqopt class-head-name class-virt-specifierclass-property-specifier-seqopt base-clauseopt
              class-key attribute-specifier-seqopt base-clauseopt

      class-head-name :
              nested-name-specifieropt class-name

              class-property-specifier class-property-specifier-seqopt

      class-virt-specifierclass-property-specifier :

      class-key :

A class declaration where the class-name in the class-head-name is a simple-template-id shall be …

Replace the text describing class-virt-specifier and final:

5 If a class is marked with the class-virt-specifier final and it appears as a class-or-decltype in a base-clause (11.7 [class.derived]), the program is ill-formed. Whenever a class-key is followed by a class-head-name, the identifier final, and a colon or left brace, final is interpreted as a class-virt-specifier.

5 Each class-property-specifier shall appear at most once within a single class-property-specifier-seq.

Whenever a class-key is followed by a class-head-name, the identifier final, trivially_relocatable_if_eligible, or replaceable_if_eligible, and a colon or left brace, the identifier is interpreted as a class-property-specifier.

[Example 2:

struct A;
struct A final {}; // OK, definition of struct A,
                   // not value-initialization of variable final

struct X {
  struct C { constexpr operator int() { return 5; } };
  struct B finaltrivially_relocatable_if_eligible : C{};
                                   // OK, definition of nested class B,
                                   // not declaration of a bit-field
                                   // member finaltrivially_relocatable_if_eligible

end example]

6 If a class is marked with the class-property-specifier final and that class appears as a class-or-decltype in a base-clause (11.7 [class.derived]), the program is ill-formed.

Specification for trivially relocatable and replaceable classes (11.2 [class.prop])

Extend the Properties of classes section (11.2 [class.prop]) by adding new properties:

a A class C is default-movable if

  • overload resolution for direct-initializing an object of type C from an xvalue of type C selects a constructor that is a direct member of C and is neither user-provided nor deleted,
  • overload resolution for assigning to an lvalue of type C from an xvalue of type C selects an assignment operator function that is a direct member of C and is neither user-provided nor deleted, and
  • C has a destructor that is neither user-provided nor deleted.

b A class is eligible for trivial relocation unless it

  • has any virtual base classes,
  • has a base class that is not a trivially relocatable class,
  • has a non-static data member of an object type that is not of a trivially relocatable type, or
  • has a deleted destructor,

except that it is implementation-defined whether an otherwise-eligible union having one or more subobjects of polymorphic class type is eligible for trivial relocation.

c A class C is a trivially relocatable class if it is eligible for trivial relocation and

  • has the trivially_relocatable_if_eligible class-property-specifier,
  • is a union with no user-declared special member functions, or
  • is default-movable.

d [Note W: A class with const-qualified or reference non-static data members can be trivially relocatable. —end note]

e A class C is eligible for replacement unless

  • it has a base class that is not a replaceable class,
  • it has a non-static data member that is not of a replaceable type,
  • overload resolution fails or selects a deleted constructor when direct-initializing an object of type C from an xvalue of type C (9.4.1 [dcl.init.general]),
  • overload resolution fails or selects a deleted assignment operator function when assigning to an lvalue of type C from an xvalue of type C (7.6.19 [expr.ass] and [over.ass]), or
  • it has a deleted destructor.

f A class C is a replaceable class if it is eligible for replacement and

  • has the replaceable_if_eligible class-property-specifier,
  • is a union with no user-declared special member functions, or
  • is default-movable.

g [Note X: Accessibility of the special member functions is not considered when establishing trivial relocatability or replaceability. —end note]

h [Note Y: Not all trivially copyable classes are trivially relocatable or replaceable. —end note]

Language feature-test macros

Add a __cpp_trivial_relocatability feature-test macro to the table in 15.11 [cpp.predefined], setting it to the date of adoption.

C++23 Compatibility Changes for Annex C (C.1.3 [diff.cpp23.dcl.dcl])

Add another entry into Annex C, section C.1.3 [diff.cpp23.dcl.dcl] describing an incompatibility introduced by the new contextual keywords:

Affected subclause: 9.3.1 [dcl.decl.general]
Change: Introduction of trivially_relocatable_if_eligible and replaceable_if_eligible as identifiers with special meaning (5.11 []).
Rationale: Support declaration of trivially relocatable and replaceable types (11.2 [class.prop]).
Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2023 code can become ill-formed.

[Example 3:

struct C {};
struct C replaceable_if_eligible {};  // was well-formed (new variable replaceable_if_eligible)
                                      // now ill-formed (redefines C)

—_end example]

C++03 Compatibility Changes for Annex C (C.6.4 [diff.cpp03.dcl.dcl])

As a drive-by fix, add another entry into Annex C, section C.6.4 [diff.cpp03.dcl.dcl] describing an incompatibility introduced by the introduction of final in C++11:

Affected subclause: 9.3.1 [dcl.decl.general]
Change: Introduction of final as an identifier with special meaning (5.11 []).
Rationale: Support declaration of non-extendable classes (11.2 [class.prop]).
Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2003 code can become ill-formed.

[Example 3:

struct C {};
struct C final {};  // was well formed (new variable final)
                    // now ill-formed (redefines C)

—_end example]

18 Proposed Library Wording

New Library-wide requirements (16.4.6 [conforming])

16.4.6.X Properties of library classes [library.class.props]

Note to the editor: Please use the appropriate latex macros (\firstlibchapter and \lastlibchapter) to keep the section numbers updated in the first bullet.

1 Unless specifically stated, it is unspecified whether any class described in Clause 17 through Clause 34 and Annex D is a trivially copyable class, a standard-layout class, or an implicit-lifetime class (11.2 [class.prop]).

2 Unless specifically stated, it is unspecified whether any class for which trivial relocation (i.e., the effects of trivially_relocate) would be semantically equivalent to move-construction of the destination object followed by destruction of the source object is trivially relocatable.

3 Unless specifically stated, it is unspecified whether any class for which move assignment is semantically equivalent to destroying the assigned-to object, then move-constructing from the source object in its place is replaceable.

New type traits in the Metaprogramming library (21 [meta])

In <type_traits> synopsis ((21.3.3 [meta.type.synop]), add the following new traits.

template< class T >
struct is_replaceable;

template< class T >
struct is_trivially_relocatable;

template< class T >
struct is_nothrow_relocatable;

template< class T >
inline constexpr bool is_replaceable_v = is_replaceable<T>::value;

template< class T >
inline constexpr bool is_trivially_relocatable_v = is_trivially_relocatable<T>::value;

template< class T >
inline constexpr bool is_nothrow_relocatable_v = is_nothrow_relocatable<T>::value;

Extend Table 51 (51 [tab:meta.unary.prop]), describing the unary type property predicates

template<class T> struct is_replaceable; T is a replaceable type (6.8.1 [basic.types.general]) remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv void
template<class T> struct is_trivially_relocatable; T is a trivially relocatable type (6.8.1 [basic.types.general]) remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv void
template<class T> struct is_nothrow_relocatable; is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> || (is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< remove_all_extents_t<T>> && is_nothrow_destructible_v< remove_all_extents_t<T>>) remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv void

Synopsis of relocation functions 20.2.2 [memory.syn]

Add to the <memory> header synopsis in 20.2.2 [memory.syn]p3

// 20.2.6, explicit lifetime management
template<class T>
  T* start_lifetime_as(void* p) noexcept;                                     // freestanding
template<class T>
  const T* start_lifetime_as(const void* p) noexcept;                         // freestanding
template<class T>
  volatile T* start_lifetime_as(volatile void* p) noexcept;                   // freestanding
template<class T>
  const volatile T* start_lifetime_as(const volatile void* p) noexcept;       // freestanding
template<class T>
  T* start_lifetime_as_array(void* p, size_t n) noexcept;                     // freestanding
template<class T>
  const T* start_lifetime_as_array(const void* p, size_t n) noexcept;         // freestanding
template<class T>
  volatile T* start_lifetime_as_array(volatile void* p, size_t n) noexcept;   // freestanding
template<class T>
  const volatile T* start_lifetime_as_array(const volatile void* p,
                                            size_t n) noexcept;               // freestanding
template <class T>
  T* trivially_relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);                        // freestanding

template <class T>
  constexpr T* relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);                        // freestanding

Definitions for relocation functions (20.2.6 [obj.lifetime])

Add the definition of trivially_relocate and relocate to Explicit lifetime management (20.2.6 [obj.lifetime])

template <class T>
  T* trivially_relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);

a Mandates: is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> && !is_const_v<T> is true. T is not an array of unknown bound.

b Preconditions:

(b.1)\([\)first, last\()\) is a valid range.

(b.2)\([\)result, result + (last - first)\()\) denotes a region of storage that is a subset of the region reachable through result (6.8.4 [basic.compound]) and suitably aligned for the type T.


— No element in the range \([\)first, last\()\) is a potentially-overlapping subobject.

c Postconditions:

No effect if result == first is true.

Otherwise, the range denoted by \([\)result, result + (last - first)\()\) contains objects (including subobjects) whose lifetime has begun and whose object representations are the original object representations of the corresponding objects in the source range \([\)first, last\()\) except for any parts of the object representations used by the implementation to represent type information (6.7.2 [intro.object]). If any of the objects has union type, its active member is the same as that of the corresponding object in the source range. If any of the aforementioned objects has a non-static data member of reference type, that reference refers to the same entity as does the corresponding reference in the source range. The lifetimes of the original objects in the source range have ended.

d Returns: result + (last - first).

e Throws: Nothing.

f Complexity: Linear in the length of the source range.

g Remarks: The destination region of storage is considered reused (6.7.4 []). No constructors or destructors are invoked.

[Note: Overlapping ranges are supported. —end note]

template <class T>
  constexpr T* relocate(T* first, T* last, T* result);

u Mandates: is_nothrow_relocatable_v<T> && !is_const_v<T> is true. T is not an array of unknown bound.

v Preconditions:

(v.1)\([\)first, last\()\) is a valid range.

(v.2)\([\)result, result + (last - first)\()\) denotes a region of storage that is a subset of the region reachable through result (6.8.4 [basic.compound]) and suitably aligned for the type T.

(v.3) — No element in the range \([\)first, last\()\) is a potentially-overlapping subobject.

w Effects:

(w.1) — If result == first is true, no effect;

(w.2) — otherwise, if not called during constant evaluation and is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> is true, then has effects equivalent to: trivially_relocate(first, last, result);

(w.3) — otherwise, for each integer i in \([\) 0, last - first \()\),

  • if T is an array type, equivalent to: relocate(begin(first[i]), end(first[i]), *start_lifetime_as<T>(result + i));

  • otherwise, equivalent to: construct_at(result + i, std::move(first[i])); destroy_at(first + i);

y Returns: result + (last-first).

z Throws: Nothing.

[Note: Overlapping ranges are supported. —end note]

Compatibility changes for Annex C (C.1.5 [diff.cpp23.library])

Affected subclause: [res.on.macro.definitions]
Change: Additional restrictions on macro names.
Rationale: Avoid hard to diagnose or non-portable constructs.
Effect on original feature: Names of special identifiers may not be used as macro names. Valid C++ 2023 code that defines trivially_relocatable_if_eligible or replaceable_if_eligible as macros is invalid in this revision of C++.

Library feature-test macro (17.3.2 [version.syn])

Add a new __cpp_lib_trivially_relocatable feature-test macro in 17.3.2 [version.syn]:

#define __cpp_lib_trivially_relocatable 20XXXXL // also in <memory>, <type_traits>

19 Acknowledgements

This document is written in Markdown and depends on the extensions in pandoc and mpark/wg21, and we would like to thank the authors of those extensions and associated libraries.

The authors would also like to thank Brian Bi for his assistance in proofreading this paper, especially the proposed Core wording. Additional thanks to Jens Maurer, who helped to greatly refine the wording in advance of its first Core review, and Tomasz Kaminski for last-minute wording help before LWG review.

Additional thanks are due to Giuseppe D’Angelo for clearly articulating weaknesses in our earlier proposals and working with us to improve the specification and to Louis Dionne for authoring [P3516R0], which allows for a complete consideration of the consumer interface for relocation.

Also, this paper has been greatly improved by feedback from Arthur O’Dwyer, author of [P1144], who corrected many bad assumptions we made about his paper and helped bring the technical differences into focus. We also benefited from several examples he shared to help illustrate those differences and misunderstandings.

20 References

[CWG1734] James Widman. 2013-08-09. Nontrivial deleted copy functions.
[N5001] Thomas Köppe. 2024-12-17. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++.
[P1144] Arthur O’Dwyer. std::is_trivially_relocatable.
[P2786R10] Pablo Halpern, Alisdair Meredith, Joshua Berne, Corentin Jabot, Pablo Halpern, Lori Hughes. 2024-11-21. Trivial Relocatability For C++26.
[P2786R11] Pablo Halpern, Joshua Berne, Corentin Jabot, Pablo Halpern, Lori Hughes. 2024-12-17. Trivial Relocatability For C++26.
[P2786R6] Mungo Gill, Alisdair Meredith. 2024-05-21. Trivial Relocatability For C++26.
[P2786R9] Pablo Halpern, Alisdair Meredith, Joshua Berne, Corentin Jabot, Pablo Halpern, Lori Hughes. 2024-11-16. Trivial Relocatability For C++26.
[P2839R0] Brian Bi, Joshua Berne. 2023-05-15. Nontrivial relocation via a new “owning reference” type.
[P2959R0] Alisdair Meredith. 2023-10-15. Container Relocation.
[P3239R0] Alisdair Meredith. 2024-05-22. A Relocating Swap.
[P3516R0] Louis Dionne, Giuseppe D’Angelo. 2025-01-13. Uninitialized algorithms for relocation.

  1. All citations to the Standard are to working draft N5001 unless otherwise specified.↩︎

  2. Much rationale related to trivial relocation can be found in [P2786R6].↩︎

  3. This implementation can be seen compiling on Compiler Explorer here: compiler-explorer.↩︎

  4. This implementation can be seen compiling on Compiler Explorer here: compiler-explorer.↩︎