Doc No: WG21 Nxxxx Date: 2014-01-20 Reply to: Geoff Pike ( HASHING AND FINGERPRINTING I am largely in agreement with N3333 by Jeffrey Yasskin and Chandler Carruth. Some extensions make N3333 even better. For example, one may desire different types of hash codes in different situations. The commonest hash codes are those used for hash tables such as unordered_set. As discussed in N3333, these should rely on a random key generated early in the lifetime of each process. Programmers should not rely on these hash codes being stable from run to run or from platform to platform, and varying the key will help them understand. Other types of hash functions, that may or may not rely on keys, should be stable and based on fully-specified algorithms. We mention some below, and will happily provide algorithms and reference implementations if that would be helpful. Given that multiple hash functions may traverse objects of some class, let's separate the code responsible for "traversing" the right parts of objects from the code that computes hashes. Code to hash a struct should read almost like a serializer of the parts relevant for hashing. It gets interesting when work is required to select the right (functions of) the various fields. Proposal: allow two styles, one for "easy" cases, one more generic. // Example 1. Easy case. namespace my_namespace { struct OtherType { ... }; struct MyType { OtherType field1; int field2; char field3[500]; float field4; // Does not contribute to equality. }; auto hash_values(const MyType& val) { return std::tie(val.field1, val.field2, val.field3); } } // Example 2: Easy case with optional. namespace my_namespace { struct OtherType { ... }; struct MyType { bool field0; OtherType field1; int field2; // Contributes to equality iff field0 is true. char field3[500]; float field4; // Does not contribute to equality. }; auto hash_values(const MyType& val) { typedef std::optional Opt; return std::tie(val.field1, val.field3, val.field0 ? Opt(val.field2) : Opt()); } } // Example 3: Generic case, for those rare situations that aren't well-served // by "hash_values." Rather than the "declarative feel" of the easy case, here // a hash function is a parameter and we explicitly pass data to it. namespace my_namespace { struct U { ... }; template void polymorphic_hash(const U& u, H& h) { // hash_range() and hash_as_bytes() are defined in N3333. h.hash_range(u.x.begin(), u.x.end()); h.hash_as_bytes(u.y); } } (Or, omit the "easy" method, and require the more verbose version.) To make this scheme work with basic types we would add things like: template void polymorphic_hash(const std::string& s, H& h) { h.hash_range(, + s.size()); } auto hash_values(char val) { return std::make_tuple(val); } auto hash_values(bool val) { return std::make_tuple(val); } auto hash_values(long val) { return std::make_tuple(val); } etc. DETAILS To get a hash code, we need a hasher object. The standard will specify some, and implementations/libraries/etc. can add more. In the standard I would like to have at least the following: . A basic hasher intended for hash tables and used by std::hash . fingerprint64 . fingerprint128 . near_universal60 . near_universal120 Potential additions: . A faster-but-less-thorough version of the basic hasher? . secure256? The requirements on the hasher object: . Must provide hashcode type. . Must provide hash(), hash_range(), hash_as_bytes(). . Must provide get(). The return type of get() is hasher::hashcode. OPEN QUESTIONS . Are different ways of feeding the same data to a hash function guaranteed to yield the same hash code? I'm against. E.g., I think these typically will have different hash codes: hash(3, 7) hash(make_pair(3, 7)) hash(make_optional(make_pair(3, 7))) . Should some hash functions be specified in the standard just as some pseudo-random number generators are? I'm in favor. A portable, unchanging fingerprinting function would be useful, for example. . Should we incorporate a secure hash such as SHA-3? APPENDIX: More about objects that can hash arbitrary data Sample hasher (intended for hash tables): // Intended for hash tables. May be different on different platforms. // Makes no guarantees about whether hash(1, 2) has the same effect // as hash(1) followed by hash(2) or hash(make_pair(1, 2)) or similar. // Please note this is pseudocode! class hasher { public: typedef size_t hashcode; hasher() : keys(default_keys_for_process()) { init(); } explicit hasher(const size_t* k) : keys(k) { init(); } hashcode get() const { return rehash(internal_state.begin(), internal_state.end()); } // hash() // N-arg case boils down to N calls to the 1-arg case. // 1-arg case has several options: // If the arg is a hashcode then mix it lightly into internal_state; or, // use the arg's polymorphic_hash function, if it exists; or, // use the arg's hash_values function, if it exists; or, // invoke hash_as_bytes() if that is legal. // It's a compile-time error if none of those cases applies. template void hash(const T& t) { constexpr bool p = has_polymorphic_hash(t); // use SFINAE constexpr bool v = has_hash_values(t); // use SFINAE static_assert(!p || !v); // shouldn't have both constexpr can_use_hash_as_bytes = is_trivially_copyable::value && is_standard_layout::value && is_contiguous_layout::value; static_assert(p || v || can_use_hash_as_bytes); if (p || v) { hash_one_value(t); } else { hash_as_bytes(t); } } template <> void hash(hashcode h) { internal_state[h & 1] *= 9; internal_state[0] += h; } template void hash(const T& arg0, U... args) { hash(arg0); hash(args...); } template void hash_range(Iterator start, Iterator end) { internal_state[1] ^= internal_state[1] >> 23; while (start != end) { hash(*start++); } } template void hash_as_bytes(const T& t) { unsigned char* addr = reinterpret_cast(&t); internal_state[1] += HashStringThoroughly(addr, addr + sizeof(t)); internal_state[1] += internal_state[0]; internal_state[0] += internal_state[1]; } private: void init() { internal_state[0] = keys[3]; internal_state[1] = keys[6]; } template void hash_one_value(const T& t); template void hash_one_value(const T& t) { internal_state[1] += internal_state[0]; internal_state[0] += internal_state[1]; polymorphic_hash(t, *this); internal_state[0] += keys[internal_state[1] & 7]; } template void hash_one_value(const T& t) { internal_state[0] ^= internal_state[0] >> 21; internal_state[1] += base_case_hash(hash_values(t)); internal_state[0] *= 9; } // base_case_hash() // Input: tuple of arbitrary types; may also use keys, but not internal_state // Output: a hash template size_t base_case_hash(T t); // hash_all(t) is a helper that fills an array of N hashes, each with type size_t, // one for each of the first N elements in the tuple t. template void hash_all(std::tuple t, Array& a) { a[N-1] = base_case_hash(std::get(t)); hash_all(t, a); } template void hash_all<0, T..., Array>(std::tuple t, Array& a) {} template size_t base_case_hash(std::tuple t) { constexpr size_t N = std::tuple_size::value; std::array hashes; hash_all(t, hashes); return rehash(hashes.begin(), hashes.end()) * (keys[N & 7] | 1); } template size_t rehash(Iter start, Iter end) { const size_t m = keys[5] | 1; size_t h = end - start - keys[2]; while (start != end) { h = Rotate(h, 21) * m + *start++; } return h; } std::array internal_state; const size_t* const keys; }; Sample hasher (fingerprint64): Same idea, but with the hashcode struct storing 64 bits. Also, must be documented as computing the same mathematical function on all platforms, and unchanging. "keys" would default to some forever-fixed array of numbers, or not be present at all. Sample hasher (fingerprint128): A 128-bit fingerprint. Sample hasher (near_universal60): Documented to return a 64-bit hash code, have good avalanching, and obey the following: For two objects m != m', Pr(h(m) == h(m')) < about 2^-60, where the probability is taken over all possible values for keys. Useful for message authentication. Sample hasher (near_universal120): etc. Sample hasher (secure256): etc.