Nontrivial Relocation via a New owning reference Type

Document #: D2839R1
Date: 2023-06-08
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWGI
Reply-to: Brian Bi
Joshua Berne


1 Abstract

The fundamental operation of relocation, where a new object is constructed with the same value as a source object while simultaneously ending the lifetime of that source object, is a fundamental building block of many algorithms. Numerous previous proposals have attempted to capture the most common case for this operation, where it is trivial. In this proposal, we extend this to its natural conclusion of enabling the definition of a user-provided relocation constructor. This constructor is formed by defining a new kind of reference, an owning reference (spelled T~), which not only names an existing object but also carries the responsibility of its destruction. We then show how such references can be integrated with automatic variables and generalized object destruction to provide a complete and powerful extension to C++.

2 Revision history

2.1 R1 (D-number)

3 Introduction

Numerous proposals have attempted to introduce the ability to tie together the construction of one object with the destruction of a source object, migrating the value of that source object in the process. We discuss some such proposals in Section 9. Normal C++ move-initialization accomplishes migration of an object’s value but fails to address the source object’s lifetime, thus requiring that the source object support being in a valueless state (i.e., a state having a logically valid value that must be accounted for by any function having a wide contract, while semantically representing the absence of a value).

When an object’s lifetime can also be ended as part of moving its value to a new object, performance can be improved in various ways:

On top of that, although not all move-initializations immediately precede the destruction of the source object, many of them do:

Surprisingly, types that do not include references to themselves tend to not only be relocatable, but to be relocatable in a trivial fashion; i.e., the relocation can be accomplished by simply invoking memcpy on the source object and then not invoking that object’s destructor but nonetheless ending its lifetime. This case is so prevalent and the performance benefits when taking advantage of it within containers is so significant that numerous historical proposals have been written to add just trivial relocation to the library or language: [P1029R1], [P1144R6], and [P2786R0].

A common initial response to these proposals for trivial relocation is confusion about proposing a trivial version of an operation where we do not have a nontrivial option. Certainly no other fundamental C++ operation is supported only when trivial and provides no mechanism for a user to define their own version of that operation. This proposal aims to provide the complete context in which to understand how trivial relocation could fit into a larger picture. In particular, should a trivial relocation proposal such as [P2786R0] move forward, it would be completely compatible with extending to arbitrary user-defined relocation through the owning references that we propose here. The ability to opt-in to trivial relocation in a manner similar to that specified in [P2786R0] will still be needed, as it would never be well-founded to implicitly circumvent a user-provided move operation or destructor.

By expressing relocation through owning references, rather than simply providing library functions that allow such relocation, we also extend the ability to leverage relocation in more places as well as to safely prevent one of the most common issues with move operations, use after move.

4 Overview

The fundamental change we introduce is a new reference type, T~, which we call an owning reference. In the same way that T&& is a reification of the rvalue value category, owning references are a reification of a new rlvalue (relocating value) value category.

An owning reference can be in one of two states at a given program point, and that state is statically determined:

At any point where it might be ambiguous whether an owning reference is engaged or disengaged, it will immediately become disengaged, removing any intrinsic need for a runtime determination of the usability of an owning reference. For example, disengaging an owning reference inside an if statement will force it to be disengaged after the if statement completes, even when a (possibly empty or missing) else branch did nothing explicit with that owning reference.

4.1 Using owning references

A function taking an owning reference will therefore destroy the passed-in object when control flow leaves the function:

void f1(T~ t) {
    // `t` goes out of scope; `~T()` is called implicitly

When the reloc operator is applied to an engaged owning reference, the result is an rlvalue expression that owns that reference, and the operand is disengaged:

void f2(T~ t) {
    reloc t;  // `t` is hereby disengaged; the rlvalue result expires at the
              // end of the full-expression and calls `~T()`.
    t.doSomething();  // Ill formed because `t` is already disengaged.
    // Nothing extra happens at end of scope.

An rlvalue expression can be used to initialize an owning reference, which will then take ownership of the object that the rlvalue refers to.

void f3(T~ t) {
    T~ t2 = reloc t;   // `t2` now owns the object originally referred to by `t`.
    t.doSomething();   // Ill formed because `t` is disengaged.
    t2.doSomething();  // OK

    reloc t2;          // `~T()` is called, as in `f2`.
    t2.doSomething();  // Ill formed because `t2` is disengaged.
    // Nothing extra happens at end of scope.

The reloc operator is also a primary mechanism for passing ownership from one function to another, as the owning reference itself, when used by name, is an lvalue and not an rlvalue:

void take(T~ t);
void f4(T~ t) {
    take(reloc t);  // Passes ownership of the object referred to by `t`;
                    // that object will be destroyed by `take` at some point.

    t.doSomething();  // Ill formed because `t` is disengaged.

Even when passed to a function that does not take an owning reference parameter, the object being relocated with the reloc operator will still be destroyed, because the rlvalue result of the reloc operator has taken ownership, and expires at the end of the full-expression:

void takeVal(T&& t);
void f5(T~ t) {
    takeVal(reloc t);  // Object is now owned by the rlvalue result of `reloc t`;
                       // `~T()` is called at the end of the full-expression.

    t.doSomething();  // Ill formed because `t` is disengaged.

As with the other reference types and value categories, owning references and rlvalues participate in reference collapsing and have special overload resolution rules as well as certain other behaviors specific to owning references. These details follow many of the intuitions that are built up by starting from lvalue references and considering increased levels of rights that are granted to the holder of the reference. We expand on this reasoning below.

4.2 Creating owning references

The functionality of an owning reference is a fundamental subset of the functionality of an automatic variable. An automatic variable owns both the storage for an object and the object’s lifetime (and therefore destroys and deallocates the object when it goes out of scope); one could conceive of an entity that represents the responsibility for destroying an object, but has no responsibility for its storage. An owning reference is precisely such an entity, and we simply propose having every automatic variable be associated with an owning reference to the object that exists within the storage that the automatic variable represents. These owning references can, like all other owning references, be disengaged with the reloc operator:

void f6() {
    T at;
        T~ r = reloc at;  // `at` is disengaged; `r` now owns the `T` object.
        // `r` goes out of scope and calls `~T()`.
    at.doSomething();  // Ill formed
    // `at` goes out of scope and its storage is deallocated.

For objects with dynamic storage duration, it is also helpful to have a way to give the responsibility for destruction of that object back to the compiler by creating an owning reference to the specified object:

void f7(T& t) {
    T~ ot = static_cast<T~>(t);  // Creation of owning reference is forced.
    // `ot` goes out of scope and destroys its referent.

Similarly to std::move, this same static_cast is provided with a more explicit name by the std::force_relocate function (Section 6.9.3).

4.3 Relocation constructors

The fundamental ability of an owning reference to pass ownership of an object from one function to another naturally lends itself to a mechanism to define the relocation operation for a type: it is a constructor that takes an owning reference of the same type:

struct S {
    S(S~ s) = default;  // relocation constructor

As with all other special member functions, this constructor may be implicitly defined and we propose rules that govern its defaulted definition. It is often helpful to think of relocation as first performing a move construction and then destroying the source object, as if we had delegated the implementation of S(S~) to S(S&&):

struct S {
    S(S~ s) : S(std::move(s))  // New object is move-constructed from xvalue denoting source object.
        // `s` goes out of scope and destroys the source object.

In cases where both the constructor selected for an rvalue argument and the destructor are not user-provided, the defaulted definition performs memberwise relocation.

4.4 Deconstructing destructors

Destructors currently have a unique interaction with ownership. When an object’s destructor begins, all of its member and base class subobjects are scheduled to be destroyed when the destructor’s body exits. In effect, as soon as the lifetime of the object ends (i.e., the destructor call begins), the destructor’s body acquires ownership of each subobject.

We propose that when an object’s destructor begins execution, hidden owning references are declared to refer to each of the object’s member and base class subobjects:

struct B {};
struct D : B {
    S d_s;

        // Hidden owning reference declared to `static_cast<B&>(*this)`.
        // Hidden owning reference declared to `this->d_s`.

        // Statements written by the programmer go here.

        // `d_s` is destroyed when its owning reference goes out of scope.
        // `B` subobject is destroyed when its owning reference goes out of scope.

Certain expressions that reference member and base class subobjects are instead considered to name the corresponding owning references, which may then be relocated:

void takeS(S~ s);

D::~D() {
    takeS(reloc d_s);  // Ownership of `d_s` is passed to `takeS`.

    // `d_s` is not destroyed a second time; the owning reference is already disengaged.
    // `B` subobject is destroyed when its owning reference goes out of scope.

This deconstruction of an object into owning references to its subobjects, which always occurs implicitly in a destructor, can be explicitly triggered in other contexts using the reloc_begin_destruction operator:

void f8() {
    D d;
    reloc_begin_destruction d;
      // `d` still refers to same object, but `~D` will not be invoked;
      // owning references exist for `d.d_s` and `static_cast<B&>(d)`.

    reloc d.d_s;  // Hidden owning reference referring to `d.d_s` is disengaged.
    // `B` subobject is destroyed.

reloc_begin_destruction allows a relocation constructor to decompose a source object and relocate the source object’s subobjects to initialize the destination object’s subobjects:

D::D(D~ source) {
    reloc_begin_destruction source;
    this : B(reloc static_cast<B&>(source)),
           d_s(reloc source.d_s);
    // Owning references to `d_s` and `B` subobjects are already disengaged;
    // no implicit destructor calls occur at the end of scope.

Various use cases for this flexibility of ordering and the ability to relocate members will be explored below.

5 Structure of this proposal

Our proposal is layered in three parts, with each part dependent on only the previous parts. Later parts could easily be delayed for future Standards while reaping a subset of the benefits and expressivity with a smaller initial feature.

Part I introduces owning references and the core language rules governing their behavior that are needed to support defaulted relocation constructors, which the authors believe will suffice for the vast majority of use cases that can benefit from nontrivial relocation.

Part II is a minimal extension to enable users to write their own relocation constructors. A new syntax is proposed to allow the compiler to track which subobjects have been relocated from within the ctor-initializer of a user-defined relocation constructor.

Part III builds on top of Part II to provide further usability benefits in the implementation of relocation constructors and to enable destructors to relocate subobjects.

Appendix A discusses extensions that depend only on Part I but are not included in any of the three main parts because of their potential impact upon existing code. Appendix D discusses a further usability improvement that could be added on top of Part I, II, or III, but the main proposal does not depend on Appendix D.

6 Part I: Owning references and defaulted relocation constructors

6.1 Summary

For every object type T, we propose the introduction of a type called owning reference to T, which is denoted by T~. An owning reference binds only to a value category known as the rlvalue. An rlvalue denotes an object that can be relocated from, just as an xvalue denotes an object that can be moved from. (See Appendix C for a discussion of alternative names.)

A variable of owning reference type may be either “engaged” or “disengaged.” An engaged owning reference owns an object: When the owning reference’s lifetime ends, the object it owns is destroyed. (If the owning reference is a function parameter, the implicit destructor call at the end of the reference’s lifetime is performed in callee context because the caller cannot know whether the callee has disengaged its owning reference parameter.) Whether a particular owning reference is engaged or disengaged at a particular program point is always known statically according to the rules that we will describe later in this section, and no runtime flags need to be maintained to track that status.

The name of a variable of type T~ is an lvalue, just like the name of any other reference variable. The lvalue can be converted to an rlvalue using the reloc operator, which will be discussed in more detail later in this section. The resulting rlvalue is then engaged, and the original variable is disengaged. An id-expression that names a disengaged owning reference is ill formed. If a variable of owning reference type is disengaged along some paths of control flow, it is implicitly disengaged at the end of all other branches (i.e., immediately before they rejoin the branch containing the explicit disengagement), as necessary, to ensure that it is known to be disengaged when the branches rejoin.

struct T {
    int m;

void g(T& x);

void f(T~ ref) {  // `ref` is engaged and owns some object.
   g(ref);  // OK; `ref` is an lvalue.

   T~ ref2 = reloc ref;
     // `ref` is disengaged; `ref2` is engaged and owns the object.

   g(ref);   // ill formed; `ref` is disengaged
   ++ref.m;  // ditto
   g(ref2);  // OK

   if (rand() % 2) {
       T~ ref3 = reloc ref2;
         // `ref3` is engaged and `ref2` is disengaged.
       // `ref3`'s lifetime ends here; `ref3.~T()` is called.
     g(ref2);  // error
   } else {
     g(ref2);  // OK
     // `ref2` is implicitly disengaged here; `ref2.~T()` is called.

   g(ref2);  // error

See also Section 6.8 below.

A relocation constructor is a nontemplate constructor of a class T whose first parameter is of type T~ and all of whose remaining parameters (if any) have default arguments. From the previous paragraph, it is apparent that when the constructor’s parameter is initialized, the parameter has unique ownership of the object it refers to, and any other rlvalue referring to the same object will have become disengaged. A relocation constructor, like any other constructor, creates an object. Because the T~ parameter’s lifetime ends at the closing brace of the constructor, the source object’s lifetime will end by the time the relocation constructor returns.

6.2 Defaulted relocation constructors

Certain types will have implicitly declared relocation constructors that are declared and defined in a similar manner to other special member functions but are unconditionally noexcept.

Throwing relocation constructors raise difficult specification problems. When a relocation constructor throws, some of the source object’s subobjects will have been destroyed already, and destroying the remaining subobjects might not be safe because the order of destruction in a relocation constructor is opposite to the usual order of destruction (i.e., in a destructor). Like throwing move constructors, throwing relocation constructors are likely to cause problems for authors of generic code. For these reasons, so we do not propose to allow throwing relocation constructors at this time.

The behavior of an (implicitly or explicitly) defaulted relocation constructor is described in the following list.

6.3 Conversions

An rlvalue of type cv1 T can be implicitly converted to an rlvalue of type cv2 T if cv2 is more cv-qualified than cv1.

An rlvalue of type T can be implicitly converted to T&&. This conversion occurs automatically when the rlvalue expression is the left operand of the . or .* operator.

A prvalue of object type T can be implicitly converted to an rlvalue of type T, which has the effect of materializing a temporary that is owned by the resulting rlvalue. During overload resolution, this conversion is considered better than binding to an rvalue reference or const lvalue reference. For example:

void foo(T~ r);   // 1
void foo(T&& r);  // 2

int main() {

A temporary of type T is materialized and converted to an rlvalue. Then // 1 is called, and r is bound to the resulting rlvalue. When the owning reference r is destroyed at the end of its lifetime, it implicitly destroys the temporary object (unless r was disengaged prior to the end of its lifetime). The binding of the rlvalue to the temporary object extends the storage lifetime for the object in the same manner as the binding of any other reference and suppresses the implicit destruction of the temporary object at the end of the full-expression in which it was created; the rlvalue has ownership and is responsible for destroying the object.

There is no implicit conversion from D~ to B~, where B is a base class of D. Allowing such a conversion would allow the referenced object to be passed to B’s relocation constructor, leaving the complete D object in a partially destroyed state. Since such a conversion is not permitted, the implicit destructor call at the end of the lifetime of an engaged owning reference does not perform dynamic dispatch.

A glvalue of type T can be explicitly converted to T~ by static_cast. This generates an rlvalue referring to the object that the glvalue refers to, which implies that this rlvalue will be responsible for destroying the object, and the caller must ensure that they do not otherwise destroy the object. Such casts should therefore generally be used only with objects that have dynamic storage duration.

An rlvalue of type T decays to simply T when deduced by value. An owning reference behaves like any other reference when named by a simple-capture. As when capturing a variable of object type, the programmer must ensure that the lambda closure object does not outlive the captured entity, lest the reference become dangling. A lambda closure object cannot have an owning reference member, for reasons that are discussed in Section 6.7.

struct T {
    int m;

template <class U>
void g(U u);

void f1(T~ ref) {
    g(reloc ref);
      // Calls `g<T>`, not `g<T~>`;
      // the parameter `u` is relocated from the object that `ref` refers to.
      // `ref` is disengaged and the lifetime of the object `ref` refers to ends.
    g(reloc ref);  // ill formed

auto f2(T~ ref) {
    auto result = [ref] { return ref.m; };
      // The closure type has a member of type `T`, which is *copied* from the
      // object that `ref` refers to.

    g(reloc ref);  // OK; `ref` was not previously disengaged.

    return result;

auto f3(T~ ref) {
    auto result = [&ref] { return ref.m; };
    g(result);  // OK
    g(reloc ref);  // OK; `ref` was not previously disengaged.

    return result;  // UB; the reference is now dangling.

6.4 Relocation of automatic variables

We propose to change the current model of automatic variables to allow them to be relocated using the reloc operator. Automatic variables that are not passed to the reloc operator will continue to be implicitly destroyed upon scope exit, just as they always have been — though that mechanism now becomes defined in terms of owning references.

To accomplish these objectives, we propose that for each automatic variable, x, an implicit owning reference (call it __x~) is considered to be declared immediately after the locus of x’s declaration in the same scope. Immediately after its declaration, __x~ is engaged and owns x. x is no longer inherently implicitly destroyed when it goes out of scope, but since __x~ owns x, it will destroy x upon scope exit, unless some other owning reference takes over ownership of x first or an rlvalue referring to x has been passed to a relocation constructor or otherwise disengaged. __x~ cannot be named directly but is needed to define the reloc operator (see below). An id-expression naming x is ill formed if __x~ is disengaged.

Although one might occasionally want to construct a new object in the storage location designated by x and re-engage __x~ to that object, we do not currently propose to allow x to be named for such purposes, nor do we propose any method by which a disengaged owning reference can be re-engaged, because of the complexity of specifying such a feature and because the safety of doing so isn’t clear. See Appendix A for more discussion.

struct T {
    int m;
int main() {
    T x = {0};
    T y;
    T~ r = reloc x;  // `__x~` is disengaged; `r` owns `x`.
    ++x.m;  // ill formed; `__x~` is disengaged.
    ++r.m;  // OK; `r` is an lvalue.
    // `r` goes out of scope and destroys `x`.
    // `__y~` goes out of scope and destroys `y`.
    // `y` goes out of scope; `~T()` is not implicitly called.
    // `__x~` goes out of scope and does nothing since already disengaged.
    // `x` goes out of scope; `~T()` is not implicitly called.

6.5 The reloc operator

The reloc operator is used to obtain an rlvalue expression that owns a given entity and to disengage the previous owner. For these purposes, it may be applied to the following categories of id-expressions.

We do not propose allowing reloc to be applied to a reference variable that is extending the lifetime of the temporary object it is bound to, because the reference might be to a subobject of the temporary object. See Section 6.3.

Because some ABIs require function parameters of object type to be destroyed on the caller side, applying reloc to the names of such parameters is not permitted in general; if the programmer wishes to relocate from a function parameter, they should ensure that the function parameter is declared with type T~ rather than T. However, as an optional add-on to Part I, we propose adopting an idea from [D2785]: If T is a relocate-only type (i.e., a type that has no eligible copy constructor and no eligible move constructor but does have an eligible relocation constructor), then it is permitted to relocate from a T function parameter (implying that callee-destroy is required for such types, which currently do not exist).

6.6 Reference collapsing and perfect forwarding

Because T~ is a reference type, there shall be no pointers to T~, references to T~, or arrays of T~. Writing out a type such as T~& directly is ill formed. However, owning references participate in reference collapsing.

These reference collapsing rules follow the “principle of lesser privilege” that currently governs the collapsing of lvalue and rvalue references. Owning references give the most privileges (the holder is permitted to destroy the object it refers to, possibly relocating its value to another object), followed by rvalue references (the holder is permitted to take ownership of the held resources, leaving the object in a moved-from state, but is not permitted to destroy the object), and lvalue references.

It follows that in the presence of owning references, forwarding references should be spelled “T~”, where T is a template parameter of a function that has a parameter of type T~. The template argument for T is then deduced as an lvalue reference, rvalue reference, or nonreference when the function argument is, respectively, an lvalue, xvalue, or rlvalue. (Since, as discussed in Section 6.3, a prvalue of type U prefers to be bound to U~ rather than U&&, using such a prvalue as the function argument will also result in T being deduced as U.) A forwarding reference that is spelled T&& can bind to an rlvalue of type U but cannot forward it as an rlvalue; the function parameter type will be U&&, not U~.

The issue of how to actually perform forwarding (which is typically done using an expression of the form std::forward<T>(r), static_cast<T&&>(r), or static_cast<decltype(r)>(r) in current C++) is thorny. When r is an owning reference, reloc must be used so that the disengagement of r that must be performed at the call site is visible to the compiler. However, it is essential to support a single syntax that perfectly forwards r regardless of whether it is an lvalue reference, rvalue reference, or owning reference; any alternative that would force users to implement a compile-time switch to call reloc on forwarding references of owning reference type — and an ordinary static_cast (or call to std::forward) in other cases — is not workable. For this reason, we propose to resurrect the proposal for a unary >> forwarding operator, which was described in [P0644R1] and rejected in Albuquerque (November 2017). When applied to a forwarding reference that is an owning reference, >> would be equivalent to reloc, and when applied to any other entity, >> would be equivalent to a static_cast as originally proposed. A function template that needs to perfectly forward one or more arguments would then take this form:

template <class T, class... Args>
foo<T> make_foo(Args~... args) {
    return foo<T>(>> args...);

As an alternative to the >> forwarding operator, we propose to adopt an idea from [D2785], wherein reloc can also be applied to lvalue references and rvalue references, not only to the entities described in the previous section. Using reloc as the forwarding operator, the above function template could be written:

template <class T, class... Args>
foo<T> make_foo(Args~... args) {
    return foo<T>(reloc args...);

The main disadvantage of reloc as the forwarding operator is that it would use the same keyword for two essentially distinct operators: an operator that disengages its operand to allow the compiler to track who owns a particular object and an operator that simply casts to lvalue reference or rvalue reference to facilitate perfect forwarding. To mitigate this disadvantage, we propose that when reloc is applied to an lvalue or rvalue reference, that operand shall be an owning reference. This restriction would not completely eliminate the inelegance and possible confusion arising from the use of reloc as the forwarding operator. For this reason, we believe that the unary >> operator would provide a better solution for perfect forwarding in the presence of owning references.

A third option is to specify that static_cast<T~>(r) implicitly applies reloc to r when r is a forwarding reference with declared type T~. The above function template could then be written:

template <class T, class... Args>
foo<T> make_foo(Args~... args) {
    return foo<T>(static_cast<Args~>(args)...);

This syntax is much more verbose than the >> and reloc syntaxes, and would likely increase the popularity of FWD macros. We consider this outcome undesirable. We also believe that it is dangerous to allow the static_cast operator, which can accept any expression as an operand, to implicitly disengage its operand only when that operand has a very specific form. We do not propose this syntax for forwarding, but include it only for completeness.

We discuss some alternative specifications for forwarding references in Appendix B.

6.7 Restrictions on owning references

A variable of owning reference type must have automatic storage duration. The purpose of this rule is to make it harder to accidentally create an owning reference that later becomes dangling. The rules we propose make it ill formed to reference an owning reference of automatic storage duration after it has become disengaged; there does not seem to be a similar strategy to prevent such unsafe accesses to owning references of static and dynamic storage duration. In the particular case of dynamic storage duration, there is a considerable risk that an owning reference attempts to destroy an object whose storage has already been released or reused (e.g., a variable of automatic storage duration whose block has already been exited).

Because owning reference variables are required to have automatic storage duration, they are not permitted as nonstatic data members. (The alternative — namely to make classes containing nonstatic data members of owning reference type ineligible to have any storage duration other than automatic storage duration — would create more problems than it solves.)

In addition, ~ is not permitted as a ref-qualifier in a function declarator; no variable could take ownership in such a case (considering that this is a pointer).

Explicit object parameters are permitted to have owning reference type. Note that calling a function with such an explicit object parameter will usually result in the implicit destruction of the object argument:

struct S {
    /* ... */
    void self_destruct(this S~ self);
S s;
(reloc s).self_destruct();

We discuss an application for explicit object parameters of owning reference type in Part III.

Structured binding declarations are not permitted to have owning reference type; they suffer from the same issue as ~ on an implicit object member function: you can’t actually name the entity to which the ref-qualifier applies (known as e in 9.6 [dcl.struct.bind]).

6.8 Further examples of disengagement and control flow

If all flow-of-control paths through a particular branch result in a jump that exits the scope to which an owning reference belongs, the other branches do not implicitly disengage the owning reference. The reason for this exception to the usual implicit disengagement rules is that the branch containing the jump cannot rejoin the other branches, so implicit disengagement is not required in the other branches to prevent a situation in which the owning reference may or may not be disengaged after such rejoining.

struct T {
    void method();

void g(T);

T f(bool b) {
    T t;
    if (b) {
        return reloc t;
    } else {
        t.method();  // OK
    return reloc t;  // OK
    // `__t~` is disengaged and goes out of scope.
    // `t` goes out of scope.

A jump construct is not permitted to jump from a point where an owning reference is disengaged to a point that follows the definition of the owning reference but precedes an id-expression naming the owning reference. An implicit jump from the end of a loop back to its beginning is considered to occur.

int g(int~ r);

int f1(int~ r) {
    while (true) {
        g(reloc r);  // ill formed

int f2(int~ r) {
    while (true) {
        int x = 0;
        g(reloc x);  // OK
        if (rand() % 8 == 0) {
            g(reloc r);
            return;  // OK

When an rlvalue expression is evaluated and is not otherwise disengaged by the end of the containing full-expression, the rlvalue is implicitly disengaged as part of the last step in evaluating the full-expression; the timing of this implicit disengagement is the same as the timing of the implicit destructor call for a hypothetical temporary object that was created at the point at which the rlvalue expression was evaluated. This implicit disengagement can occur, for example, when the rlvalue expression is a discarded-value expression or when it is converted to an xvalue instead of being used to initialize an owning reference variable.

void f(T~ ref) {
    U{}, (reloc ref), V{};
      // `V` object destroyed, then `ref.~T()` called, and then `U` object destroyed.

If an evaluation that disengages an owning reference variable is indeterminately sequenced or unsequenced relative to another evaluation in the same full-expression that names the owning reference variable (where an id-expression naming an automatic variable is considered to name its implicit owning reference for the purpose of this rule), the program is ill formed because we have no guarantee that the latter occurs before the former.

struct S {
    S(int x, int~ r);

void bar(int~ r) {
    S s1(r, reloc r);  // Ill formed; `reloc r` may occur before the copy.
    S s2{r, reloc r};  // OK; `x` is copied from `r`, and then `reloc r` is evaluated.

See Part II for an example in which this rule must be carefully understood.

Because the evaluation of a ternary conditional expression entails control flow, it performs implicit disengagement in the same manner as an if statement:

int bar(int~);

void foo(bool b) {
    int x = 0;
    int y = b ? bar(reloc x) : x;
        // OK; if `b` is false, `__x~` is implicitly disengaged after the third
        // operand is evaluated.
    int z = x;  // Ill formed; `__x~` is disengaged.

6.9 Miscellaneous

Some of this section’s subsections propose new library facilities. The library facilities that will be proposed in a future revision of this paper should Part I move forward are not exhaustively enumerated herein.

6.9.1 Implicit relocation by return statements

The return x; statements that currently implicitly move will behave as if by return reloc x; instead. Note that if no relocation constructor is available, the prvalue of T~ will implicitly convert to an rvalue of T, so the move constructor will be selected. The behavior of returning an object whose type does not have a relocation constructor (or whose type has a defaulted relocation constructor that is defined as deleted) will therefore be unchanged by this rule.

6.9.2 Pseudo-destructor call on owning reference

If x is an id-expression (possibly parenthesized) naming an automatic variable of type T~ belonging to a block scope or function parameter scope associated with the immediately enclosing function definition, the expression x.~T() destroys the referenced object and disengages x. (This effect can also be achieved by evaluating reloc x in a discarded-value expression context, but the pseudo-destructor syntax is more evocative.)

6.9.3 The std::force_relocate function

We propose that a library function, std::force_relocate, shall be provided by <utility>:

template <class T>
constexpr T~ force_relocate(T&& r) {
    return static_cast<T~>(r);

The std::force_relocate function can be used by, e.g., a std::vector-like container when reallocating. Let’s look at an example of how such reallocation can be performed. The reallocation does not suppress any implicit destructor call that would occur for its argument; the caller must remember not to destroy the source object separately.

template <class T>
void my_vector<T>::reallocate(size_type new_capacity) {
    T* new_buf = std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::allocate(alloc_, new_capacity);
    for (size_type i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
        ::new (static_cast<void*>(new_buf + i)) T(std::force_relocate(buf_[i]));
    capacity_ = new_capacity;
    buf_ = new_buf;

(Factory functions such as std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::construct should be updated to accept a pack of the new forwarding reference, Args~.... We have not yet enumerated all Standard Library function templates to which this change should be made. After the Standard Library function templates are updated with this change, the above placement-new expression should be replaced by a call to std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::construct.)

6.9.4 The std::relocate_ptr smart pointer

We propose a smart pointer type that is similar to std::unique_ptr but can be only relocated (not moved). Like std::unique_ptr, the smart pointer type guarantees that the deleter it holds will eventually be called to release the resources owned by the raw pointer it owns. However, while a std::unique_ptr can be accidentally dereferenced after it has been moved from (and become null), a std::relocate_ptr cannot be accessed in any way after it has been relocated from and omits the release and reset functions that can be used to change its value to null. We expect that std::relocate_ptr can be used in place of std::unique_ptr in most situations where std::unique_ptr is currently used, leading to safer code.

6.9.5 The std::disengage function

We propose a library function, std::disengage:

template <class T>
constexpr void disengage(T~) requires is_object_v<T>;

Calling disengage (unsurprisingly) disengages the rlvalue argument and ends the lifetime of the object to which it refers, without calling any destructors or relocation constructors. (Therefore, the effect of calling disengage is different from that of an implicit disengagement that is inserted by the compiler along some branches of control flow; such implicit disengagements always call the destructor.)

#include <utility>

struct T {
    int m;

int main() {
    T x{1};
    T& r = x;
    std::disengage(x);  // OK; `x.~T()` not called.
    int y = x.m;  // Ill formed; `x` is disengaged.
    int z = r.m;  // UB; dangling reference

Not particularly useful in Part I, the effect of std::disengage is purely to end the lifetime of the object to which the rlvalue refers. This effect can be easily misused to subvert RAII but may be useful in user-provided relocation constructors; see Part II.

A user cannot implement std::disengage because it behaves as if it stashes away an owning reference in some place where the latter can live until the program terminates, which is not possible in user code since all owning references have automatic storage duration.

7 Part II: User-provided relocation constructors

If Part I of this proposal is adopted, we expect that the vast majority of relocatable types will be trivially relocatable, and for the vast majority of nontrivially relocatable types, the defaulted relocation constructor (which will move then destroy) will do the right thing, because the necessary nontrivial work will already have been done when writing the move constructor and destructor. However, as relocate-only types become more common, so will class types that cannot be moved because they contain relocate-only subobjects. In some cases, patch-ups will need to be performed after memberwise relocation of these types, and since such types cannot be given a move constructor that performs the patch-ups, users must be able to write their own relocation constructor. In other words, if Part I is adopted without provisions to enable users to provide their own relocation constructors, relocation in C++ will become a victim of its own success. However, we propose Part II separately from Part I because specifying the semantics of user-provided relocation constructors involves additional complexities with less clear-cut solutions.

When users are allowed to write their own relocation constructors, the source object must not be implicitly destroyed, since the relocation operation takes the place of destruction. Therefore, the relocation constructor must ensure that each subobject of the source object is either relocated from or destroyed to avoid leaks. For usability and safety, we must ensure that destruction occurs automatically for each source subobject that is not relocated (i.e., the burden should not be on the user to remember to destroy them). (A relocation constructor thus offers the same guarantee with respect to its source object as a destructor, except it destroys the subobjects in the opposite order.) If the implicit destruction of subobjects that were not relocated does not occur in the ctor-initializer, then the body of the relocation constructor will see a source object that is partially alive. This situation is likely to result in unsafe code. The desire to prevent this situation leads to the conclusion that implicit destruction should occur in the ctor-initializer.

For the compiler to know which source subobjects to implicitly destroy, there must be a mechanism for the compiler to know which destination subobjects will be constructed by relocation from the corresponding source subobjects. The [D2785] approach in this area is for relocation constructors to implicitly relocate each destination subobject from the corresponding source subobject unless the subobject is explicitly named in the ctor-initializer. However, since we have owning references in our proposal, we can support more general constructors that do not have the exact signature T::T(T~), and such constructors can have additional parameters as well. This raises the question of which such constructors should receive this implicit relocation treatment. We explain a use case for such extended relocation constructors below.

We propose the reloc specifier (distinct from the reloc operator that was introduced in Part I) that may be applied only to a parameter of a constructor for type T, where the parameter must have type T~ and at most one parameter may have this specifier. The use of this specifier marks the corresponding parameter to have its subobjects implicitly relocated to the destination subobject unless overridden by the ctor-initializer. The reloc specifier is an implementation detail of the definition of the constructor and is not part of the constructor’s signature. We recommend that it be omitted on nondefining declarations of a constructor.

struct S {
    relocate_ptr<Foo>    d_foo;
    std::mutex           d_mutex;

    // S(S~) = default;
    // Would be defined as deleted because `std::mutex` is neither relocatable nor movable.

    S(reloc S~ src)
    : // `d_foo` is implicitly relocated from `src.d_foo`.
      // Explicit mem-initializer for `d_mutex` overrides implicit relocation.
      // Destructor of `src.d_mutex` is implicitly called here.

The reloc specifier also tells the compiler to implicitly call std::disengage on the owning reference parameter when the ctor-initializer is left (either because it has completed or because it was interrupted by an exception), unless the constructor is a delegating constructor. When the ctor-initializer completes normally, this implicit disengagement is necessary because after the ctor-initializer runs, each subobject of the T object owned by the owning reference parameter will be either relocated or destroyed; for the owning reference to also remain engaged and to be destroyed at the end of the destructor, thus double-destroying the object it would otherwise continue to own, would make no sense. When the ctor-initializer is interrupted by an exception, implicit disengagement is needed to ensure that the subobjects of the source object that have already been relocated from or implicitly destroyed are not destroyed a second time, since the entire source object’s destructor would be called if the owning reference were not disengaged first.

The reloc specifier is not permitted in a delegating constructor because its semantics of performing memberwise relocation and destruction do not make sense for a constructor that does not itself initialize any subobjects.

Note that if the programmer does not mark a parameter reloc and instead attempts to manually relocate from one of its subobjects in the ctor-initializer, the compiler will tell the programmer that the reloc operator can be applied to only an id-expression, not to the class member access or cast expression that they would need to write to reference the subobject they are trying to relocate from. We recommend that implementations try to provide a helpful diagnostic in such cases:

struct S {
    T d_foo;
    S(S~ other) : d_foo(reloc other.d_foo) {
                     // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                     // Possible error message:
                     // "The `reloc` operator may only be applied to the name
                     // of a variable; to relocate from subobjects of `other`,
                     // declare `other` with the `reloc` specifier".
        std::cout << "S(S~)\n";

A possible extension (that we are not currently proposing) is to extend the reloc specifier (possibly spelled differently) to other kinds of parameters (typically for copy and move constructors), with the same meaning of “use this parameter as the default source for initialization of subobjects” (i.e., by copy or move depending on the parameter type). The implicit disengagement would still apply to only owning references.

For the same reasons that we propose that relocation constructors be implicitly noexcept when implicitly declared or when explicitly defaulted on their first declaration (see Part I), we also propose that every constructor having a parameter that is declared reloc be implicitly noexcept and that it be a diagnosable error if such a constructor is declared noexcept(false).

struct S1 {
    T d_foo;
    S1(reloc S1~ other) {}  // `S1::S1(S1~)` is implicitly `noexcept`.

struct S2 {
    T d_foo;
    S2(reloc S2~ other) noexcept(false) {}  // Ill formed.

struct S3 {
    T d_foo;
    S3(S3~ other);  // `S3::S3(S3~)` is not implicitly `noexcept`.
S3::S3(reloc S3~ other) {}  // Ill formed: this definition is implicitly
                            // `noexcept`, and doesn't match the declaration.
                            // We recommend that implementations try to provide
                            // a useful error message here suggesting to add
                            // `noexcept` in the declaration.

struct S4 {
    T d_foo;
    S4(S4~ other) noexcept;
S4::S4(reloc S4~ other) {}  // OK

7.1 Example: Relocate-only small vector

A small vector is a class template that provides inline storage for up to N objects of type T, where N is a template parameter and either employs dynamic memory allocation when the user attempts to store more than N objects or causes the operation to fail (e.g., by throwing an exception or terminating the program).

If Part I of this proposal is accepted, library authors might implement a small_vector template that supports relocate-only types. Such a small_vector would itself be relocate-only. Because a small_vector stores its elements inline, the relocation of a small_vector object invalidates all iterators into that object.

Consider now a struct S that holds both a small_vector<T> (where T is a relocate-only type) and an iterator into that small_vector<T>. S will not be trivially relocatable, since the iterator member must be patched up during relocation, nor will S have a usable defaulted relocation constructor, since it is not movable (see Section 6.2). The author of S must implement a relocation constructor:

struct S {
    small_vector<T>           d_v;
    small_vector<T>::iterator d_it;

    S(const S&) = delete;
    S& operator=(const S&) = delete;

    S(S~ src);

To relocate both d_v and d_it correctly to the destination object, the relocation constructor must compute the value d_it - d_v.begin() (call it idx) for the source object, and then initialize the destination’s d_it member with idx + d_v.begin(). Because d_v will be implicitly relocated by the ctor-initializer, the computation of idx cannot be deferred to the compound-statement of the relocation constructor. It follows that S::S(S~) needs to compute idx and then immediately delegate to another constructor that actually relocates d_v:

struct S {
    // other members previously described...

    S::S(size_t idx, reloc S~ src)
      : d_it(d_v.begin() + idx) {}

    S::S(S~ src) : S{src.d_it - src.d_v.begin(), reloc src} {}

A number of features of the above implementation are noteworthy:

We believe that such subtleties make user-provided relocation constructors an expert-only feature, and even experts are likely to err. The additional features that we propose in Part III will simplify the implementation of S but at the cost of further complexity in the language specification.

8 Part III: Subordinate references and delayed initialization

8.1 Motivation for delayed initialization

The example given in Part II for a class containing a small vector of a relocate-only type can be rewritten much more simply if we introduce a feature that allows the construction of bases and members of the destination object to be deferred until some point in the compound-statement of its constructor. We propose that such deferred construction be performed by a new kind of statement called a delayed-ctor-initializer, consisting of this : and followed by a list of mem-initializers and terminated by a semicolon:

struct S {
    small_vector<T>           d_v;
    small_vector<T>::iterator d_it;

    S(const S&) = delete;
    S& operator=(const S&) = delete;

    S::S(reloc S~ src) {
        const size_t idx = src.d_it - src.d_v.begin();
        this : d_it(d_v.begin() + idx);

When the definition of a constructor contains a delayed-ctor-initializer, it shall not contain a ctor-initializer and shall not implicitly initialize bases and members prior to the constructor’s compound-statement.

Since C++11, no compelling need for delayed-ctor-initializers in the language has arisen because delegating constructors can be employed as an alternative. We believe that the example from Part II, with its various gotchas, demonstrates a case in which delegation is particularly difficult to use correctly and difficult to read when used correctly due to the interaction of delegation with owning references. Thus, we propose delayed-ctor-initializers as part of this paper. Note that we propose to allow delayed-ctor-initializers in all constructors, not just relocation constructors. We believe that judicious use of delayed-ctor-initializers can result in less error-prone implementation of move constructors. (When programmers introduce a bug related to evaluation order in delegating move constructors, they will not receive a compile-time diagnostic as they would for a relocation constructor like the one discussed in Part II, so although delayed-ctor-initializers are important in supporting user-defined relocation constructors, delayed-ctor-initializers could end up being used more widely in move constructors than relocation constructors.)

To define a constructor in which control flow can pass through more than one delayed-ctor-initializer shall be a diagnosable error. To be more specific, suppose a hypothetical owning reference variable named __r were declared at the very beginning of the constructor’s compound-statement, and each delayed-ctor-initializer were replaced by reloc __r;. The constructor is ill formed if the transformed version would be ill formed due to potentially referencing __r when __r is disengaged. Any implicit disengagement of __r and destruction of its referent that would occur due to the rules about owning references will instead result in the implicit execution of a delayed-ctor-initializer of the form this : ;.

A subobject’s lifetime does not begin until the subobject is initialized by the delayed-ctor-initializer. In order to make delayed-ctor-initializers safer to use, we propose that a potentially evaluated id-expression that would be transformed into a member access to a subobject is ill formed if no delayed-ctor-initializer precedes the point at which such member access would occur. To be precise, such an id-expression shall appear only within a delayed-ctor-initializer or at a point where it would be ill formed to name __r. However, certain uses of glvalues referring to yet-to-be-constructed subobjects have well-defined behavior as specified in 6.7.3 [] and 11.9.5 [class.cdtor]. If the programmer needs to form a glvalue referring to a nonstatic data member m prior to a delayed-ctor-initializer in a constructor of class C, they can use the construct this->*(&C::m).

8.2 Subordinate references

The implicit relocation and disengagement semantics provided by the reloc specifier might not always be desired. In some cases, the programmer might wish for more explicit control. Consider, for example, an allocator-extended relocation constructor that does not use the allocator from the source object but instead uses an allocator supplied by the caller. That allocator must then be passed down to the allocator-extended relocation constructors of any subobjects that use allocators:

using allocator_type = ...;

struct S {
    allocator_type d_alloc;

    S(S~ src);
    S(allocator_type alloc, S~ src);

struct T {
    allocator_type d_alloc;
    S              d_s;

    T(T~ src);
    T(allocator_type alloc, T~ src);

Implementing T’s allocator-extended relocation constructor using the tools provided by Part II is not possible because that constructor needs some way to execute a mem-initializer resembling d_s(alloc, reloc src.d_s), but src.d_s isn’t an id-expression, so under the rules in Parts I and II, reloc src.d_s is ill formed. As we explained in Part II, such constructs are not permitted because they make it impossible, in general, for the compiler to know which subobjects of the source object must be prevented from being destroyed a second time.

To allow this allocator-extended relocation constructor to be implemented, we need to specify the meaning of reloc src.d_s. The intuition behind the semantics of such an expression is that reloc acts upon an owning reference with a known declaration, so src.d_s must behave as if it names an owning reference variable, even though src.d_s is not one (nor could it be, since owning references are not permitted as members). Furthermore, if owning references are to exist to the subobjects of src, then at the point where such owning references exist, there must not be an owning reference to the complete object that is still planning on destroying it, lest the subobjects of src be destroyed twice.

We must therefore have an operation that acts upon the owning reference src, such that after this operation has been executed, src still refers to the same object as it did before, and referring to src is still well formed, but src no longer intends to destroy the object to which it refers. Such an owning reference is said to be under destruction. We chose this name because the state of an owning reference that is under destruction parallels the state of an object whose destructor has begun execution (namely, its base and member subobjects remain to be destroyed). The current “placeholder” syntax for this operation is reloc_begin_destruction src. (The identifier reloc_begin_destruction seems unlikely to be have been used in real code but is unappealing; we hope to propose a better syntax eventually.)

The allocator-extended relocation constructor described at the beginning of this section can be implemented easily:

struct T {
    allocator_type d_alloc;
    S              d_s;

    T(T~ src);
    T(allocator_type alloc, T~ src) {
        reloc_begin_destruction src;
        this : d_alloc(alloc),
               d_s(alloc, reloc src.d_s);

        // `src.d_s` goes out of scope and was already disengaged.
        // `src.d_alloc` goes out of scope and is destroyed.

The small vector example from the previous section can be rewritten so that it employs explicit relocation instead of the reloc specifier:

struct S {
    small_vector<T>           d_v;
    small_vector<T>::iterator d_it;

    S(const S&) = delete;
    S& operator=(const S&) = delete;

    S::S(S~ src) {
        const size_t idx = src.d_it - src.d_v.begin();
        reloc_begin_destruction src;
        this : d_v(reloc src.d_v),
               d_it(d_v.begin() + idx);

        // `src.d_it` goes out of scope and is destroyed.
        // `src.d_v` goes out of scope and was already disengaged.

Control flow that potentially calls reloc_begin_destruction twice on the same owning reference is ill formed. Essentially, reloc_begin_destruction r is permitted only if replacing all such evaluations for a given r with reloc r would not result in any such invented reloc r violating the rules on use of owning references after disengagement. Implicit calls to reloc_begin_destruction are inserted as necessary (in a manner similar to implicit disengagements) to ensure that whether an owning reference is under destruction at a particular point is statically known.

reloc_begin_destruction is permitted outside of a constructor but only if every nonstatic data member, direct base class, and virtual base class of the operand would be accessible at the point where reloc_begin_destruction occurs.

reloc_begin_destruction src must not only place src.d_s under destruction, but also must initialize the subordinate owning references src.d_alloc and src.d_s. In general, there is one such subordinate owning reference for each direct nonstatic data member of object type and direct base class and one for each virtual base class if src is not itself a subordinate owning reference (i.e., it refers to a complete object). These subordinate owning references are declared in the same order in which the subobjects would be constructed so that when the subordinate owning references go out of scope, they destroy the corresponding subobjects in the same order in which the destructor of the complete object would destroy them.

At a particular point in the constructor, if src is under destruction, then a member access expression naming a member of src, whose left operand is the id-expression src (possibly parenthesized), is instead considered to name the subordinate owning reference corresponding to the named member. If src has a direct base class of type B, the syntax static_cast<B&>(src) names the subordinate owning reference corresponding to that base class subobject. (The syntax is not static_cast<B~>(src) because the result is an lvalue; this is consistent with the idea that the expression names an owning reference variable and that the name of an owning reference variable is always an lvalue referring to the owned object.)

struct S2 {
    std::string d_s1;
    std::string d_s2;
    std::string d_s3 = "not used for this object yet";

    S2(S2~ src) {
        reloc_begin_destruction src;
            // declares subordinate references to `src.d_s1`, `src.d_s2`, and
            // `src.d_s3`, in that order;
            // `src` is now under destruction

        this : d_s1(reloc src.d_s1)
               // disengages subordinate reference to `src.d_s1`
             , d_s2(reloc src.d_s2)
               // disengages subordinate reference to `src.d_s2`
               // initializes `d_s3` using its default member initializer

        std::cout << src.d_s1.size();
            // Ill formed: src.d_s1 names subordinate reference,
            // which is disengaged.
        std::cout << src.d_s3.size();
            // OK

        // Subordinate reference to `src.d_s3` goes out of scope and
        // destroys `src.d_s3`.

        // Subordinate reference to `src.d_s2` goes out of scope and is
        // already disengaged.

        // Subordinate reference to `src.d_s1` goes out of scope and is
        // already disengaged.

        // `src` goes out of scope, but it is under destruction so it does
        // not call `src.~S()`.

The meaning of src.d_s depends on whether src is under destruction, so performing a member access through src at a point where control flow is ambiguous as to whether reloc_begin_destruction src has been evaluated is ill formed.

When a constructor containing a delayed-ctor-initializer also has a parameter that bears the reloc specifier, the implicit relocation and destruction semantics of the reloc specifier do not go into effect until the delayed-ctor-initializer is executed.

struct S1 {
    T d_foo;
    T d_bar;

    S1(S1~ source) {
        if (rand() % 2) {
            reloc_begin_destruction source;
            this : d_foo(source.d_foo),
            // `source.d_foo` may no longer be referenced;
            // `source.d_bar` may still be referenced.
        // implicitly:
        // else {
        //     reloc_begin_destruction source;
        //     this : ;
        // }

struct S2 {
    T d_foo;
    T d_bar;

    S2(reloc S2~ source) {
        if (rand() % 2) {
            this : d_bar(0);
            // `d_foo` is implicitly initialized by relocation;
            // `source.d_foo` is destroyed by `T`'s relocation constructor
            // while `source.d_bar` is implicitly destroyed;
            // `std::disengage(reloc source)` is called implicitly.
        // implicitly:
        // else {
        //     this : ;
        // }

Evaluating reloc_begin_destruction for an owning reference parameter that is declared with the reloc specifier is ill formed. (The reloc specifier, described in Part II, implicitly performs a function that is very similar to reloc_begin_destruction prior to entering the ctor-initializer. However, note that the implicit destruction semantics afforded by the reloc specifier will destroy subobjects of the source object in the opposite order from the source object’s destructor, while the subordinate references declared by reloc_begin_destruction will go out of scope in the same order as their corresponding subobjects would be destroyed by the source object’s destructor.)

8.3 Exceptions during delayed initialization

In Part II, if an exception interrupts a ctor-initializer that has implicitly relocated one or more members due to the reloc specifier, the source object may be left in a partially destroyed state. Preventing this partially destroyed state from being observed was one of the motivations for forcing all constructors that have a parameter with the reloc specifier to be noexcept, although it can still be observed in a handler of the constructor’s function-try-block, if any.

Subordinate owning references solve this problem. When a delayed-ctor-initializer is interrupted by an exception, constructed subobjects of the object being constructed are destroyed in reverse order of construction, just like in an ordinary ctor-initializer; then, in the absence of intervention by the programmer, any subordinate owning references referring to subobjects of the source object clean up subobjects that have not already been relocated from or otherwise had their lifetimes ended:

struct T;

T getT(T~);  // may throw

struct S {
    T d_t1;
    T d_t2;
    T d_t3;
    T d_t4;

    S::S(S~ src) {
        reloc_begin_destruction src;
          // Implicitly declares:
          //   T~ __r1;  // owns `src.d_t1`
          //   T~ __r2;  // owns `src.d_t2`
          //   T~ __r3;  // owns `src.d_t3`
          //   T~ __r4;  // owns `src.d_t4`
        try {
            this : d_t1(reloc src.d_t1),
                   d_t2(getT(reloc src.d_t2)),
                   d_t3(reloc src.d_t3),
                   d_t4(reloc src.d_t4);
        } catch (...) {
            // All subobjects of `*this` were already destroyed by stack unwinding.
            // `src.d_t1` and `src.d_t2` were already relocated from.

            // `r4` goes out of scope; `src.d_t4` is destroyed.
            // `r3` goes out of scope; `src.d_t3` is destroyed.
            // `r2` and `r1` go out of scope, but are already disengaged.

            // Exception is implicitly rethrown, as in a _function-try-block_.

This destruction order could be problematic if members that are later in declaration order (and are normally destroyed before members that are earlier in declaration order) hold references to members that are earlier in declaration order and have already been destroyed during the execution of the delayed-ctor-initializer. In general, there might not be a way to recover from this situation. However, subordinate owning references give the programmer as much flexibility as possible. Within the catch block, the programmer could for example force src.d_t3 to be destroyed before src.d_t4 (using the statement reloc src.d_t3;), or force src.d_t4 to not be destroyed (using std::disengage(reloc src.d_t4);).

When the reloc specifier is not used to declare a user-provided relocation constructor, the user-provided relocation constructor, like any other user-provided constructor, is implicitly noexcept(false); it may also be explicitly declared noexcept(false). We recommend that implementations issue a warning whenever a constructor for a class C has a parameter of type C~ on which reloc_begin_destruction is called, and that constructor is implicitly noexcept(false). We expect that in the vast majority of cases, such a function will have the signature C::C(C~), and noexcept(false) will not be intended. Should noexcept(false) be desired, the programmer can silence the warning by writing noexcept(false) explicitly.

8.4 Explicit owning reference to self for destructors

Currently, when a destructor’s body completes, the destructor implicitly calls the destructors of direct members, direct base classes, and (only if the destructor is for a complete object) virtual base classes, in reverse order of construction. We propose that the responsibility for these destructor calls be transferred from the destructor itself to a set of subordinate owning references that are implicitly declared at the opening brace of the destructor body. In effect, a destructor as it is currently written has a hidden owning reference to the object it is destroying, and it begins by executing reloc_begin_destruction on that hidden owning reference. An id-expression naming a direct member of the destructor’s class implicitly names the corresponding subordinate owning reference.

struct Base {};
struct Derived {
    T d_member;

    ~Derived() {
        // Implicitly declared:
        //   Derived~ __self~;
        // Implicitly inserted by the compiler:
        //   reloc_begin_destruction __self~;

        reloc d_member;  // Equivalent to `reloc __self~.d_member`.

        // Subordinate owning reference referring to `d_member` goes out of scope.

        // Subordinate owning reference referring to `Base` subobject
        // goes out of scope and calls `~Base()`.

        // `__self~` goes out of scope, but it is under destruction, so it does not
        // attempt to re-destroy the object to which it refers.

        // Under the new rules, `~Derived()` does not automatically call `~T()` and `~Base()`.
        // Subordinate owning references are responsible for destruction.

Subordinate owning references to members, enable, for example, a destructor to return a resource to a pool by relocation, where that resource is owned by a member of the destructor’s class:

struct S {
    relocate_ptr<Resource> d_resource;
    ResourcePool*          d_pool;
    std::string            d_name;

    ~S() {
        d_pool->release(reloc d_resource);
            // `ResourcePool::release` takes ownership of subordinate owning reference.

        // Subordinate owning reference corresponding to `d_name` goes out of scope
        // and destroys `d_name`.

        // Subordinate owning reference corresponding to `d_pool` goes out of scope.

        // Subordinate owning reference corresponding to `d_resource` is already disengaged.

At times, it might be necessary for the destructor of a class S to explicitly refer to the hidden owning reference that owns S. For example, if S has a base class B, how can the destructor refer to the subordinate owning reference that owns the B subobject? We would like to avoid giving special meaning to the expression *this; *this is not an id-expression, so it does not name the object being destroyed, and it would be counterintuitive for static_cast<B&>(*this) to be considered to name the subordinate owning reference. According to this logic, reloc static_cast<B&>(*this) is not valid.

We propose that the syntax ~T(this T~ self) be permitted for declaring a destructor. Note that destructors are currently not permitted to use explicit object parameter syntax; e.g., ~T(this T& self) is not permitted. We propose to permit a destructor to use explicit object parameter syntax solely in the case where the parameter is an owning reference to the class type to which the destructor belongs. In an explicit object parameter destructor, the hidden owning reference __self~ in an implicit object parameter destructor declaration is replaced by the explicit owning reference self. reloc_begin_destruction self is implicitly executed at the beginning of the destructor’s compound-statement, and if m is a direct member of the destructor’s class, either m or self.m can be used to name the subordinate owning reference. The syntax static_cast<Base&>(self) must be used to name the subordinate owning reference corresponding to a direct base class subobject of type Base.

struct ResourceBase {
    relocate_ptr<Resource> d_resource;
    ResourcePool*          d_pool;
struct S : ResourceBase {
    std::string            d_name;

    ~S(this S~ self) {
        // `reloc_begin_destruction self` is executed implicitly.

        reloc_begin_destruction static_cast<ResourceBase&>(self);
          // The subordinate owning reference corresponding to `ResourceBase`
          // is now itself under destruction and itself has two subordinate
          // owning references.

        d_pool->release(reloc d_resource);
            // `ResourcePool::release` takes ownership of subordinate subordinate
            // owning reference referring to `d_resource`.

        // Subordinate subordinate owning reference for `d_pool` goes out of scope.
        // Subordinate subordinate owning reference for `d_resource`
        // is already disengaged and goes out of scope.
        // Subordinate owning reference for `ResourceBase` goes out of scope;
        // it is under destruction and does not attempt to re-destroy the object to which it refers.

        // Subordinate owning reference for `d_name` goes out of scope and destroys `d_name`.

        // `self` goes out of scope; it is under destruction, so it does not
        // attempt to re-destroy the object to which it refers.

Note that a subordinate owning reference does not have any special properties, other than the fact that it can be named using syntax that is derived from the syntax used to name the complete object’s owning reference. It therefore follows that reloc_begin_destruction can operate on a subordinate owning reference and produce subordinate subordinate owning references which themselves have all the properties of owning references. The above implementation could also be simplified to avoid subordinate subordinate owning references, by giving an explicit name to the owning reference that owns the ResourceBase base class:

S::~S(this S~ self) {
    auto~ base = reloc static_cast<ResourceBase&>(self);
      // `base` now owns the `ResourceBase` subobject; the subordinate owning
      // reference is now disengaged.

    std::cout << d_pool << std::endl;
      // Ill formed; the access to `d_pool` is through the subordinate owning
      // reference to the `ResourceBase` class, but that owning reference is
      // already disengaged.

    reloc_begin_destruction base;
    base.d_pool->return(reloc base.d_resource);

All destructors that have an explicit object parameter of owning reference type are considered prospective (just like implicit object parameter destructors) until the end of the class definition. Overload resolution is then performed among all destructors that have an explicit object parameter to select the one that is the most constrained. If both a selected destructor with no parameters and a selected destructor with an explicit owning reference parameter are present, the class definition is ill formed. If the selected destructor has an explicit owning reference parameter, any (explicit or implicit) call to that destructor implicitly applies reloc, as necessary, to initialize the destructor’s parameter.

9 Comparison with other relocation proposals

WG21 members have created many proposals for relocation in C++. We will first discuss the other known proposals for nontrivial relocation and explain why we are proposing the introduction of owning references while the other nontrivial relocation proposals make do without them. Afterward, we will discuss the interaction of our proposal with the two most recent trivial relocation proposals, which are known to be actively pursued by their authors.

9.1 D2785

[D2785] is most similar to our proposal and introduces no additional types but does introduce a new kind of prvalue obtained from relocating a glvalue: a prvalue that already has storage backing it (as opposed to one that will construct an object into the storage determined by the context). In effect, D2785 also proposes a new value category but does not propose a generalized vocabulary for manipulating expressions of this value category. The type T~ in our proposal is a reification of the fourth value category, just as T&& is a reification of the xvalue category that was introduced in C++11.

We believe that the introduction of the rlvalue category — and of owning reference types that may bind to them — results in a conceptually simpler model than the model of D2785.

Owning references also provide practical benefits. Because an owning reference can be perfectly forwarded with only the runtime cost of copying a pointer and the actual relocation only occurs at the end of this process, our approach never requires intermediate relocations when multiple function calls intervene between the scope in which a source object is declared and the scope in which a destination object is constructed by relocation from that source object:

void consume(T t);

void logAndConsume(T~ r) {
    std::cout << "Eating: " << &r << std::endl;
    consume(reloc r);  // calls relocation constructor

void f() {
    T src;
    logAndConsume(reloc src);

Functions with T~ parameters in our approach are expected to be declared with parameters of type T in the D2785 approach:

void consume(T t);

void logAndConsume(T r) {
    std::cout << "Eating: " << &r << std::endl;
    consume(reloc r);  // calls relocation constructor

void f() {
    T src;
    logAndConsume(reloc src);  // may call relocation constructor

In the above snippet, the creation of a new T object named r when calling logAndConsume can be elided if that function is inlined or if that function is given an ABI in which the T parameter is implicitly passed by reference, which is not possible in general. (The implementation decision to use such an ABI would necessarily affect all functions with the same signature as logAndConsume.) Giving users the ability to explicitly declare parameters to have type T~ gives them a way to select which ABI they want and also avoids the issue in the D2785 approach wherein the value of &r depends on whether r has been elided by the implementation.

9.2 N4158

The fundamental relocation operation in [N4158] is a call to a customization point called uninitialized_destructive_move, which takes two pointer arguments called from and to and constructs an object at to having the value held by *from while also ending the lifetime of *from.

A pure library facility such as that proposed by N4158 cannot be used to relocate automatic variables because the call to uninitialized_destructive_move does not suppress the implicit destructor call when the variable goes out of scope. Therefore, the N4158 approach is necessarily pointer-based, while our approach is value-based and enables a natural coding style where objects that are to be relocated can be declared as local variables of object type.

In N4158, a programmer can avoid heap allocation for objects that are to be relocated by constructing them into a stack buffer but must then ensure that if the relocation actually occurs, the object is not thereafter accessed, and that if the relocation does not occur, the object’s destructor is eventually called to release any resources owned by the object. In our approach, by declaring the object as an automatic variable, the necessary guarantees are provided by the compiler. Our approach is therefore safer than N4158 because, by making most such accesses ill formed, it prevents accidental access to objects that might have been relocated from. (However, we are not proposing a borrow checker for C++; an lvalue reference to a local variable that is then relocated from can still be used to attempt to perform an access of that variable, resulting in undefined behavior.)

The N4158 approach encourages the programmer to pass the source object by pointer until the point at which the relocation will actually occur; doing so avoids unnecessary intermediate relocations, but the intent to relocate cannot be perfectly forwarded when the source pointer is passed, since it will appear to a factory function as just a pointer, and the factory function will pass that pointer to a constructor rather than calling uninitialized_destructive_move. In our approach, rlvalues can be perfectly forwarded by functions that have a forwarding reference parameter spelled T~, and no additional machinery is required.

The uninitialized_destructive_move function proposed by N4158 could be implemented as follows under our proposal:

template <class T>
void uninitialized_destructive_move(T* from, T* to) {
    ::new (static_cast<void*>(to)) T(static_cast<T~>(*from));

Note that customization of the functionality of the implementation shown above would be accomplished by customizing the relocation constructor of T, not by declaring an overload. Also note that because our proposal specifies a move-and-destroy fallback behavior for defaulted move constructors, we need not explicitly specify such fallback behavior for the std::uninitialized_destructive_move function template.

9.3 P0023

[P0023R0] uses the syntax new (dest) >>T(*src) to construct a T object at dest having the value held by *src. The actual relocation is performed by a function called a relocator, introduced in the scope of T by a declarator of the form >>T(T& src). Despite looking very different from N4158, P0023 has similar limitations; it cannot be used to safely relocate objects with automatic storage duration, does not prevent use-after-relocation, and does not provide a facility for perfectly forwarding the intent to evaluate new (dest) >>T(*src) instead of new (dest) T(src), where src is an argument of pointer type.

9.4 P1144R7 and P2786R0

[P1144R7] and [P2786R0] are similar proposals.

The definition of the category of implicitly trivially relocatable types differs slightly between P1144R7 and P2786R0. We do not express an opinion on which definition should be chosen; debate in EWG should resolve this question, and the authors of P1144R7 and P2786R0 are well positioned to argue their respective cases. The same is true for the syntax and semantics of explicitly declaring a class type to be trivially relocatable, which also differ between P1144R7 and P2786R0. Our proposal can build upon the trivial relocatability machinery of either P1144R7 or P2786R0. (Clearly, a class with a user-provided relocation constructor — see Part II — will not be trivially relocatable and a diagnostic should be required if the programmer attempts to declare the class to be trivially relocatable.)

Because P1144R7 and P2786R0 both employ pointer-based approaches to performing relocation, they suffer from the same limitations as N4158 and P0023 with respect to automatic variables. Nevertheless, the use of such pointer-based interfaces for relocating objects of dynamic storage duration is compatible with our proposal. For example, if P1144R7 is accepted, our proposal will be to modify the specification of std::relocate_at so that when T is not trivially relocatable but has a usable relocation constructor, that constructor will be called in preference to performing a move-and-destroy operation.

9.5 P1029R3

[P1029R3] proposed a pure core language extension to define a move constructor as performing a bitwise copy from source to destination, followed by resetting the source object by copying into it the bit pattern that would be produced by its default constructor (which is required to be constexpr).

P1029R3 was made deliberately minimal to have the best possible chance of being adopted into C++23, and its author is no longer pursuing it. In particular, P1029R3 offers no form of nontrivial relocation.

Our proposal offers the semantics of a P1029R3-style relocation:

template <class T, int = (T(), 0)>
void P1029R3_relocate(T* from, T* to)
requires std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T> {
    static constexpr T zero;
    std::memcpy(to, from, sizeof(T));
    std::memcpy(from, &zero, sizeof(T));

10 Appendix A: Potentially breaking changes

11 Appendix B: Alternative syntaxes for forwarding references

We considered three possible approaches to perfectly forwarding owning references. We propose the first approach below but are open to polling to determine the best choice.

11.1 T~ syntax

The approach we propose in this paper is that a function parameter whose declared type is T~, where T is the name of a template parameter of the function, is a forwarding reference. The main advantage of this syntax is its consistency with the reference collapsing rules in the same way as the current forwarding reference syntax, T&&. Like T&&, the syntax T~ requires only the addition of a special template argument deduction rule to ensure that T is deduced as a type that will give the appropriate reference type after the collapsing rules are applied to T~.

The T~ syntax has two disadvantages. The first is that all function templates that currently perform perfect forwarding using T&&, including Standard Library function templates, would need to be updated to accept T~; otherwise, they would forward rlvalues as xvalues, not as rlvalues. The second is that when a programmer wants to write a function template that accepts rlvalues, not glvalues, of any type and deduces that type, a constraint must be introduced into the declaration, as we have done in our proposed declaration of std::disengage. This annoyance very rarely arises in the context of T&& forwarding references, because few situations arise where a function template must accept only rvalues but doesn’t care about the types of those rvalues. We anticipate that this annoyance will occur much more frequently if the T~ syntax for forwarding references is adopted.

11.2 T&& syntax

To enable all function templates that currently accept forwarding references to perfectly forward rlvalues without any changes to their signatures, EWG could adopt an approach in which T&& gains the ability to perfectly forward rlvalues. However, all such approaches known to the authors have considerable disadvantages. Furthermore, adopting such an approach will not enable such function templates to automatically begin supporting rlvalue forwarding; while the signatures of such functions would not need to change, the function implementations could not effect rlvalue forwarding using the syntax std::forward<T>(t), since such a function call would never be able to disengage t and transfer ownership to the result of the function call.

11.2.1 Subapproach 1: Changing the reference collapsing rules

One possible approach that would allow the T&& syntax to perfectly forward rlvalues is to specify that T~&& collapses to T~, not T&&. Unfortunately, this violates the principle of lesser privilege discussed in the Summary of Part I. We do not fully understand the practical implications of such a counterintuitive reference collapsing rule. Standardizing this rule might not be catastrophic for the safety of the language, because a variable whose type is spelled T&& and turns out to be an owning reference is unlikely to be destroyed unintentionally; the reloc operator must be used to transfer ownership to another owning reference. However, having T~&& collapse to T~ would interfere with the declarations of the std::get function templates for std::tuple. When std::get<T~> is called on an rvalue of type std::tuple, one of whose element types is T~, the declared return type is U&&, where U is T~. If T~&& is T~, then the result of the call is an rlvalue, which it should not be, since the only way to return an rlvalue would be to leave the tuple in a partially relocated state. This issue with std::get was not immediately obvious to the authors, and other unanticipated issues are likely if this reference collapsing rule is adopted.

11.2.2 Subapproach 2: Changing the reference collapsing rules but only for forwarding references

A variant of subapproach 1 is to retain the natural reference collapsing rules in which T~&& collapses to T&& but add a special exemption solely for forwarding references: When U&& is a forwarding reference and U is T~, the result is T~, while in all other contexts, the result would be T&&. That the meaning of code would depend too much on whether a reference is a forwarding reference is the main disadvantage of this approach.

11.2.3 Subapproach 3: Making reference collapsing ill formed outside forwarding references

A variant of subapproach 2 is to make T~&& collapse to T~ in forwarding reference context and be ill formed in every other context. Such an approach avoids the main disadvantage of the subapproach 1 but suffers from the same issue as subapproach 1 concerning std::get and forces writers of generic code to guard against the creation of the T~&& type.

11.2.4 Subapproach 4: Abominable types

Another subapproach for avoiding counterintuitive reference collapsing outside of forwarding references is to specify that T~&& is neither T~ nor T&& but is adjusted to T~ in a function declaration that uses a forwarding reference. In all other contexts, T~&& would be an abominable type, and attempting to declare a variable or evaluate an expression whose type would be T~&& would be ill formed. This subapproach suffers from the same issue with std::get as subapproaches 1 and 3 but might avoid the disadvantages of subapproach 3 in other contexts. Unfortunately, if WG21 adopts this subapproach and it later turns out to be untenable, removing the abominable types from the language and specify a different behavior will be difficult.

11.3 A completely different syntax

We could invent a new syntax for forwarding references that would perfectly forward rlvalues, such as T&&& or T~~. This approach would avoid all the disadvantages associated with the T&& syntax and the second disadvantage associated with the T~ syntax but suffers from a severe disadvantage of its own: It removes design space for more general improvements to perfect forwarding, such as a syntax that would enable forwarding of overload sets or braced-init-lists.

11.4 Conclusion on forwarding reference syntax

We propose the T~ syntax because, although it is imperfect, its problems are less severe than those introduced by all known alternatives. The problems with the T~ syntax parallel the problems with the existing T&& syntax in current C++, which have proven to be tractable.

12 Appendix C: Alternative names

A possible alternative name for rlvalue is dvalue, the d of which connotes permission to destroy the referent. The name dvalue is analogous to xvalue, whereas using the term rlvalue is more comparable to referring to xvalues as mvalues, i.e., connoting the likely (but not certain) fate of the object rather than the permission granted to the holder of the reference.

13 Appendix D: Relocation of const objects

When a class T has a relocation constructor whose parameter type is T~, that parameter cannot bind to an rlvalue of type const T, such as the rlvalue that would result from calling reloc on a const T variable:

struct T {
    T(T&&) = delete;
    T(T~ src);

int main() {
    T x;
    const T y = reloc x;  // OK
    const T z = reloc y;  // Error: `T~` cannot bind to `reloc y`.

In practice, the inability to relocate from const objects is likely to be viewed as a limitation on the use of const variables, not a limitation on the use of relocation: A programmer should therefore not define a local variable const if they intend to relocate from that variable.

This limitation on the use of const variables will be familiar to C++ programmers because a const variable also cannot be efficiently moved using the move constructor or move assignment operator for its type, as illustrated by the example below:

struct T {
    T(const T&);

void foo(const T&);

T bar() {
    T x;
    return x;

The programmer might wish to declare x const so that the fact that foo does not modify x is visible at the call site. Unfortunately, if x is declared const and the implementation does not elide x entirely, the copy constructor will be called to initialize the return value of bar instead of the move constructor.

We believe that experience with move semantics has proven that being forced to declare some variables non-const for the sake of efficiency is not a serious problem in practice. Nevertheless, we offer an additional proposal that would eliminate this issue and permit const variables to be relocated from.

An object no longer has a value once its destructor begins execution. For this reason, within a const object’s own destructor, the restrictions imposed by const no longer apply; the destructor has non-const access to any subobjects that were not themselves declared const. Because a relocation constructor subsumes the destructor of the source object, we propose to also give relocation constructors non-const access to const source objects.

It would not be appropriate to allow T~ to bind to const T rlvalues in general, because such an operation could then occur outside relocation and subvert the const-correctness of the program. For the same reason, invoking reloc on a const T object should not yield a non-const T rlvalue. Therefore, we propose the following modifications to Parts I, II, and III:

13.1 What about objects that are stored in ROM?

Allowing a relocation constructor to treat a const object as non-const is potentially dangerous if that object is allocated in read-only memory; any attempt to write to such an object is likely to cause a fault. For destructors, this problem is solved by implementations declining to allocate an object in read-only memory unless the object has constant destruction (of which trivial destruction is a common special case).

The fact that a const variable of static storage duration might be allocated in read-only memory does not pose a serious problem, because such an object could only be the source object for a relocation if the programmer employs an unusual construct such as static_cast<T~> or std::force_relocate.

Implementations can also allocate some const automatic variables in read-only memory, but we are not aware of any implementations that will do so when the variable is odr-used, and think it is unlikely that any such implementations exist. Therefore, there is no risk of a relocation constructor attempting to write to an object that is stored in read-only memory.

13.2 Alternative: T~ function parameters can bind to const rlvalues

An alternative approach for relocating const variables is to permit function parameters of type T~ to bind to rlvalues of type const T, even though such a reference binding is not permitted in any other context. This approach has the advantage that it is simple to specify, and does not require relocation constructors to be counterintuitively declared to accept const T~ parameters that they will potentially use to modify the referents. We also believe that this approach avoids most of the disadvantages associated with subverting const-correctness in general: once the calling function uses reloc to cede ownership of a const T variable to the called function, the calling function can typically no longer access the variable, and therefore, cannot observe modifications that are made through the T~ parameter.

However, this alternative approach seems subtly dangerous in that it permits an unbounded set of functions to modify const objects. In current C++, a const T object can only be modified by constructors of T and the destructor of T. We propose to bestow this special ability upon additional member functions of T while they are in the process of destroying the const T object. The alternative approach would allow arbitrary functions to modify const T objects whose lifetimes have not yet ended, which could violate assumptions that must hold in order for a program to be correct. For this reason, we mention this alternative approach as an option but do not propose it.

14 References

[D2785] Sébastien Bini, Ed Catmur. 2023-01-30. Relocating prvalues.
[N4158] Pablo Halpern. 2014-10-12. Destructive Move (Rev 1).
[P0023R0] Denis Bider. 2016-04-08. Relocator: Efficiently moving objects.
[P0644R1] Barry Revzin. 2017-10-08. Forward without forward.
[P1029R1] Niall Douglas. 2018-08-07. [[move_relocates]].
[P1029R3] Niall Douglas. 2020-01-12. move = bitcopies.
[P1144R6] Arthur O’Dwyer. 2022-06-10. Object relocation in terms of move plus destroy.
[P1144R7] Arthur O’Dwyer. 2023-03-10. std::is_trivially_relocatable.
[P2786R0] Mungo Gill, Alisdair Meredith. 2023-02-11. Trivial relocatability options.